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You don't speak for me Cindy. (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
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Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
This is a counter protest scheduled for 27 August 2005 at Crawford...

From: Melanie Morgan - Move America Forward
Date: 08/21/05 23:07:06

Subject: URGENT for MONDAY

This email is extremely important - especially for everyone in San Francisco, Vacaville, Sacramento, Fresno and Bakersfield... or if you know of anyone in these cities or the surrounding area. [Basically Northern California and the Central Valley]

The "You Don't Speak for Me, Cindy" caravan will begin in San Francisco with a press conference & rally - and we need people to show up at 9:00 AM for this. At this event and at every other stop along the way we need our supporters to show up in FULL FORCE.

We need to have crowds both cheering on the caravan (and its mission of showing our troops WE SUPPORT THEM - and that Cindy Sheehan DOES NOT speak for most Americans).

So, I need you to look at the schedule below and make a point to be at one of these locations - and if you can, drive along at least part of the way with the caravan. The media from around the world will be watching to see how successful the caravan is... to determine how much they should cover it along the way - and whether to give us much mention for the super rally in Crawford, Texas on August 27th.

I need you to bring friends... decorate your vehicles. Bring American flags and pro-troop signs to each stop.

OK here's the schedule below... more updates for additional cities will continue to follow... again - WE NEED YOU THERE... help spread word to everyone you know that is near any of these locations:

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Monday August 22, 2005
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8:00am Deborah Johns on the KSFO Morning Show - LIVE (in studio)

9:30am Press Conference in front of KSFO Studios. 900 Front Street - San Francisco, CA [We invite supporters to show up... bring flags, pro-troop signs... and then if you possibly can, join us at least for the caravan to Sacramento - with our one stop at Vacaville along the way]. Put pro-troop/pro-American signs and banners on your vehicles!

The caravan will proceed along I-80 Eastbound to Vacaville

11:05am - Stop at the Vacaville Reporter - Supporters are welcome to greet us. You can also meetup with us to at least drive the leg of the caravan from Vacaville to Sacramento (at KFBK's studios) to show your support. We'd appreciate a strong showing of support as we arrive at our Sacramento stop! Address is 916 Cotting Lane, Vacaville, CA 95688

Caravan proceeds along Interstate 80 heading East

12:30pm Caravan arrives in Sacramento at the parking lot of KFBK 1530 Studios - 1440 Ethan Way, Sacramento, CA. Supporters invited to meet us for a rally/media event at the parking lot of KFBK 1530. Sacramento Media Appearance [We invite our supporters to show up... the media will be covering both our news conference in Sacramento and our departure from the city. So bring flags, pro-troop signs... and then join us as we depart along Interstate 5 heading south]. Put pro-troop/pro-American signs and banners on your vehicles!

1:05pm - 1:59pm Deborah Johns on live with Mark Williams (Filling in for Tom Sullivan Show) - KFBK 1530 AM.

2:00pm Caravan departs from KFBK Studios - en route to Fresno, California [caravan will be heading Southbound on Highway 99]

6:05pm Call in to Inga Barks Show on NewsTalk 580 AM - KMJ - Fresno

6:20pm Caravan scheduled to arrive in Fresno at the Fresno Convention Center [Located at 700 M Street - at Ventura.

7:10pm Stop at the Riverland/Kingsburg Rest Area [Along Highway 99]

Caravan then continues on Southbound on Highway 99 to Bakersfield

10:30pm Caravan to arrive in Bakersfield - possible media event that night! We will have details posted online at www.MoveAmericaForward.org for the Bakersfield location.

= = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = =

We still need to collect a final $22,000 to pay for the final costs of the caravan - AND - to get our TV ad on the air by Wednesday of this week to make sure we have a strong crowd attendance.



Or mail your contribution to:

Move America Forward
ATTN: Pro-Troop TV Ad Fund
P.O. Box 1497
Sacramento, CA 95812
Aww. You've responded to her baiting so well. How cute.
vergiss said:
Aww. You've responded to her baiting so well. How cute.

This woman has to understand that she only speaks for the very far left and the Liberal media.....
Do you really think it'll make an ounce of difference?
How long till she goes away. I'm tired of hearing her and about her.
Most people are, even moderate Liberals are embarrassed by her ravings........

I wonder if her mother is really sick or its just a shame to regroup.......
She's disgraced herself and her son, is there anyone left?
Calm2Chaos said:
She's disgraced herself and her son, is there anyone left?

She can always disgrace Sen. Richard Durbi....no that's been done...

How about Ted Kenne...no... Howard Dea.....no.... John Ker....no...

The Muppets?
cnredd said:
She can always disgrace Sen. Richard Durbi....no that's been done...

How about Ted Kenne...no... Howard Dea.....no.... John Ker....no...

The Muppets?

Just read this article....

The cnredd Times August 22, 2005
by cnredd

Earlier today, Cindy Al-Sheehani continued her campaign of hatred by claiming the NHL lockout was all a Republican conspiracy and the Jews should get out of New York. She then pulled out a banner saying "Everyone is Hitler" and said elephants around the country should be put down because of the hate-symbolism it represents...

Then she kicked a puppy...
cnredd said:
Just read this article....

The cnredd Times August 22, 2005
by cnredd

Earlier today, Cindy Al-Sheehani continued her campaign of hatred by claiming the NHL lockout was all a Republican conspiracy and the Jews should get out of New York. She then pulled out a banner saying "Everyone is Hitler" and said elephants around the country should be put down because of the hate-symbolism it represents...

Then she kicked a puppy...

:rofl :rofl

Now thats just Fukn funny............
Calm2Chaos said:
:rofl :rofl

Now thats just Fukn funny............

Thank you! Thank you!...I'll be here all weekend!...

Don't forget to tip your waitresses and bartenders!....:2wave:
cnredd said:
Just read this article....

The cnredd Times August 22, 2005
by cnredd

Earlier today, Cindy Al-Sheehani continued her campaign of hatred by claiming the NHL lockout was all a Republican conspiracy and the Jews should get out of New York. She then pulled out a banner saying "Everyone is Hitler" and said elephants around the country should be put down because of the hate-symbolism it represents...

Then she kicked a puppy...

CNREDD you know that you've got to post a source, or it's Copyright encroachment :rofl

I blame the media for her staying there... If they didn't cover her, then she would have left. NoBody supports someone they don't know about..
Arch Enemy said:
CNREDD you know that you've got to post a source, or it's Copyright encroachment :rofl

I blame the media for her staying there... If they didn't cover her, then she would have left. NoBody supports someone they don't know about..

I gotta sue myself now?!?!?Damn!....I gotta get TWO lawyers and everything....:doh
Yeah dude. CNREDD hates your guts now, if you give him.. lets say a nice bag of cookies, then he'll forgive. Otherwise prepare to hate yourself once the bill comes.

<3 Puns
Navy Pride said:
I wonder if her mother is really sick or its just a shame to regroup.......

Whether there is any substance here or not and, considering that her mother is in the hospital with a stroke that none of us would want for ourselves - this is a cruel statement. You debate better than this but any debate position would be better than this. I know you meant sham instead of shame but maybe that is telling of your words. :duel :cool:
vergiss said:
Aww. You've responded to her baiting so well. How cute.

Referring to your sig your friend Cindy does not believe that.......
Honestly, this only further, I don't know, makes her legitmate. The only way that people on the right are going to stop people from talking about Cindy is by getting them to stop talking, not increasing the talking. This is all this bus tour will do. I saw the woman on MSNBC who organized this tour and honestly, she isn't that impressive. Oh, wait, what is her connection to the Iraq war? Partisan politics? Oh yes! That is it!
ShamMol said:
Honestly, this only further, I don't know, makes her legitmate. The only way that people on the right are going to stop people from talking about Cindy is by getting them to stop talking, not increasing the talking. This is all this bus tour will do. I saw the woman on MSNBC who organized this tour and honestly, she isn't that impressive. Oh, wait, what is her connection to the Iraq war? Partisan politics? Oh yes! That is it!

People are already tiring of cindy and whatever convuluted message she has. Now I think they just want her to go home and deal with her divorce. She has done enough damage to her sons name
^Sure, just think that. I was suggesting damage control...but as my grandfather put it, and he is not a political guy, "She may become the mother of the new anti-war movement." That is coming from a staunch conservative who was drafted and who has always supported presidents, even Clinton. He has come to see this war as folly...but whatever, he is a crackpot old fool who has just fought in two wars and trained warriors for another.
Calm2Chaos said:
Now I think they just want her to go home and deal with her divorce.
But what milage could she get out of that?
vergiss said:
Do you really think it'll make an ounce of difference?

As far as public opinion and our will to fight the enemies who would kill us. IF these citizens get as much publicity and attention and are treated with the same level of importance as the appeasors then yes they may very well make a pound of difference. But do I believe they will recieve the same level of attention and fawning............NO.
ShamMol said:
Honestly, this only further, I don't know, makes her legitmate. The only way that people on the right are going to stop people from talking about Cindy is by getting them to stop talking, not increasing the talking. This is all this bus tour will do. I saw the woman on MSNBC who organized this tour and honestly, she isn't that impressive. Oh, wait, what is her connection to the Iraq war? Partisan politics? Oh yes! That is it!

The problem is you can't turn on the news channels without seeing her..........Its a slow month with the president on vacation and congress on recess so the news media is eating her up.........

It should be interesting when Melanie Morgan and her caravan arrive there for a support the troops and the war on Saturday............
^There have been supporters for the war there for a while there, which has gotten plenty of media coverage. Or, did you choose not to know that.

And you are right, Jon Stewart identified that and said it was that along with bored white house reporters who don't care about lance armstrong.

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