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Mexico's "second amendment" contributes to it's high crime rate (1 Viewer)


May 18, 2015
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The Big Apple
Political Leaning
Mexico, like the US, has the "right to bear arms" in it's constitution.

Like the US, it has a higher than average gun ownership rate. Mexico's is 14 per 100, which means that for every five people, there is a privately owned gun.

And like the US, it has extremely high gun crime rates.


One thing is clear from these facts. A nation which puts "the right to bear arms" in it's constitution will be a nation with extremely high murder rates
At least the OP has consistency on his side...
Mexico, like the US, has the "right to bear arms" in it's constitution.

Like the US, it has a higher than average gun ownership rate. Mexico's is 14 per 100, which means that for every five people, there is a privately owned gun.

And like the US, it has extremely high gun crime rates.


One thing is clear from these facts. A nation which puts "the right to bear arms" in it's constitution will be a nation with extremely high murder rates

stop lying. few can own guns legally in Mexico. The onerous restrictions are well known. I was a member of a US shooting team. Even traveling to Mexico to shoot at the Benito Juarez games under the Auspices of the ISSF is an onerous proposition. you are lying about the statistics as well. "higher than average" compared to what? and that includes mainly ILLEGAL guns.

and yes, Mexico is constantly cited as one of the major failures of gun control preventing violent gun crime
At least the OP has consistency on his side...
The more I read his outrageous nonsense-from his claim of being a libertarian to the idiotic garbage that appears to come from the most brain dead of the anti gun disinformation sites, the more I am convinced he is POE
The more I read his outrageous nonsense-from his claim of being a libertarian to the idiotic garbage that appears to come from the most brain dead of the anti gun disinformation sites, the more I am convinced he is POE

I think he's your sock and your just having fun with us. :2razz:
I think he's your sock and your just having fun with us. :2razz:

the claim that the Mexicans have a second amendment is akin to claiming North Korea has open and free elections. BTW I am sure their constitution says that
Mexico, like the US, has the "right to bear arms" in it's constitution.

Like the US, it has a higher than average gun ownership rate. Mexico's is 14 per 100, which means that for every five people, there is a privately owned gun.
And like the US, it has extremely high gun crime rates.


One thing is clear from these facts. A nation which puts "the right to bear arms" in it's constitution will be a nation with extremely high murder rates

One out of five? No wonder the gun rime rate is so high. The US has about a 1 to 1 person to gun ratio and our murder rates are much lower. Clear evidence that Mexico needs to pump up that ratio quite a bit if they want their crime rate to go down.
the claim that the Mexicans have a second amendment is akin to claiming North Korea has open and free elections. BTW I am sure their constitution says that

Well, they have article 10:

Citizens of the Republic may, for their protection, own guns and arms in their homes. Only arms sanctioned by the Army may be owned, and federal law will state the manner in which they can be used (Firearms are prohibited from importation into the Republic without proper licensing and documentation. Foreigners may not pass the border with unlicensed firearms; the commission of such act is a felony, punishable by prison term.

Constitution of Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gun politics in Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
LN was thus fibbing, there is no constitutional provision equivalent to the 2A in Mexico

But I knew that.

Yep, the next fact he gets right will be the first one.
OP says The Mexican Constitution has a right to own guns.

TD disagrees because he 'knows'.

Mexican Constitution is produced. Shows article guaranteeing right to own guns.

TD claims he was right because it 'isn't a 2nd Amendment right'.

Sycophants pile on.

Wow. This section is truly a joke.
Mexico, like the US, has the "right to bear arms" in it's constitution.

Like the US, it has a higher than average gun ownership rate. Mexico's is 14 per 100, which means that for every five people, there is a privately owned gun.

And like the US, it has extremely high gun crime rates.


One thing is clear from these facts. A nation which puts "the right to bear arms" in it's constitution will be a nation with extremely high murder rates

I see you aren't working your beat tonight, officer.
OP says The Mexican Constitution has a right to own guns.

TD disagrees because he 'knows'.

Mexican Constitution is produced. Shows article guaranteeing right to own guns.

TD claims he was right because it 'isn't a 2nd Amendment right'.

Sycophants pile on.

Wow. This section is truly a joke.

quote the guarantee

Only arms sanctioned by the Army may be owned, and federal law will state the manner in which they can be used

people unlearned in the law might think that is a guarantee

it is not. if the army does not sanction arms than you cannot own them

but then again, in your haste to try to show me up, you stepped on your own tongue. That is not a guarantee
I wonder if anyone is going to defend the OP's idiotic claim that Mexico has a constitutional right to keep and bear arms that even remotely resembles ours? For the OP to have any merit (it doesn't) the two "constitutional" provisions would have to be similar

IN reality, you cannot carry a weapon in Mexico unless you are a government agent or well connected. you are limited to handguns of 380 caliber or less. You cannot have a weapon at your place of business,. you cannot own more than one handgun. the laws are very strict

Mexico is a poster child of what happens when good people cannot carry weapons or own them freely and a corrupt government allows criminals to be well armed
Mexico, like the US, has the "right to bear arms" in it's constitution.

Like the US, it has a higher than average gun ownership rate. Mexico's is 14 per 100, which means that for every five people, there is a privately owned gun.

And like the US, it has extremely high gun crime rates.


One thing is clear from these facts. A nation which puts "the right to bear arms" in it's constitution will be a nation with extremely high murder rates

No. That is what one might call "jumping to conclusions". You need to do much more research for your conclusion and probably will find, what I found, which was no significant correlation.
quote the guarantee

Only arms sanctioned by the Army may be owned, and federal law will state the manner in which they can be used

people unlearned in the law might think that is a guarantee

it is not. if the army does not sanction arms than you cannot own them

but then again, in your haste to try to show me up, you stepped on your own tongue. That is not a guarantee

Yes. They just put the first sentence about being allowed to have arms in there to fake everyone else out.
Yes. They just put the first sentence about being allowed to have arms in there to fake everyone else out.

you are wrong-as usual. You appear to want to attack gun owners rather than actually understand the thread. The OP was trying to claim Mexico's crime rate is high because it has a constitutional provision akin to ours. It does not. the "right" to keep arms in Mexico is limited to whatever the army says you can own. That is not a guarantee. that is a privilege no matter what the Mexicans claim it is and what anti gun types want to pretend. Secondly, you cannot take the weapon out of your home except in very limited circumstances. You are De Facto limited to one handgun and it cannot be above a 380 caliber in a semi auto which is a MARGINAL defensive round. revolvers are limited to the equally marginal 38 special.

so tell us , why is the Mexican "guarantee" similar to the USA so as to make LD's silly comparison valid

and if you are limited to what the army says you can have, what is the constitutional provision that actually guarantees a right if the army says NO
the claim that the Mexicans have a second amendment is akin to claiming North Korea has open and free elections. BTW I am sure their constitution says that
To be fair, NK does have open and free elections in a way. They openly state that you are free to vote for who they tell you to, or otherwise suffer penalty of death. Seriously though, anything more than a .22 is a felony in Mexico and even then I think a license is required, constitutionally protected right in Mexico my ass.
you are wrong-as usual. You appear to want to attack gun owners rather than actually understand the thread. The OP was trying to claim Mexico's crime rate is high because it has a constitutional provision akin to ours. It does not. the "right" to keep arms in Mexico is limited to whatever the army says you can own. That is not a guarantee. that is a privilege no matter what the Mexicans claim it is and what anti gun types want to pretend. Secondly, you cannot take the weapon out of your home except in very limited circumstances. You are De Facto limited to one handgun and it cannot be above a 380 caliber in a semi auto which is a MARGINAL defensive round. revolvers are limited to the equally marginal 38 special.

so tell us , why is the Mexican "guarantee" similar to the USA so as to make LD's silly comparison valid

and if you are limited to what the army says you can have, what is the constitutional provision that actually guarantees a right if the army says NO

And the U.S. Is limited to what the ATF and SCOTUS allows. You can't get an automatic weapon or sawed off shotgun as easily as a small caliber handgun.

The OPs primary argument stands, at least in the eyes of sane people.
And the U.S. Is limited to what the ATF and SCOTUS allows. You can't get an automatic weapon or sawed off shotgun as easily as a small caliber handgun.

The OPs primary argument stands, at least in the eyes of sane people.
Just be quiet, you have no clue. The ATF is not part of the second amendment and neither is SCOTUS, there is no "unless otherwise contested" provision in the second amendment and if you doubt me then read it again. The ATF is less than a century old, whereas the second amendment is over two centuries old, doubt me? Don't care, do the research and then the math. SCOTUS gave itself legal purview BTW, Marbury v. Madison, they have about as much constitutional authority as granted as the Chicago Blackhawks, and about the same track record of success as the Chicago Cubs.
And the U.S. Is limited to what the ATF and SCOTUS allows. You can't get an automatic weapon or sawed off shotgun as easily as a small caliber handgun.

The OPs primary argument stands, at least in the eyes of sane people.

Thank you for being the voice of reason. It is clear, from the solid, undeniable, beyond a reasonable doubt proof I have provided that when a population has a "right to bear arms," and weak gun laws like Mexico has, then there will be very high gun crime
And the U.S. Is limited to what the ATF and SCOTUS allows. You can't get an automatic weapon or sawed off shotgun as easily as a small caliber handgun.

The OPs primary argument stands, at least in the eyes of sane people.

Please feel free to like my post, if you agree with it.
And the U.S. Is limited to what the ATF and SCOTUS allows. You can't get an automatic weapon or sawed off shotgun as easily as a small caliber handgun.

The OPs primary argument stands, at least in the eyes of sane people.

you should have quit when you were only slightly getting thrashed. your silly attempt to suggest Mexico's "constitutional" provision is similar to ours is idiotic
Thank you for being the voice of reason. It is clear, from the solid, undeniable, beyond a reasonable doubt proof I have provided that when a population has a "right to bear arms," and weak gun laws like Mexico has, then there will be very high gun crime

Just be quiet, you have no clue. The ATF is not part of the second amendment and neither is SCOTUS, there is no "unless otherwise contested" provision in the second amendment and if you doubt me then read it again. The ATF is less than a century old, whereas the second amendment is over two centuries old, doubt me? Don't care, do the research and then the math. SCOTUS gave itself legal purview BTW, Marbury v. Madison, they have about as much constitutional authority as granted as the Chicago Blackhawks, and about the same track record of success as the Chicago Cubs.

He is the only poster to support the idiocy contained in just about everything LN has posted since joining DP. That ought to tell you something. Mexico is one of the best arguments to use against the anti gun nut cases. you get a mandatory prison term in mexico if you drive across the border and they find ONE 22 round in your vehicle.

at least half the politicians and police in mexico ought to be shot for corruption yet they will jail americans who go into that cesspool who forgot they had a dollar worth of ammo in their car

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