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Your first memories of enjoying a wine - or wines in general (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 10, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
What do you remember?
And can you tell us about it?
There was I time when I did not like wine - and knew next to nothing about it.
One might even say, that I hated wine.

Wine for me was something sour that one had to drink on special occasions - and then pretend that one liked it - which was not true at all.
It all changed in the summer of 1970 in Freiburg in Breisgau in Germany - when by chance I came across a wine that I really honestly enjoyed.
It was a Traminer from Durbach.

More about it later ....
Went to Germany when i was 19....spent the next four years going to wine fests, and touring wineries from Spain and Portugal to Italy and Germany

Not sure i will ever be more than an amateur when it comes to wines, but i know what i like

One of the best trips my wife and i took was through Napa Valley in California.....got to meet a number of the winery owners on that one
Went to Germany when i was 19....spent the next four years going to wine fests, and touring wineries from Spain and Portugal to Italy and Germany
Yes - that is the best way: Try lots of different wines.
I was 15 and no, I cannot tell you about it...:sneaky:
Not sure i will ever be more than an amateur when it comes to wines, but i know what i like
"amateur" means: a lover
And a lover is way better than a professional :cool:

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