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**** you? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Why the hell do people abuse this phrase so much? To me, **** you means **** you not lets do lunch you know? Does anyone feel the same way? I mean if your going to say '**** you', you should mean it. Am I right or am I right?
FinnMacCool said:
Why the hell do people abuse this phrase so much? To me, **** you means **** you not lets do lunch you know? Does anyone feel the same way? I mean if your going to say '**** you', you should mean it. Am I right or am I right?

thats true, you are right. Same with mother****er.
It's like, could that be any more insulting to say one ****'s one's mother yet it like people say, "hey whats up motha****a" and its all good. Now what are you pissed about Finn? It's Valentine's day! You should be happy.:2razz:
I've been pissed off for days. And I don't really like Valentines Day. Besides its kinda useless celebrating it since I don't have a girlfriend. I broke up with mine about four months ago and I've been too involved in other **** to care. Ah well.
I actually think this wording his hilarious. I had a friend that whenever someone said "F*** you" to her, she would say, "Okay" in a matter-of-fact way. I loved it (and I use it from time to time). :lol:
FinnMacCool said:
I've been pissed off for days. And I don't really like Valentines Day. Besides its kinda useless celebrating it since I don't have a girlfriend. I broke up with mine about four months ago and I've been too involved in other **** to care. Ah well.
Gave her the ax right before the holidays, eh? I hear ya, dog :rofl
This seems to be a liberal forum.:mrgreen:
hiker said:
Gave her the ax right before the holidays, eh? I hear ya, dog :rofl

hiker, if I recall, you were engaged and getting married soon. Has that changed?
tumbleweed said:
This seems to be a liberal forum.:mrgreen:
yep, who but us radically unbalanced liberals would dare to utter such lowbred vernacular? :mrgreen:

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