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Yes, Joe Biden is compromised by his family's shady foreign dealings (1 Viewer)


Feb 26, 2020
Reaction score
Sunny south
Political Leaning
“The release of a joint report by the Senate committees on homeland security and finance raised important questions about obviously unethical foreign profiteering by members of the Biden family.”

Commiecrats don’t care.
“The release of a joint report by the Senate committees on homeland security and finance raised important questions about obviously unethical foreign profiteering by members of the Biden family.”

Commiecrats don’t care.
“The release of a joint report by the Senate committees on homeland security and finance raised important questions about obviously unethical foreign profiteering by members of the Biden family.”

Commiecrats don’t care.

You spelled Trump wrong.
An Op-Ed from the Washington Examiner?
$750 paid in taxes - legal use of the tax code is a bad thing.

$3+ million check from the wife of the Moscow Mayor - Nah...no big deal. It happens all the time. Especially to the son of a Vice-President.
$750 paid in taxes - legal use of the tax code is a bad thing.

$3+ million check from the wife of the Moscow Mayor - Nah...no big deal. It happens all the time. Especially to the son of a Vice-President.

Hunter is adorable and I am thrilled for his failson success!

Trump, however, made money while in office off deals with foreign countries. He said he would not do that. :(

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