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You're vote shouldn't count if... (1 Viewer)


Nov 9, 2004
Reaction score
I've experienced a few remarks in this forum and elsewhere that a person's vote shouldn't count if it's because it's based on this or that belief.

What are your thoughts when you hear this type of statement?
It is becoming defening.
It's kinda like changing the rules in the middle of a game, but the game is already over.
WKL815 said:
I've experienced a few remarks in this forum and elsewhere that a person's vote shouldn't count if it's because it's based on this or that belief.

What are your thoughts when you hear this type of statement?
Huh? A person's vote shouldn't count if they believe in something? Shouldn't every voter believe in something? If we threw votes out because of beliefs, would there be any votes left?
ok, have to ask... am I guilty?
vauge said:
ok, have to ask... am I guilty?
Guilty of what? This entire thread has me lost. First there's talk of not allowing some votes because of people's beliefs, now you're feeling guilty. Did I start smoking crack and just forget?
hehe - I am lost as well.

The statement before the question was "I've experienced a few remarks in this forum and elsewhere that a person's vote shouldn't count if it's because it's based on this or that belief." We are in the election forum, so I had assumed you were refering to the recent Presidential election. Thus, I was attempting to say that may liberal organizations are still going crazy with spinning and it is getting old. After rereading, I took it to be an accusation and was asking for clarification if it were against me.

I think you have a very valid question and a promising topic.
Please elaborate. :)
Vague, you were right, I was merely bringing up the topic for address.

I was reading through threads here and came across this one started by heyjoe a while back:


That was the second time I'd run into the statement that some people's votes aren't worthy because of the belief's they are based on.

My reaction is exactly that of Pacridge's. All votes are based on a belief and wouldn't it be a dangerous situation to start "deciding" who's motive was worthy or not. That goes completely against the democratic process.

I mean, you can not like someone's belief structure, but you should never think to devalue their vote.
Ahh... that topic was split - that could cause some confusion. For the life of me I cannot remember which topic it was from. That thread was split because it had some good insite to seperation of church and state.

He was refering to the election cycle - he was saying (I may be wrong) that if Bush was won because people voted against the gay marriage proposals or religious reasons that would be unreasonable. He believes there are far worse issues facing the nation.
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vauge said:
Ahh... that topic was split - that could cause some confusion. For the life of me I cannot remember which topic it was from. That thread was split because it had some good insite to seperation of church and state.

He was refering to the election cycle - he was saying (I may be wrong) that if Bush was won because people voted against the gay marriage proposals or religious reasons that would be unreasonable. He believes there are far worse issues facing the nation.
I'm sorry I don't care what your reason for voting one way or another was or is, Your vote shoud count period. I also think, and I believe I posted this on here somewhere, that the election is over, Bush won. The Left needs to start doing something productive and stop trying to re-loose the election. It's over- get over it.
That's kind of what I wanted people to understand. When you hear someone attacking a person's vote because of their belief - you're not making yourself look good and you're endangering democracy.

The election may be over, but the attempts to reconcile the election outcome have caused some dems to start claiming things I'm sure would go against their nature if they really knew what they were saying.
You're vote shouldn't count if your an illegal alien.
Your vote shouldn't count if you've already voted in another state.
vauge said:
Your vote shouldn't count if you've already voted in another state.
I know people who do this every year. Here in Oregon we have a lot of retired "snowbirds" who have duel residency. In Oregon and usually some place like Arizona. I got one neighbor brags about it every chance he gets. You'll be happy to know he almost always votes GOP.

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