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  • Howdy, friends.

    I was gone...life took me away, in such a way as to make it impossible bye... I'm sorry for that, despite it being beyond my control. No, I won't be talking about it. No, it didn't involve prison or alien abduction...hehe..

    Special apology to @RedAkston, sorry for abandoning my post, it wasn't my intention.

    I'm glad to see the conversation is still going strong. :)
    Your absence duly noted; you have not posted for a month.

    Sending a little of my Florida Sunshine and Trippy T Love your way! Blessings to you and yours! May our Best Times lie ahead.
    Merry Christmas!

    Inbox cleared, and spamming seems to have been halted.
    When the spamming of my inbox ends, and feel that I can clear it without it filling up again automatically, I’ll let you know, as I don’t know if I can type what I’d like here.
    Friend request accepted a while ago.
    Be well.

    That was actually kind of an entertaining back-and-forth on that Nazi/Antifa thread, kudos for "keeping it light" :)
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