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I wouldn't have voted for you as you are Indian, US author (Ann Coulter) tells Vivek Ramaswamy (1 Viewer)


Rule of Two
DP Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
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Millionaire entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who generated a lot of interest with his anti-Woke presidential campaign, was in for a racial shock delivered by none other than American commentator and author Ann Coulter, whom he had invited to his podcast. She said she agreed with many things that Vivek Ramaswamy said but she wouldn't have still voted for him because he was "Indian".

That was hilarious to watch.

I hope Tim Scott, Nikki, and minorities in the GOP watch this, cause it is an admission of what many have been saying for decades. The GOP, and its academia are the party of the WASP. They have been since the days of William F. Buckley. They arent voting any non-WASPs within 3 spots of the WH.

Then again, these GOP minorities are distractions so people wont notice the king makers in the party paling around with white nationalists at CPAC. So who knows? They may be in on it and happy to sit at the back of the GOP bus for scraps.
ALSO why Trump will only pick white bread for VP.
if Coulter had said she wouldn't nominate a white person or woman to the Supreme Court ... would that have been ok ?
if Coulter had said she wouldn't nominate a white person or woman to the Supreme Court ... would that have been ok ?
Well, Ann would naturally hope a wise Latina would have a better conclusion. No racism there.
GOP: You can be right, as long as you are not white.

I don't care that Vivek is Indian. I do care that he's a smarmy POS who gives off a used car salesman vibe and will say whatever he thinks the listener wants to hear.

Coulter needs to walk back the nativism, which is antithetical to being a good American. Vivek may be a POS, but he's American, as much as I am.

That was hilarious to watch.

I hope Tim Scott, Nikki, and minorities in the GOP watch this, cause it is an admission of what many have been saying for decades. The GOP, and its academia are the party of the WASP. They have been since the days of William F. Buckley. They arent voting any non-WASPs within 3 spots of the WH.

Then again, these GOP minorities are distractions so people wont notice the king makers in the party paling around with white nationalists at CPAC. So who knows? They may be in on it and happy to sit at the back of the GOP bus for scraps.
I wouldn't have voted for him because he's a wingnut dochebag.

I don't care that Vivek is Indian. I do care that he's a smarmy POS who gives off a used car salesman vibe and will say whatever he thinks the listener wants to hear.

Coulter needs to walk back the nativism, which is antithetical to being a good American. Vivek may be a POS, but he's American, as much as I am.
Say those things in a forum with GOP members, let's see how well it goes for you.
Ms. C. is a very rude person to say that.

No matter how much one dislikes or fears any race or nationality or gender or religion or sexuality, one should never use such offensive language.

Ms. C. has been around for a (very) long time, so probably younger people have no idea who she is and could not care less.
I do care that he's a smarmy POS who gives off a used car salesman vibe and will say whatever he thinks the listener wants to hear.
You're talking about Trump, aren't you? 🤣
I hope that they marry each other and move to a desert island.
Is there a video to this ?

That was hilarious to watch.

I hope Tim Scott, Nikki, and minorities in the GOP watch this, cause it is an admission of what many have been saying for decades. The GOP, and its academia are the party of the WASP. They have been since the days of William F. Buckley. They arent voting any non-WASPs within 3 spots of the WH.

Then again, these GOP minorities are distractions so people wont notice the king makers in the party paling around with white nationalists at CPAC. So who knows? They may be in on it and happy to sit at the back of the GOP bus for scraps.

Yeah, and he probably wouldn't vote for her because she's a woman.

I like it when horrible people devour each other.
Ok I’m gonna listen to the podcast as a public service
I’m two minutes in Vivek is waffling

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