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Your all-time, all-pro football(American) team (1 Viewer)


Bus Driver to Hell
DP Veteran
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
QB-Steve Young
HB-Walter Payton
FB-John Riggins
WR-Jerry Rice
WR-Cris Carter
TE-Kellen Winslow
LT-Anthony Munoz
LG-Larry Allen
C-Mike Webster
RG-Mike Munchak
RT-Willie Roaf

K-Jason Elam
P-Jason Hanson

DE-Reggie White
DE-Richard Dent
DT-Joe Greene
DT-Dan Hampton
LB-Lawrence Taylor
LB-Mike Singletary
LB-Dick Butkus
CB-Deion Sanders
CB-Mike Haynes
S-Ronnie Lott
S-Mel Renfro
The 1970 Kansas City Chiefs.

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