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YouTube Wants Users' Real Names Displayed On Comments, Uploads (1 Viewer)

Aunt Spiker

DP Veteran
Oct 20, 2009
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Political Leaning
Of course, I tried to find an article about Huffington Post requiring real-names (that prompted this post). However, I couldn't find an article worth quoting on this issue.

YouTube Wants Users' Real Names Displayed On Comments, Uploads

Reading comments on YouTube has always been an "at your own risk" sort of endeavor. Due to user anonymity, it's practically impossible to find a video not beset upon by angry conspiracy theorists and grammar-challenged, sexist, racist, or homophobic trolls. The site’s commenters are so bad they have inspired a mockingblog and even specialized filtering software.
But now the site has begun strongly encouraging commenters to use their real names when, say, dissecting the artistic merits of Carly Rae Jepson's delightful new collaboration with Owl City.
According to YouTube's blog, the policy change, first instituted on June 29, now allows users the option of using their Google+ profile, or their real name, in order to "give you more options for how your videos are seen and discovered on YouTube" while acknowledging that "using your full name isn’t for everyone."

It's definitely not for me. I do not, never will, need or want my ex husband to find me online and harass me like he did in the past. If my name eeks out just once, he will make contact with me, again. He has no reason not to, and it won't be for old-time's sake, or to even see the children that he is the sperm donor of. It's only been to harass me online. Not even in a 'bullying' sense but a 'hey - haha' or 'you shouldn't say that.' sense. He doesn't belong in my life and I reserve the right to keep him out.

I behave myself, and when I don't, the forum I misbehave on comes down on me (aka: I get the occasional thread-ban here on Debate Politics). This works for me, I don't need to tell everyone WHO I am, some things are not allowed - we have administrators who keep a handle on things pretty well.

It bothers me that You Tube / Google did this automatically in the past and I had to go into my account and conceal my real name. What this makes me regret is ever giving them my real name to begin with. When I first signed up for Youtube, it wasn't Google, it wasn't connected to my real-name account, and I rarely use it to comment/ etc. I listen to music, put together playlists, and share those with friends online. Nothing dramatic. However, I don't need people from my real life to FIND me.

That is my right - and if they start insisting I show my real name I will close my account.

Already, I have all of my accounts set up without my real name. I have a DBA pseudonym I use when absolutely necessary, but never my real name. . . which brings up another thought of mine: how do they know it's a 'real name' - when all you give is a first (could be fake) and last (could be fake) name. It really means nothing if someone thinks about it ahead of time.
I've kept them from using my real name on youtube and if they ever make that mandatory than I will close my account.

ESPN did the same thing for commenting and when they did I stopped commenting.
I'm with you, Auntie....I don't want anyone to know my real name either. I try to protect my privacy more for the sake of my family and potential future employment than anything. If a potential employer or someone I might do business with saw some of the stuff I write on this forum I probably wouldn't get hired. lol

I joined facebook recently just so I could see a picture that someone posted and the next thing I know Facebook is emaling with the name of every person in my email account "Here are some people you may know on Facebook....." Well, duh, of course I know those people, Facebook stole their names out of my email contact list. I just thought that was such an invasion of privacy for them to hack my email account like that.
My real name is Calamity. :)
I wish the term "sperm donor" was never invented. Now women like Aunt get to degrade all fathers simply because of biology.
Of course, I tried to find an article about Huffington Post requiring real-names (that prompted this post). However, I couldn't find an article worth quoting on this issue.

YouTube Wants Users' Real Names Displayed On Comments, Uploads

It's definitely not for me. I do not, never will, need or want my ex husband to find me online and harass me like he did in the past. If my name eeks out just once, he will make contact with me, again. He has no reason not to, and it won't be for old-time's sake, or to even see the children that he is the sperm donor of. It's only been to harass me online. Not even in a 'bullying' sense but a 'hey - haha' or 'you shouldn't say that.' sense. He doesn't belong in my life and I reserve the right to keep him out.

I behave myself, and when I don't, the forum I misbehave on comes down on me (aka: I get the occasional thread-ban here on Debate Politics). This works for me, I don't need to tell everyone WHO I am, some things are not allowed - we have administrators who keep a handle on things pretty well.

It bothers me that You Tube / Google did this automatically in the past and I had to go into my account and conceal my real name. What this makes me regret is ever giving them my real name to begin with. When I first signed up for Youtube, it wasn't Google, it wasn't connected to my real-name account, and I rarely use it to comment/ etc. I listen to music, put together playlists, and share those with friends online. Nothing dramatic. However, I don't need people from my real life to FIND me.

That is my right - and if they start insisting I show my real name I will close my account.

Already, I have all of my accounts set up without my real name. I have a DBA pseudonym I use when absolutely necessary, but never my real name. . . which brings up another thought of mine: how do they know it's a 'real name' - when all you give is a first (could be fake) and last (could be fake) name. It really means nothing if someone thinks about it ahead of time.

l understand you aunt

thats why l closed my face account a few years ago .

but then l had opened a fake one by using a fake male name to keep in touch with a few friends when l need them

nobody follows me :mrgreen:
I'll be happy to use my real name.

It is Nonya - Nonya ****ing business.

If they do this, their user base will wither and die.

Or they will have a database with 350,000,000 John and Jane Doe users.
2 places I don't discuss politics; Facebook and YouTube.
I wish the term "sperm donor" was never invented. Now women like Aunt get to degrade all fathers simply because of biology.

LOL - Well I could have used his name but I aim to protect his anonymity, too. He's not even 'dad on paper' because he signed away his parental rights - I don't know what else you want me to call him. "The teenage boy who was their biological father but signed away his parental rights?" LOL - 'sperm donor' gets the point across with minimal effort, don't you think? To be given the honor "father" you have to BE a father. He left when our son was 6 days old. Father? No. . . and that's beside the point.
LOL - Well I could have used his name but I aim to protect his anonymity, too. To be given the honor "father" you have to BE a father. He left when our son was 6 days old. Father? No. . . and that's beside the point.

no aunt ,he didnt force you to abort it ,so he is a real father
no aunt ,he didnt force you to abort it ,so he is a real father

Have something to say about the OP? Or are you, too, going to comment on my terminology therein?

Real names or no...
This is one of those issues where it's very difficult to take a side. On one hand, obviously this involves a huge privacy concern. On the other hand, "trolls" are arguably worse than ever before. Trolling is no longer in art form, it's just turned into people being mean and hateful. Mean and hateful online people have caused many problems, including violence and suicide.

If I were YouTube/Google, I'd probably do this too. Not necessarily because I'd want to know everyone's name (though I'm sure Google does), but simply for purposes of CYA. I would do it for legal reasons, even if I did not like it at all.
nope, my youtube account is staying the way it is. if not, then ****youtube.
Anonymous speech is constitutionally protected, and for good reason. Of course, Youtube is not a state actor, and it can do as it likes in this regard, provided it does not violate its user agreements.

I really wish there was a way to convince people on the internet to voluntarily stop behaving like complete a**holes, though. It's honestly pathetic.
I wonder what kind of insulting way I can reference what women do biologically speaking in the creation of a child? I will need to think of that, but there is little doubt that calling a man a "sperm donor" and not a father is insulting.
LOL - Well I could have used his name but I aim to protect his anonymity, too. He's not even 'dad on paper' because he signed away his parental rights - I don't know what else you want me to call him. "The teenage boy who was their biological father but signed away his parental rights?" LOL - 'sperm donor' gets the point across with minimal effort, don't you think? To be given the honor "father" you have to BE a father. He left when our son was 6 days old. Father? No. . . and that's beside the point.

He is their father. It's just that simple.
I already hate how youtube keeps throwing "Use your real name!" pages in my damn face every once in a while. If they make it mandatory ill just move onto other sites. I dont need some crazy **** tracking me down cuz I called him a poindexter on some martial arts video.
I already hate how youtube keeps throwing "Use your real name!" pages in my damn face every once in a while. If they make it mandatory ill just move onto other sites. I dont need some crazy **** tracking me down cuz I called him a poindexter on some martial arts video.

You know, I wrote a response to your post - and what I said in it made me wonder if I could change the name I have on file with them. A few years ago, when I tried, I couldn't take my real name off...but now I can.

Problem solved. Cloak and Dagger. :ninja:
You know, I wrote a response to your post - and what I said in it made me wonder if I could change the name I have on file with them. A few years ago, when I tried, I couldn't take my real name off...but now I can.

Problem solved. Cloak and Dagger. :ninja:

Here here, I like your thinking!!

I don't facebook or Politico for this reason.
If I want someone to know my name,they can ask me.
Being required to give my idenity out to post is nonsense,
so I don't.
Here here, I like your thinking!!

I don't facebook or Politico for this reason.
If I want someone to know my name,they can ask me.
Being required to give my idenity out to post is nonsense,
so I don't.

Well you know, they do log my comp ID. They know a lot about me that is never seen in the eye of the public . . . if they want to track me down I know they can. That doesn't bother me because I'm not up to trouble - other people are, though.

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