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Let's remember the 200th anniversary of when Canada kicked our butts (1 Viewer)


May 18, 2015
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The Big Apple
Political Leaning
We started the War of 1812 hoping to conquer Canada. Within days of our invasion, they sent us packing. They then managed to counterattack and push down to Washington DC, and burn it to the ground. And then they continued southwards. Only a desperate last stand by Andrew Jackson at New Orleans prevented Canada from overrunning the entire United States.

Let's remember the 200th anniversary of the Canadian victory in the War of 1812, and take a moment to laugh at all the Muricans' who think we won, or even drew that war.
We started the War of 1812 hoping to conquer Canada. Within days of our invasion, they sent us packing. They then managed to counterattack and push down to Washington DC, and burn it to the ground. And then they continued southwards. Only a desperate last stand by Andrew Jackson at New Orleans prevented Canada from overrunning the entire United States.

Let's remember the 200th anniversary of the Canadian victory in the War of 1812, and take a moment to laugh at all the Muricans' who think we won, or even drew that war.

It would have been so much more orderly had there been only one nation North of Mexico.
We started the War of 1812 hoping to conquer Canada. Within days of our invasion, they sent us packing. They then managed to counterattack and push down to Washington DC, and burn it to the ground. And then they continued southwards. Only a desperate last stand by Andrew Jackson at New Orleans prevented Canada from overrunning the entire United States.

Let's remember the 200th anniversary of the Canadian victory in the War of 1812, and take a moment to laugh at all the Muricans' who think we won, or even drew that war.
Would that not have been, errhhh..........ummmm..........Britain?
Would that not have been, errhhh..........ummmm..........Britain?

was not even a victory,at the end of the war,it became a stalemate.

american involvement in wanting canada was a minor thought.the war was initiated due to british agression against american trade vessels after the civil war.the british viewed it as an extension of the napoleanic wars.war broke out,and canada was allied with britain(well they had to be being a territory of)as well as many native american tribes.

so it was a 3 on 1 war,in which i do not hear many brits or canadians bragging about,since the war ended in a stalemate,as 3 forces combned could not defeat a at the time tiny nation that was devastated from loss from their own revolutionary war shortly before.
was not even a victory,at the end of the war,it became a stalemate.

american involvement in wanting canada was a minor thought.the war was initiated due to british agression against american trade vessels after the civil war.the british viewed it as an extension of the napoleanic wars.war broke out,and canada was allied with britain(well they had to be being a territory of)as well as many native american tribes.

so it was a 3 on 1 war,in which i do not hear many brits or canadians bragging about,since the war ended in a stalemate,as 3 forces combned could not defeat a at the time tiny nation that was devastated from loss from their own revolutionary war shortly before.
That sounds more like it.
was not even a victory,at the end of the war,it became a stalemate.

How dare you inject reality and actual history into an Anti-American rant!

The reasons for invading Canada were military, not expansion. And it should be very-very obvious if somebody actually thinks about it. That was simply where the British soldiers in North America were located. How else would we fight them, wait for them to come south and invade the US? Load up into boats and sail across the Atlantic to fight them in England?

Of course, one good thing about the War of 1812 for Canada, it gave them a heroine in the form of Laura Secord.
How dare you inject reality and actual history into an Anti-American rant!

The reasons for invading Canada were military, not expansion. And it should be very-very obvious if somebody actually thinks about it. That was simply where the British soldiers in North America were located. How else would we fight them, wait for them to come south and invade the US? Load up into boats and sail across the Atlantic to fight them in England?

Of course, one good thing about the War of 1812 for Canada, it gave them a heroine in the form of Laura Secord.

Mmmmmm Chocolate

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