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WTF? ESPN coverage of spelling bee. (1 Viewer)


Klattu Verata Nicto
DP Veteran
May 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Alright guys and gals, here's one I don't understand, ESPN has been doing coverage of the national spelling bee for at least two years. I don't see how this belongs on the network considering that most of these kids probably don't have a shot at being on the sports pages anytime soon. Worst thing about this as far as I'm concerned is it usually happens during baseball season, meaning valuable time that I could be wasting screaming at Yankees opponents or teams that I hate have to be wasted elsewhere because of a bunch of unibrowed, pencil necked, dweebs whose only excersize is running away from bullies and the closest they've come to swimming is getting a "swirly".
Now that I've vented, seriously, how many sports fans could there possibly be that would actually sit back and watch a national spelling bee, this also goes for the Magic tournaments and other offshoot things such as dog shows. Poker and Billiards I can understand (while it is heavily debated whether pool is a sport or game and poker is a game) since many sports fans love to play both.
They showed the spelling bee on TSN here in Canada too, but they were showing that on school days at 8-10 a.m. so I don't care but I hear in the U.S. they show it at 2-4 or something like that, really wasting time when they could be showing SPORTS.
Soviet_Guy said:
They showed the spelling bee on TSN here in Canada too, but they were showing that on school days at 8-10 a.m. so I don't care but I hear in the U.S. they show it at 2-4 or something like that, really wasting time when they could be showing SPORTS.
What I'm getting at is that ESPN is a sports channel, we have plenty of other great outlets for the NSB like PBS, The Learning Channel, Discovery, and the like. When I tune into ESPN, I expect to see something or someone get hit, thrown, or other.
ESPN has been showing the spelling bee in the States for years. Remember, ESPN stands for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network, though the entertainment value of the Spelling Bee is questionable.
Another reason to give hopeless geeks hope. :lol:

" Hey Timmy, do you play any sports? "

" I sure do, I'm top Spelling Bee Champ!"

" Uh...............good for you... "
Soviet_Guy said:
Another reason to give hopeless geeks hope. :lol:

" Hey Timmy, do you play any sports? "

" I sure do, I'm top Spelling Bee Champ!"

" Uh...............good for you... "
Funny stuff, you def. get credit for that. :rofl
galenrox said:
I remember my shock when I went into the breakroom here, where they are always playing ESPN, and low and behold, a kid spelling a word made Sport Center's top 10.
Poor kid better hope there are spelling bee groupies, or that kid will NEVER get laid.
Nah, he'll eventually get some but here's gonna be the order:
1) an extremely unattractive girl senior year - desperate begets desperate
2) scratch that, he won't learn to play to availability yet.
3) sophomore year of college he'll get the unattractive chick just to get the ball rolling.
4) after a long dry spell he'll probably get the reasonably attractive girl who might have a couple of flaws, such as unibrow, coke-bottle glasses, messed up grill, etc.
5) after starting up his own multi-billion dollar company he will get only the most buxom enhanced trophy wife and make us all sorry for laughing at him.
ludahai said:
ESPN has been showing the spelling bee in the States for years. Remember, ESPN stands for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network,
Good point, I always thought it was Eastern Sports Network, learn something new every day.
though the entertainment value of the Spelling Bee is questionable.
No doubt.

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