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Would you vote for a mixed party administration? (1 Viewer)

Would you vote for a mixed party administration?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 85.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


dangerously addictive
DP Veteran
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Somewhere over the rainbow
Political Leaning
If there was a republican running with a democrat and having a mixed cabinet would you vote for that? Or vice versa, with a democrat running with a republican? Or would you just stick with a one party administration?
If this was possible then I would vote yes because I agree with some things from both sides and I think they could learn some things from each other.
I think it would be fantastic! I would support that. It used to be where presidents had people in their cabinet from both parties. Not anymore. Yes, I am aware that Bush has ONE cabinet member who was there when Clinton was prez--sorry, ONE is insufficient, particularly when it deals with "transportation."
aps said:
I think it would be fantastic! I would support that. It used to be where presidents had people in their cabinet from both parties. Not anymore. Yes, I am aware that Bush has ONE cabinet member who was there when Clinton was prez--sorry, ONE is insufficient, particularly when it deals with "transportation."

Which is...drumroll...one MORE than Clinton had!....

Clinton Cabinet

George H. W. Bush Cabinet

You can call "one" insufficient...

I call it "an improvement"...
It would depend who the candidates were obviously. I'd vote for a McCain/Bayh ticket. But I wouldn't vote for a Kennedy/Hatch ticket. Bipartisanship is nice, but bipartisanship for the sake of bipartisanship alone brings nothing to the process. A little gridlock is a good thing; I don't like the idea of the executive branch being allied with BOTH parties in Congress to work together to do whatever it feels like.
I voted yes but it will never happen........
That much talked about Rick Santorum/Cynthia McKinney ticket sure sounds intriguing.
Navy Pride said:
I voted yes but it will never happen........

Actually this has been in effect for a long time - it is called congress.. .very close to a 50-50 mix.
But the actual administration in the White House should be but one party.
Believe it or not, there was a time, way back, when a man's running mate was not necessarily of the same pol.-party..
cnredd said:
Which is...drumroll...one MORE than Clinton had!....

Clinton Cabinet

George H. W. Bush Cabinet

You can call "one" insufficient...

I call it "an improvement"...

Excuse me but William Cohen is a republican and he was given the Secretary position in the LARGEST government agency.
aps said:
Excuse me but William Cohen is a republican and he was given the Secretary position in the LARGEST government agency.

You are exactly right..............:cheers: Well done aps.........
cnredd said:
Which is...drumroll...one MORE than Clinton had!....

Clinton Cabinet

George H. W. Bush Cabinet

You can call "one" insufficient...

I call it "an improvement"...

What's with the infantile need to bring partisan bullsh1t into an otherwise promising thread? it's not like aps said "Bush only had one, which makes him a horrible President compared to Clinton." I don't even mind you bringing Clinton up, but not as some party tool to bash on Democrats. Why can people not talk about Clinton without butt snorkeling on the one hand or going for blood on the other?

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