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Yale College Republicans held a Bar-B-Que Near On Campus Hunger Strike (1 Viewer)

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Dec 1, 2010
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Yale University's local College Republicans chapter held a barbecue on Friday near the fasting site of campus union organizers participating in a hunger strike directed against the university. Bragging about the wafting, delicious smells on Facebook, it appears to have been a move to torment the fasting grad students, who have thus far gone days without food in a protest for their worker's rights struggle.
Yes, I know this is from 2017 but I only just read about this on Instagram and c’mon, it’s funny af.
Funny af for a sociopath.
"I assure you, we're very hungry."

Sorry, I was just bumping to ensure that this thread doesn't fall off of page one. I'd hate to see it go. Thanks for helping me!

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