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Zinke was not very good at his job (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Post-Trump America
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His lasting legacy is: millions of acres of public lands degraded, the climate pollution increased, the outdoor recreational opportunities forsaken, the national monuments decimated and the wildlife species imperiled

This is an interesting op-ed written by someone who is president and chief executive of the National Wildlife Federation.

Ryan Zinke’s most lasting failure
His lasting legacy is: millions of acres of public lands degraded, the climate pollution increased, the outdoor recreational opportunities forsaken, the national monuments decimated and the wildlife species imperiled

This is an interesting op-ed written by someone who is president and chief executive of the National Wildlife Federation.

Ryan Zinke’s most lasting failure

Zinke, like Trump, had no respect for animals/wildlife, and no respect for the natural beauty of this country. **** him. I hope he chokes.
Zinke, like Trump, had no respect for animals/wildlife, and no respect for the natural beauty of this country. **** him. I hope he chokes.

Animals need to be apart of the election process. Have them go on Colbert puppy segment and see which candidates the puppies gravitate towards. That will tell you all you need to know about their personality.

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