So I was immediately harrassed and antagonize and ridiculed for my Fascist faith by countless people when I arrived and ever since.
I don't recall returning insult for insult or being hostile.....Just curious, is that how you treat the Muslims that show up here?
Islam is far more violent than Fascism. Muhammad personally decapitated people. Mussolini never personally killed anyone.
Read the writings of Muhammad and read the writings of Mussolini, and you will find Muhammad has graphic, gruesome, psychopathic tortures, amputations of hands and feet, crucifixion of infidels, many calls to violence, even a quote that says "slay the Idolater wherever you find him".
The writings of Mussolini are quite healthy compared to that, and the Doctrine of Fascism rather harmless compared to the Qur'an.
Nothing oppresses more people in our current world and ruins more lives than Islam.
Yet would you treat a Muslim at your forum the way you treat me? Would you constantly be insulting his/her terrorist paedophile prophet and Religion.
Yes , I'm well aware of violence in Scripture. The tortures in the Koran are worse.
And Jesus told us turn the other cheek, love our enemies.
But who are you to be critical of Fascism, while being silent about Islam , which oppressed more people and is intrinsically violent? And what's up with Antifa waving hammer and sickle flags? That is worse a regime than Nazism.
Just as you would respect a Muslim at your forum, try to treat me the same. Mussolini is my prophet Muhammad. (Peace be upon him)
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