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Can we objectively determine the degree to which someone is a man or a woman? (1 Viewer)

Where do you stand on trans issues? (Select all that apply)

  • If a trans individual looks like the opposite sex, they can use the opposite sex's bathroom

  • A trans person can use the opposite sex's bathroom regardless of what they look like

  • Without the genitalia they were born with, trans can maybe go into the prison of their opposite sex

  • Trans can go to the opposite sex's prison regardless of their genitalia or physical appearance

  • Trans should not be allowed to play in the sport league opposite to their sex assigned at birth

  • Trans people should be able to play in the sport that affirms their gender

  • Children should not be allowed to have gender affirming hormone treatment

  • Children should be allowed to have gender affirming hormone treatment

  • Adults should not be allowed to do gender affirming surgery until age 25 or possibly never

  • Adults should be allowed to have gender affirming surgery if they want it

Results are only viewable after voting.
Mar 5, 2024
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Hi all,

I know a lot of us have had this conversation in one way or another already in several threads, but I just wanted to provide a poll with an interesting video and an assessment to perhaps shed new light on the topic and see where everyone stands:

Here are some questions:

Are trans men actually men, or women? Are trans women actually women, or men?

Does it matter whether or not they've had gender affirming surgery yet? What kind of gender affirming surgery would be necessary to make them the opposite sex?

Does it matter whether or not they've taken gender affirming hormones yet when determining their sex?

Do certain inevitable features prevent them from entering certain public's spaces, jails or sports? Should gender or sex decide which of these spaces individuals find themselves in?

Is one of the solutions to just change all our sports into activities that no longer rely on the fastest and strongest to win?

Should children be allowed to delay puberty with hormone treatments or even engage in gender affirming surgeries? What age should this be allowed, if at all for children/adolescents and adults?

What are your thoughts on the assessment and video below?

Does the assessment below shed more light on whether trans women are actually women or men?

I'm going to post the first part of the assessment in the OP and the second part of the assessment in the first reply to the thread.

Trans Women After Gender Affirming Hormones and SRS:

Biological Male Domains and Assessment:

1. Genetic

- Presence of x and y chromosomes: Met, Score 1

- Presence of only one X chromosome: Met, Score 1

- Sex typical androgen receptor gene functionality on the X chromosome: Met, Score 1

Score: 100.0%

2. Hormonal:

- Produces androgens (e.g., testosterone), which are responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

3. Genital/Gonadal Anatomy:

- Penis: Not Met, Score 0

- Scrotum: Not Met, Score 0

- Develops testes: Not Met, Score 0

- Produces sperm: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

4. Non Genital Anatomy (non genital body characteristics and secondary sex characteristics):

- V shaped figure:

- Broad shoulders: Met, Sub Score 1

- Narrower hips: Met, Sub Score 1

- Overall: Met, Score 1

- Muscular build, with greater muscle mass and strength compared to females: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Typically taller in height compared to females, although there can be variation: Met, Score 1

- Larger bone structure and greater bone density: Met, Score 1

- Deeper voice due to growth of the larynx (voice box) during puberty: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Adam's apple (laryngeal prominence) in the throat area: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Minimal to no breast tissue development under normal circumstances: Not Met, Score 0

- Typically develop facial and chest hair: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 56.3%

5. Brain structure:

- Larger brains: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in areas of the brain (larger or smaller), such as Amygdala, Hypocampus, prefrontal cortex, etc.: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in volume of gray matter (larger or smaller), such as in areas of spatial reasoning and motor skills (e.g. parietal lobe), language processing and emotion regulation (e.g. temporal lobe and limbic system): Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Larger white matter volume in regions associated with motor and sensory information processing: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Less extensive white matter connections between hemispheres: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Higher ratio of gray matter to white matter: Partially Met, Score 0.5

Score: 50.0%

Total biological male score: 41.25%
Here's the rest of the assessment:

Trans Women After Gender Affirming Hormones and SRS

Biological Female Domains and Assessment:

1. Genetic

- Typically has only x chromosomes: Not Met, Score 0

- Only has two of them: Not Met, Score 0

- Androgen receptor gene functionality on the X chromosome that leads to sex specific hormones production: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

2. Hormonal - Produces hormones which are responsible for female secondary sexual characteristics, such as:

- Estrogen: Met, Score 1

- Progesterone: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 50.0%

3. Genital/Gonadal Anatomy (female external and internal genitalia/gonads):

- A clitoris: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Labia: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Vagina: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Ovaries: Not Met, Score 0

- Fallopian tubes: Not Met, Score 0

- Uterus: Not Met, Score 0

- Produces eggs: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 25.0%

4. Non Genital Anatomy (non genital body characteristics and secondary sex characteristics):

- A more hourglass-shaped figure:

- Narrower shoulders: Not Met, Sub Score 0

- Wider hips: Not Met, Sub Score 0

- Overall: Not Met, Score 0

- Generally smaller in stature compared to males, although there can be variation: Not Met, Score 0

- Smaller bone structure and lower bone density compared to males: Not Met, Score 0

- Development of breast tissue during puberty, leading to breast growth and the ability to produce milk for breastfeeding: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Higher-pitched voice compared to males: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Generally less and weaker muscles than men: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Little to no facial and chest hair: Met, Score 1

- Adam’s apple is not as prominent as men’s: Partially Met, Score 0.5

Score: 37.5%

5. Brain Structure:

- Generally smaller overall brain volume compared to males, adjusted for body size: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in areas of the brain (larger or smaller), such as Amygdala, Hypocampus, prefrontal cortex, etc.: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in volume of gray matter (larger or smaller), such as in areas of spatial reasoning and motor skills (e.g. parietal lobe), language processing and emotion regulation (e.g. temporal lobe and limbic system): Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Smaller white matter volume in regions associated with motor and sensory information processing: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- More extensive white matter connections between hemispheres: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- A higher ratio of white matter to gray matter: Partially Met, Score 0.5

Score: 50.0%

Total biological female score: 32.5%

Combined female and male scores: 73.8

Remainder: 100% minus combined scores: 26.3%

Male proportion of remainder: 10.8%

Female proportion of remainder: 8.5%

Combined female and male scores: 93.1%

Remainder: 100% minus combined scores: 6.9%

Male proportion of remainder: 2.8%

Female proportion of remainder: 2.2%

Final total male score: 55%

Final total female score: 43%
Here's the rest of the assessment:

Trans Women After Gender Affirming Hormones and SRS

Biological Female Domains and Assessment:

1. Genetic:

- Typically has only x chromosomes: Not Met, Score 0

- Only has two of them: Not Met, Score 0

- Androgen receptor gene functionality on the X chromosome that leads to sex specific hormones production: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

2. Hormonal - Produces hormones which are responsible for female secondary sexual characteristics, such as:

- Estrogen: Met, Score 1

- Progesterone: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 50.0%

3. Genital/Gonadal Anatomy (female external and internal genitalia/gonads):

- A clitoris: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Labia: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Vagina: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Ovaries: Not Met, Score 0

- Fallopian tubes: Not Met, Score 0

- Uterus: Not Met, Score 0

- Produces eggs: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 25.0%

4. Non Genital Anatomy (non genital body characteristics and secondary sex characteristics):

- A more hourglass-shaped figure:

- Narrower shoulders: Not Met, Sub Score 0

- Wider hips: Not Met, Sub Score 0

- Overall: Not Met, Score 0

- Generally smaller in stature compared to males, although there can be variation: Not Met, Score 0

- Smaller bone structure and lower bone density compared to males: Not Met, Score 0

- Development of breast tissue during puberty, leading to breast growth and the ability to produce milk for breastfeeding: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Higher-pitched voice compared to males: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Generally less and weaker muscles than men: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Little to no facial and chest hair: Met, Score 1

- Adam’s apple is not as prominent as men’s: Partially Met, Score 0.5

Score: 37.5%

5. Brain Structure:

- Generally smaller overall brain volume compared to males, adjusted for body size: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in areas of the brain (larger or smaller), such as Amygdala, Hypocampus, prefrontal cortex, etc.: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in volume of gray matter (larger or smaller), such as in areas of spatial reasoning and motor skills (e.g. parietal lobe), language processing and emotion regulation (e.g. temporal lobe and limbic system): Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Smaller white matter volume in regions associated with motor and sensory information processing: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- More extensive white matter connections between hemispheres: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- A higher ratio of white matter to gray matter: Partially Met, Score 0.5

Score: 50.0%

Total biological female score: 32.5%

Combined female and male scores: 73.8%

Remainder: 100% minus combined scores: 26.3%

Male proportion of remainder: 10.8%

Female proportion of remainder: 8.5%

Combined female and male scores: 93.1%

Remainder: 100% minus combined scores: 6.9%

Male proportion of remainder: 2.8%

Female proportion of remainder: 2.2%

Final total male score: 55%

Final total female score: 43%

This is a big issue for you. Why?
If you're a dude, stay out of the ladies' room and you can't play against the ladies in sports. Oh, and it's insane to put a biological male in a woman's prison.

Other than that, I don't care what people do or how they style themselves.

Can we objectively determine the degree to which someone is a man or a woman?​

DNA doesn't lie.
They take vegetables and make it look like beef. It's not. It's funny, the left says you can abort babies because they are not human beings, but they tell us men are women, and women are men. Their perception of biology is lacking.
On the trans issue, girls can use/play boys but boys cannot play girls.

I like to think I'm in touch with my feminine side, but apart from experimentation, I believe in gender confusion.

I don't think we'd be richer without gays.

There are lots of bad things that can happen to a planet, having a small percentage gay is not one of them, neither is a few abortions.
Hi all,

I know a lot of us have had this conversation in one way or another already in several threads, but I just wanted to provide a poll with an interesting video and an assessment to perhaps shed new light on the topic and see where everyone stands:

Here are some questions:

Are trans men actually men, or women? Are trans women actually women, or men?

Does it matter whether or not they've had gender affirming surgery yet? What kind of gender affirming surgery would be necessary to make them the opposite sex?

Does it matter whether or not they've taken gender affirming hormones yet when determining their sex?

Do certain inevitable features prevent them from entering certain public's spaces, jails or sports? Should gender or sex decide which of these spaces individuals find themselves in?

Is one of the solutions to just change all our sports into activities that no longer rely on the fastest and strongest to win?

Should children be allowed to delay puberty with hormone treatments or even engage in gender affirming surgeries? What age should this be allowed, if at all for children/adolescents and adults?

What are your thoughts on the assessment and video below?

Does the assessment below shed more light on whether trans women are actually women or men?

I'm going to post the first part of the assessment in the OP and the second part of the assessment in the first reply to the thread.
Didn’t you start a thread complaining about how you felt insulted by people’s replies to you?
It’s a you problem. This thread is a perfect example. Obsessing about other people’s private parts is not rational.
Hi all,

I know a lot of us have had this conversation in one way or another already in several threads, but I just wanted to provide a poll with an interesting video and an assessment to perhaps shed new light on the topic and see where everyone stands:

Here are some questions:

Are trans men actually men, or women? Are trans women actually women, or men?

Does it matter whether or not they've had gender affirming surgery yet? What kind of gender affirming surgery would be necessary to make them the opposite sex?

Does it matter whether or not they've taken gender affirming hormones yet when determining their sex?

Do certain inevitable features prevent them from entering certain public's spaces, jails or sports? Should gender or sex decide which of these spaces individuals find themselves in?

Is one of the solutions to just change all our sports into activities that no longer rely on the fastest and strongest to win?

Should children be allowed to delay puberty with hormone treatments or even engage in gender affirming surgeries? What age should this be allowed, if at all for children/adolescents and adults?

What are your thoughts on the assessment and video below?

Does the assessment below shed more light on whether trans women are actually women or men?

I'm going to post the first part of the assessment in the OP and the second part of the assessment in the first reply to the thread.

Trans Women After Gender Affirming Hormones and SRS:

Biological Male Domains and Assessment:

1. Genetic

- Presence of x and y chromosomes: Met, Score 1

- Presence of only one X chromosome: Met, Score 1

- Sex typical androgen receptor gene functionality on the X chromosome: Met, Score 1

Score: 100.0%

2. Hormonal:

- Produces androgens (e.g., testosterone), which are responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

3. Genital/Gonadal Anatomy:

- Penis: Not Met, Score 0

- Scrotum: Not Met, Score 0

- Develops testes: Not Met, Score 0

- Produces sperm: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

4. Non Genital Anatomy (non genital body characteristics and secondary sex characteristics):

- V shaped figure:

- Broad shoulders: Met, Sub Score 1

- Narrower hips: Met, Sub Score 1

- Overall: Met, Score 1

- Muscular build, with greater muscle mass and strength compared to females: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Typically taller in height compared to females, although there can be variation: Met, Score 1

- Larger bone structure and greater bone density: Met, Score 1

- Deeper voice due to growth of the larynx (voice box) during puberty: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Adam's apple (laryngeal prominence) in the throat area: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Minimal to no breast tissue development under normal circumstances: Not Met, Score 0

- Typically develop facial and chest hair: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 56.3%

5. Brain structure:

- Larger brains: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in areas of the brain (larger or smaller), such as Amygdala, Hypocampus, prefrontal cortex, etc.: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in volume of gray matter (larger or smaller), such as in areas of spatial reasoning and motor skills (e.g. parietal lobe), language processing and emotion regulation (e.g. temporal lobe and limbic system): Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Larger white matter volume in regions associated with motor and sensory information processing: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Less extensive white matter connections between hemispheres: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Higher ratio of gray matter to white matter: Partially Met, Score 0.5

Score: 50.0%

Total biological male score: 41.25%

I'm not reading all that...
Careful. Lest you fall into the asking when they are pregnant when they are just fat trap! :ROFLMAO:
I can't help but be reminded of comedian Brian Regan. Quote:

I met this woman, I could've sworn she was pregnant, let me tell ya'. I believe the rule is, don't guess at that ever ever eve. Something like that. I don't have enough evers memorized. I said, "Hey, when's that baby due?" You ever feel a word comin' out but it's too late to stop it? "When's that baby due? Baby!" "What baby?" "Uhhh... at the zoo, the pandas. I knew they were havin' one just thought maybe we could talk about it, if you want." Have you ever guessed someone's gender wrong? There's no recovering from that. You just gotta move on, 'cause you ain't wigglin' out of anything. "Hey, uh, excuse me, Sir?" "Ma'am" "Okay. K bye! Bye, human. Bye, person. Nice to meet you, individual!"
Hi all,

I know a lot of us have had this conversation in one way or another already in several threads, but I just wanted to provide a poll with an interesting video and an assessment to perhaps shed new light on the topic and see where everyone stands:

Here are some questions:

Are trans men actually men, or women? Are trans women actually women, or men?

Does it matter whether or not they've had gender affirming surgery yet? What kind of gender affirming surgery would be necessary to make them the opposite sex?

Does it matter whether or not they've taken gender affirming hormones yet when determining their sex?

Do certain inevitable features prevent them from entering certain public's spaces, jails or sports? Should gender or sex decide which of these spaces individuals find themselves in?

Is one of the solutions to just change all our sports into activities that no longer rely on the fastest and strongest to win?

Should children be allowed to delay puberty with hormone treatments or even engage in gender affirming surgeries? What age should this be allowed, if at all for children/adolescents and adults?

What are your thoughts on the assessment and video below?

Does the assessment below shed more light on whether trans women are actually women or men?

I'm going to post the first part of the assessment in the OP and the second part of the assessment in the first reply to the thread.

Trans Women After Gender Affirming Hormones and SRS:

Biological Male Domains and Assessment:

1. Genetic

- Presence of x and y chromosomes: Met, Score 1

- Presence of only one X chromosome: Met, Score 1

- Sex typical androgen receptor gene functionality on the X chromosome: Met, Score 1

Score: 100.0%

2. Hormonal:

- Produces androgens (e.g., testosterone), which are responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

3. Genital/Gonadal Anatomy:

- Penis: Not Met, Score 0

- Scrotum: Not Met, Score 0

- Develops testes: Not Met, Score 0

- Produces sperm: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

4. Non Genital Anatomy (non genital body characteristics and secondary sex characteristics):

- V shaped figure:

- Broad shoulders: Met, Sub Score 1

- Narrower hips: Met, Sub Score 1

- Overall: Met, Score 1

- Muscular build, with greater muscle mass and strength compared to females: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Typically taller in height compared to females, although there can be variation: Met, Score 1

- Larger bone structure and greater bone density: Met, Score 1

- Deeper voice due to growth of the larynx (voice box) during puberty: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Adam's apple (laryngeal prominence) in the throat area: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Minimal to no breast tissue development under normal circumstances: Not Met, Score 0

- Typically develop facial and chest hair: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 56.3%

5. Brain structure:

- Larger brains: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in areas of the brain (larger or smaller), such as Amygdala, Hypocampus, prefrontal cortex, etc.: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in volume of gray matter (larger or smaller), such as in areas of spatial reasoning and motor skills (e.g. parietal lobe), language processing and emotion regulation (e.g. temporal lobe and limbic system): Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Larger white matter volume in regions associated with motor and sensory information processing: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Less extensive white matter connections between hemispheres: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Higher ratio of gray matter to white matter: Partially Met, Score 0.5

Score: 50.0%

Total biological male score: 41.25%

Man, you guys sure think about this stuff a lot.
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to answer the question posed in the title, the poll, or the OP. I guess I'll try to go with all three.

Regarding whether you can objectively determine if someone is a man or woman, it's easy to do that genetically. A simple DNA test will tell you. Physically it's a bit harder to tell because there are several conditions which can lead to inconclusive sex traits and genitalia. Mentally there's no objective way to tell at all.

Regarding the poll questions:

I really don't care that much at all about bathrooms. Use whichever one is most convenient. I don't really think bathrooms need to be gendered in most cases with the possible exception of places like a stadium where you're trying to optimize getting large numbers of people in and out rapidly.

Prisons I think you almost have to take on a case by case basis and do whatever presents the least risk to both the individual and other inmates.

Trans people and sports I think receive far more attention than they deserve for such a minor issue. There is no single "fair" solution that covers everyone. Given that, the easiest way to handle it is for women's sports to remain limited to biological XX women with existing rules on PEDs applied. Everyone else competes in an open division with hormone treatments for trans athletes allowed as limited exception to PED rules.

I do not think children should be allowed to go on hormone treatment. But once you're an adult go nuts and do whatever makes you happy.
My mom solved this years ago. She referred to everyone as "bastahd."
Me: "bastahd"
Dad: "old bald headed bastahd"
Dog: "Furry little bastahd"

She was ahead of her time!
Hi all,

I know a lot of us have had this conversation in one way or another already in several threads, but I just wanted to provide a poll with an interesting video and an assessment to perhaps shed new light on the topic and see where everyone stands:

Here are some questions:

Are trans men actually men, or women? Are trans women actually women, or men?

Does it matter whether or not they've had gender affirming surgery yet? What kind of gender affirming surgery would be necessary to make them the opposite sex?

Does it matter whether or not they've taken gender affirming hormones yet when determining their sex?

Do certain inevitable features prevent them from entering certain public's spaces, jails or sports? Should gender or sex decide which of these spaces individuals find themselves in?

Is one of the solutions to just change all our sports into activities that no longer rely on the fastest and strongest to win?

Should children be allowed to delay puberty with hormone treatments or even engage in gender affirming surgeries? What age should this be allowed, if at all for children/adolescents and adults?

What are your thoughts on the assessment and video below?

Does the assessment below shed more light on whether trans women are actually women or men?

I'm going to post the first part of the assessment in the OP and the second part of the assessment in the first reply to the thread.

Trans Women After Gender Affirming Hormones and SRS:

Biological Male Domains and Assessment:

1. Genetic

- Presence of x and y chromosomes: Met, Score 1

- Presence of only one X chromosome: Met, Score 1

- Sex typical androgen receptor gene functionality on the X chromosome: Met, Score 1

Score: 100.0%

2. Hormonal:

- Produces androgens (e.g., testosterone), which are responsible for male secondary sexual characteristics: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

3. Genital/Gonadal Anatomy:

- Penis: Not Met, Score 0

- Scrotum: Not Met, Score 0

- Develops testes: Not Met, Score 0

- Produces sperm: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 0.0%

4. Non Genital Anatomy (non genital body characteristics and secondary sex characteristics):

- V shaped figure:

- Broad shoulders: Met, Sub Score 1

- Narrower hips: Met, Sub Score 1

- Overall: Met, Score 1

- Muscular build, with greater muscle mass and strength compared to females: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Typically taller in height compared to females, although there can be variation: Met, Score 1

- Larger bone structure and greater bone density: Met, Score 1

- Deeper voice due to growth of the larynx (voice box) during puberty: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Adam's apple (laryngeal prominence) in the throat area: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Minimal to no breast tissue development under normal circumstances: Not Met, Score 0

- Typically develop facial and chest hair: Not Met, Score 0

Score: 56.3%

5. Brain structure:

- Larger brains: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in areas of the brain (larger or smaller), such as Amygdala, Hypocampus, prefrontal cortex, etc.: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Sex typical differences in volume of gray matter (larger or smaller), such as in areas of spatial reasoning and motor skills (e.g. parietal lobe), language processing and emotion regulation (e.g. temporal lobe and limbic system): Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Larger white matter volume in regions associated with motor and sensory information processing: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Less extensive white matter connections between hemispheres: Partially Met, Score 0.5

- Higher ratio of gray matter to white matter: Partially Met, Score 0.5

Score: 50.0%

Total biological male score: 41.25%

Why do you accept that assessment? Why did you pick that specific one? Is it accurate, didnt it come from a liberal academic institute of higher learning where their main intention is to prove conservatives wrong? What's different about this one? You said they cant be trusted. And the Rogan video...hmmmm, that cant be biased :rolleyes:
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to answer the question posed in the title, the poll, or the OP. I guess I'll try to go with all three.

Regarding whether you can objectively determine if someone is a man or woman, it's easy to do that genetically. A simple DNA test will tell you.
What DNA profile (s) would you consider male vs female?
Physically it's a bit harder to tell because there are several conditions which can lead to inconclusive sex traits and genitalia.
Yes, this can make it hard for rare situations
Mentally there's no objective way to tell at all.
As in the structure of the brain? Or behaviors? Thoughts? Or all of the above?
Regarding the poll questions:

I really don't care that much at all about bathrooms. Use whichever one is most convenient. I don't really think bathrooms need to be gendered in most cases with the possible exception of places like a stadium where you're trying to optimize getting large numbers of people in and out rapidly.
Yeah, I'm not too passionate about bathrooms either, but then again, I'm not a women, I'd rather lean on what the majority of women think on this one. It might be awkward at first to have women in my bathroom, but I'm sure I could get over it. I think it would be fair to say that if you could pass as a sex without anyone questioning it, you're probably fine to use that bathroom. They don't have urinals in women's bathrooms, right?
Prisons I think you almost have to take on a case by case basis and do whatever presents the least risk to both the individual and other inmates.
In some ways I agree with this. I think if you have a penis at the tile of incarceration, you shouldn't be in a women's prison. I don't think you should be able to cut off your penis while in prison necessarily either, just to go to a women's prison. I am actually more in support of having prisons with different separate populations... One for gay and bisexual men, one for trans men and one for cis straight men. Same for women.
Trans people and sports I think receive far more attention than they deserve for such a minor issue. There is no single "fair" solution that covers everyone. Given that, the easiest way to handle it is for women's sports to remain limited to biological XX women with existing rules on PEDs applied. Everyone else competes in an open division with hormone treatments for trans athletes allowed as limited exception to PED rules.
This sounds fair to me. Should women be allowed in men's sports?
I do not think children should be allowed to go on hormone treatment. But once you're an adult go nuts and do whatever makes you happy.
I'm not sure I fully agree on this. I think the frontal lobe should be developed first at least, before hormone treatments. Even then, I think trans needs to be treated as a brain and mental health disorder. We need to do more research to come up with better treatments. Chopping off genitals and body parts and self-mutilation is nuts and I have ethical concerns for doctors who would do this to a patient. Hormones also are damaging to the patient's health.
I don't stay up at night, regarding the subjects, simply because, I have absolutely no idea how one's feelings are when you feel you're the wrong sex.
Feeling that different is extremely foreign to me..
I think as a society more of us should be concerned with our neighbor's well-being. I don't advocate a head in the sand approach.
I'm happy about that.
Me too
10 choices huh?

We have 2 genders. Why over complicate things?

People just need to say no to cutting off their junk


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