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Democratic Candidates 2012 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2005
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San Diego, CA
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Why just because a Democrat happens to be President do Democrats not get to vote on who their candidate is? What if I don't want Obama to be my 2012 candidate?

I would imagine many Republicans are running into this issue for Romney. Do you vote Romney now and only have Romney as your choice in 2016 or endure 4 more years of Obama with the hopes of a better group by candidates in 2016?
Presidents aren't always guaranteed renomination by their party. Millard Fillmore failed to be renominated in1856, and Ronald Reagan gave President Ford a run for his money during the 1976 primary. The reason why Presidents are consistently renominated is that they are the one's shaping their party's platform, and the President generally has the support of his party. Obama would easily win the primary, because most Democratic voters are familiar with him and plan to vote for him again. Obama won over Democrats in 2008, and its unlikely for the mood of the party to change that radically in four years, if they are the ones in power. Finally, most bigwigs in the party would never allow for that kind of split, because it would seriously threaten the chances of a Democrat getting elected. There's no point in splitting resources when there is not need to rock the boat.
its cheaper to run a incumbent,since they have already been in the spotlight for4 years,they have a better chance of election than a new guy.
its cheaper to run a incumbent,since they have already been in the spotlight for4 years,they have a better chance of election than a new guy.

How would it look to have a candidate or two challenge a sitting president in a primary...have them attack his record, then he wins the primary. Think about the damage it would do to that parties chances of winning the election....think of the ammo it gives the other side to attack him...
Yeah, the majority of the democrats are familiar with the candidate, even if he isn't the strongest he represents stability. Cheaper to do so and to add more candidates would equal a split of the party in some variant.
I don't know why candidates don't run against the incumbent but when it comes to Hussein Obama I believe Hillary would wipe the floor with Hussein Obama.....
Presidents aren't always guaranteed renomination by their party. Millard Fillmore failed to be renominated in1856, and Ronald Reagan gave President Ford a run for his money during the 1976 primary. The reason why Presidents are consistently renominated is that they are the one's shaping their party's platform, and the President generally has the support of his party. Obama would easily win the primary, because most Democratic voters are familiar with him and plan to vote for him again. Obama won over Democrats in 2008, and its unlikely for the mood of the party to change that radically in four years, if they are the ones in power. Finally, most bigwigs in the party would never allow for that kind of split, because it would seriously threaten the chances of a Democrat getting elected. There's no point in splitting resources when there is not need to rock the boat.

I believe Ted Kennedy ran against Carter in 1980 also, but it is unusual to have a primary when your guy is running for re-election.
I don't know why candidates don't run against the incumbent but when it comes to Hussein Obama I believe Hillary would wipe the floor with Hussein Obama.....

I believe you're implying a negative connotation by saying "Hussein" Obama, as that's his middle name, correct?
I don't know why candidates don't run against the incumbent but when it comes to Hussein Obama I believe Hillary would wipe the floor with Hussein Obama.....
There is serious talk that Hillary will run in 2016.
How would it look to have a candidate or two challenge a sitting president in a primary...have them attack his record, then he wins the primary. Think about the damage it would do to that parties chances of winning the election....think of the ammo it gives the other side to attack him...
Not only that, but there would be divided loyalties / infighting and it would be expensive to run all the primaries.
I believe you're implying a negative connotation by saying "Hussein" Obama, as that's his middle name, correct?

Navy Pride refuses to accept that it is his middle name and demands he changes it because of it's relation to Saddam Hussein.

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