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Yet Another Reason Not To Vote For Trump (1 Viewer)

No need to panic, nothing to see here, like a miracle the beautiful rose garden will rise again better than any rose garden in the history of rose gardens.
She had 10 crab apple trees removed because they are symbols of racist, white privilege and white supremacy, causing racist CNN to get hysterical.
The newly renovated White House Rose Garden is under repair less than three weeks after its official unveiling. The garden is experiencing “issues with water drainage” and “some minor complications with updated construction,” a source with knowledge of the garden troubles told CNN. New sod is also being laid down.

First lady Melania Trump on August 22 hosted a private party to celebrate the redone Rose Garden, which the public was told had been completed after approximately three weeks of renovation.A White House spokesman said Tuesday that taxpayers will not have to pay for the cost of re-sodding the Rose Garden.

“The sod is being replaced at no cost to taxpayers,” deputy press secretary Judd Deere told CNN.

Instead, the tab for the repairs to the grass will be paid for by the Trump campaign, a campaign official told CNN.

The first lady’s renovation followed the guidelines from the garden’s original 1962 layout — but the update was largely panned by critics for looking substantially altered. Most discussed was the removal of 10 crabapple trees. The trees, which over the years had been replaced and were not the Kennedy-era originals, were transported to a National Park Service facility for care. According to a White House official, they will be replanted elsewhere on the grounds in the near future.

The trees were causing too much shade to provide for healthy and regular growth of the florals and shrubs beneath them, according to a 220-page report on the garden history and renovation prepared for the Committee for the Preservation of the White House.

Renovated White House Rose Garden undergoing repairs
Meh. I mean, this should have been planned and executed better, but this doesn't really even register on the level of **** Trump has done.
How in the **** does she still have a "deer in the headlights" expression in 2020?

Is it bolted directly to her skull?
If she thinks she has issues, she should look at her husband's issues. She'll feel better instantly.

This has nothing to do with Melania. This has to do with Salon jumping on the pile of anti-Trump nonsense in an effort to swing the election by reporting nonsense that isn't even newsworthy. Whatever anti-Trump nonsense they can report in order to win, no matter how stupid or no matter how much of a lie it is. Generate anti-Trump 24/7.
This has nothing to do with Melania. This has to do with Salon jumping on the pile of anti-Trump nonsense in an effort to swing the election by reporting nonsense that isn't even newsworthy. Whatever anti-Trump nonsense they can report in order to win, no matter how stupid or no matter how much of a lie it is. Generate anti-Trump 24/7.

On the stupid scale how does it measure up to...are biden's eyes getting smaller?
On the stupid scale how does it measure up to...are biden's eyes getting smaller?

It is the time of year that both sides make stupid claims about the other side. But, Democrats have taken it to all new levels by claiming that Trump badmouths the military, Trump badmouths his own supporters, Trump badmouths Christians. I mean, come on. And now Salon has to put out a story about Melania and the Rose Garden? They're so desperate to get Trump that this is actually a story?
It is the time of year that both sides make stupid claims about the other side. But, Democrats have taken it to all new levels by claiming that Trump badmouths the military, Trump badmouths his own supporters, Trump badmouths Christians. I mean, come on. And now Salon has to put out a story about Melania and the Rose Garden? They're so desperate to get Trump that this is actually a story?

One day you'll learn trump is out for trump and nobody else. It's only trump supporters who don't see the things you mentioned.

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