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You Are A Cake Baker (1 Viewer)

Do you notify the police?

  • No. I feel I would be discriminating against him

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Yes. If I can help prevent a possible terrorist attack, I will.

    Votes: 11 84.6%

  • Total voters

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
A Muslim wants you to bake a cake for him, decorated with a terrorist shooting an assault weapon and bullets flying everywhere. Do you alert the police to this or not?
I would probably assume I was on some sort of hidden camera show.
I would probably assume I was on some sort of hidden camera show.

yep probably this.....
secondly what a retarded poll that doesn't understand how illegal discrimination works or terrorism lol
Lastly not making a cake because it depicts terrorism is not illegal discrimination. Its on the level of not making a cake in the shape of a vagina if a person doesnt want too.
A Muslim wants you to bake a cake for him, decorated with a terrorist shooting an assault weapon and bullets flying everywhere. Do you alert the police to this or not?

This is such a unreasonable senario, I'm not even going to take this seriously.
yep probably this.....
secondly what a retarded poll that doesn't understand how illegal discrimination works or terrorism lol
Lastly not making a cake because it depicts terrorism is not illegal discrimination. Its on the level of not making a cake in the shape of a vagina if a person doesnt want too.

What if it was for his gay wedding?
What if it was for his gay wedding?

what if what was for a gay wedding? lol youll have to be more specific? are you talking about my example?

if a person wanted a cake in the shape of the vagina the reason doesn't matter its not illegal discrimination to refuse to do a vagina cake.
the only way it could be is if you know the baker makes vagina cakes all the time for everybody and has them on display and THEN it could be IF the refusal was based on sexual orientation.

but like I said youll have to be more specific in what you are asking
Yes, but I'd also bake him the cake. If he's willing to pay for the cake and it's my job to make cakes, I will make his cake. That it is also my duty to report potential terrorist activity to the authorities has nothing to do with my job.
If I want to make a profit, I bake the cake.

If I choose to be "political," I suggest he take his business elsewhere.

In neither case would I report him to the police. It's just an effing cake. :roll:

P.S. I didn't vote because I don't like my "Yes or No" answers qualified unless I do it myself :coffeepap:
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As the days go on, I become more relieved I chose not to bake cakes for a living ...
As the days go on, I become more relieved I chose not to bake cakes for a living ...

A truly oppressed group in this day and age.
Of course I'd make the cake but it would have to be a Bombe.
No I wouldn't make him a cake, perhaps a flan or a torte though
What if it was for his gay wedding?
Yes he is a Persian Shia, his in laws, Jewish flying in from the West Bank. His other in laws are Yazidi's flying in from Saudi
Of course, I wouldn't call the police. I would assume he'd been sent in by some shyster to try and get me to refuse to bake his cake so they could sue me. I would politely ask if he wanted the brown icing for the stock of the gun on the cake and the boots on the nitwit to be made from dog poop or pig poop. I wouldn't have to make a cake and I wouldn't get sued.

I'm seventy-five and I've called the police once in my life and that was about five years ago.
what if what was for a gay wedding? lol youll have to be more specific? are you talking about my example?

if a person wanted a cake in the shape of the vagina the reason doesn't matter its not illegal discrimination to refuse to do a vagina cake.
the only way it could be is if you know the baker makes vagina cakes all the time for everybody and has them on display and THEN it could be IF the refusal was based on sexual orientation.

but like I said youll have to be more specific in what you are asking

If your example wanted the cake for his gay wedding. Why is it ok to discriminate on the basis you subjectively find terrorism offensive, but not okay to discriminate if you subjectively find gay marriage offensive?
If your example wanted the cake for his gay wedding. Why is it ok to discriminate on the basis you subjectively find terrorism offensive, but not okay to discriminate if you subjectively find gay marriage offensive?

Its not "my subjectivity" its laws and rights

not baking a vagina cake isn't illegal discrimination (as long as i dont make them for anybody)
not making a wedding cake because the people that want it are gay is illegal discrimination against sexual orientation

its very simple actually
You Are A Cake Baker meaning excuse my ignorance but I'm Italian and I do not understand what it is or what it means to Baker and do not understand your survey you can be more specific with simple words.
You Are A Cake Baker meaning excuse my ignorance but I'm Italian and I do not understand what it is or what it means to Baker and do not understand your survey you can be more specific with simple words.

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