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You voted for him... (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 27, 2005
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New York
Recently President Bush's approval ratings have slipped....

I see Republicans who obviously voted for him complaining, and honestly don't feel sorry for them. They voted for him. We thank you immensely!

I voted for him the first time because he was less of an incumbent than Gore.
I just voted for him this last time in hopes that he'd still be in office when it becomes undeniable that the ****'s hitting the fan (which it will).

Previously posted elsewhere:

I think that some of the dire consequences of Team Bush's foreign policy ventures that have yet to become utterly undeniable will become so during the next presidential term. If Kerry's in office, he will be blamed. Those who've haunted the halls of powers for decades who are responsible will be fortified by this misplaced blame. Then, after Kerry, these people and their scions will return to power emboldened and foist further harm on our nation.

Team Bush should be at the helm when these terrible pigeons come home to roost so that the neocon fantasy can be thoroughly discredited in the eyes the electorate.

The numerous, serious, simmering, investigations etc. lead me to doubt Bush will be able to serve a complete term. And, failing an early expulsion, he'll be rendered prematurely lame-duck hamstrung. Bush is doomed.

So, unless someone can suddenly convince me that Kerry can somehow undo a significant amount of the harm that's coming in a timely manner, I say that the best thing for the country in the long run is that Bush be around to foot the bill for his foreign policy ventures. No one should bail him out of this one.

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Simon W. Moon said:
So, unless someone can suddenly convince me that Kerry can somehow undo a significant amount of the harm that's coming in a timely manner, I say that the best thing for the country in the long run is that Bush be around to foot the bill for his foreign policy ventures. No one should bail him out of this one.

I know this isn't your quote, but... that's absolute garbage. Letting America fall deeper into a negligent void for the purposes of pursuing a political agenda is downright... umm... mean.
Simon W. Moon said:
I voted for him the first time because he was less of an incumbent than Gore.
I just voted for him this last time in hopes that he'd still be in office when it becomes undeniable that the ****'s hitting the fan (which it will).

I really didn't think about this until after the election. But right after Kerry lost I had some thoughts just like this. The whole neo-con fantasy just isn't self sustaining. You can't keep spending money like there's no tomorrow (which is exactly what a lot of right seriously believes.) You can't spread our military out across the globe, all while alienating allies and making new enemies. You can’t start wars based on specific arguments then change those arguments mid-way.

I think the wheels have started to come off. They’re already up to offering something like 60K to keep people in the military and the enlistment bonuses are just plain huge- they still can’t make their quotas. The VP says the Iraq insurgency is in its “last throws.” The Sec Def? Still got 10-12 years of this to go. Public opinion on the war is getting lower by the day. So far the economic growth they predicted to off set their deficits hasn’t exactly been working as they claimed. Deficits growing almost as fast as support for the war is declining. I think they’ve got some explaining to do.
jpwright said:
I know this isn't your quote, but... that's absolute garbage. Letting America fall deeper into a negligent void for the purposes of pursuing a political agenda is downright... umm... mean.
It is my quote. It's not about a political agenda. It's about preventing more harm to America.
galenrox said:
I think his point was that we were gonna fall into deeper dispairity anyways, so the only thing worth worrying about is who's gonna take the fall. If Bush is in power, when the proverbial sh it hits the fan, he'll have to take accountability, while if Kerry won, the sh it would still hit the fan, and we'd have someone just as bad as Bush in '08. So thus Bush is president, and him and all of his spooks will have to live up to what they've done.

Yeah, I got that. I just think the ***** has started to hit the fan.
galenrox said:
definately, I wish it didn't have to happen, but I couldn't think of anyone better to have to take the fall.

I'm not so much interested in a "fall guy." I just want someone to take responsibility for this mess. So far none of these people have done anything but point the finger at someone else. Even when they have admitted mistakes were made they go and give the Presidential "Medal of Freedom" to those who were responsible for the mistakes. What kind of bizarre accountability is that?
Pacridge said:
Yeah, I got that. I just think the ***** has started to hit the fan.
It has to become undeniable before things'll change.
There are still many living in the land of Egyptian river valley.
Simon W. Moon said:
It has to become undeniable before things'll change.
There are still many living in the land of Egyptian river valley.

Do you honestly think that's ever going to happen? Team Bush seems to have smoke and mirrors down pat.
Pacridge said:
Do you honestly think that's ever going to happen? Team Bush seems to have smoke and mirrors down pat.
As we speak.
Of course, there're some who'll always be able to live in denial. but look at the poll numbers of people who think that going into Iraq was worth it or who think that Team Bush deliberately misled the nation to war. They have both gotten steadily worse fo the Bush Admin. There's no sign of the trend reversing.
You can't fool everybody all the time.
Simon W. Moon said:
As we speak.
Of course, there're some who'll always be able to live in denial. but look at the poll numbers of people who think that going into Iraq was worth it or who think that Team Bush deliberately misled the nation to war. They have both gotten steadily worse fo the Bush Admin. There's no sign of the trend reversing.
You can't fool everybody all the time.

Yes, but these guys are good. You got to admit. The wheels appear to be coming off, but I never count these guys out. I wonder what issue will be used to re-direct public attention this time?

Any thoughts on why the right came out publicly against the current "hate Hilary" book?
Pacridge said:
Any thoughts on why the right came out publicly against the current "hate Hilary" book?
Haven't kept up w/ it.

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