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Would you treat a Muslim like you treat me? (1 Viewer)

Actually that other Sentient being sounds way more fun and probably goes to the better parties. I’m going to go with her, but good luck with your breast nectar and the Snow White fire lion disco thing.
Yes, I kinda prefer the whore of Babylon too, but Lia (the state) shall evolve into an omnipresent perfect companion for everyone.R1a86c4b8f6a96221511d1f1fd5011e9f.jpegR36aea5d3e57b19f7da2f9e60b4f47ce7.jpeg
Not every religion is intrinsically violent in it's nature
Actually, none of the major world religion are... not even the minor ones, all of them, I would venture.
Actually, none of the major world religion are... not even the minor ones, all of them, I would venture.
Ummm....dewd, if I wrote some of the stuff in the Islamic holy text and presented it to a psychiatric mental health professional, I'd be considered a dangerous psychopath in favor of terrorism and the worse forms of bigotry.

If your religion considers violent psychopathic tortures and calls to terrorize and kill off infidels to be the word of Allah and without error, that Religion is intrinsically violent in it's true essence.

I don't know how you are unable to identify the obvious when I present the factual information to you.

Please 🙏 get a clue my friend. I say that in the kindest possible way. Peace and good will to you.
Ummm....dewd, if I wrote some of the stuff in the Islamic holy text and presented it to a psychiatric mental health professional, I'd be considered a dangerous psychopath in favor of terrorism and the worse forms of bigotry.

If your religion considers violent psychopathic tortures and calls to terrorize and kill off infidels to be the word of Allah and without error, that Religion is intrinsically violent in it's true essence.

I don't know how you are unable to identify the obvious when I present the factual information to you.

Please 🙏 get a clue my friend. I say that in the kindest possible way. Peace and good will to you.
Most religions have violence in their writings ... that does not mean that the religion is violent... it means that some people choose to embrace those outdated parts that the VAST MAJORITY do not follow or accept. Trust me... I have a clue and it is called being Objective. You are free to embrace Islamophobia though.
So I was immediately harrassed and antagonize and ridiculed for my Fascist faith by countless people when I arrived and ever since. I don't recall returning insult for insult or being hostile.....

See this is what happens every time. A Fascist shows up, seems all butterflies and gummy bears on the "come in and say hi" forum then starts to complain about harassment. Next thing you know they're egging their friends on to invade Poland.
See this is what happens every time. A Fascist shows up, seems all butterflies and gummy bears on the "come in and say hi" forum then starts to complain about harassment. Next thing you know they're egging their friends on to invade Poland.
You see, this is why I like to make YouTube's. You would see I was smiling and really don't give a shit.

Poland is Catholic. Hitler was a total douchebag for attacking Poland.
So I was immediately harrassed and antagonize and ridiculed for my Fascist faith by countless people when I arrived and ever since. I don't recall returning insult for insult or being hostile.....Just curious, is that how you treat the Muslims that show up here?

Islam is far more violent than Fascism. Muhammad personally decapitated people. Mussolini never personally killed anyone.

Read the writings of Muhammad and read the writings of Mussolini, and you will find Muhammad has graphic, gruesome, psychopathic tortures, amputations of hands and feet, crucifixion of infidels, many calls to violence, even a quote that says "slay the Idolater wherever you find him".

The writings of Mussolini are quite healthy compared to that, and the Doctrine of Fascism rather harmless compared to the Qur'an.

Nothing oppresses more people in our current world and ruins more lives than Islam.

Yet would you treat a Muslim at your forum the way you treat me? Would you constantly be insulting his/her terrorist paedophile prophet and Religion.

Yes , I'm well aware of violence in Scripture. The tortures in the Koran are worse.

And Jesus told us turn the other cheek, love our enemies.

But who are you to be critical of Fascism, while being silent about Islam , which oppressed more people and is intrinsically violent? And what's up with Antifa waving hammer and sickle flags? That is worse a regime than Nazism.

Just as you would respect a Muslim at your forum, try to treat me the same. Mussolini is my prophet
Muhammad. (Peace be upon him)
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I treat all of those who desire an ethnostate the same, with derision. However, if said muslim was fully integrated into society (and I personally know some who are), we cool.

Fascism though, it cannot ever escape that impulse for an ethnostate, so it always needs to be fought against.
How does one know another is Muslim? To consciously treat them "accordingly"?
Ummm....the Qur'an contains amputation of hands and feet, pouring boiling water on people, crucifixions, and gruesome tortures for those who oppose Muhammad.

Muhammad was a verified terrorist.

Should I be okay with that?
You should decide not to read the book a second time, if it did not suit your taste the first time. I thought Rememberance of Things Past was incredibly dull, on and on about how a French coutisan held her fan and glanced around the parlor. Talk about torture! So I stopped reading it. Now others like to read Proust. I met them in college. No skin off my nose.
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So I was immediately harrassed and antagonize and ridiculed for my Fascist faith by countless people when I arrived and ever since. I don't recall returning insult for insult or being hostile.....Just curious, is that how you treat the Muslims that show up here?

Islam is far more violent than Fascism. Muhammad personally decapitated people. Mussolini never personally killed anyone.

Read the writings of Muhammad and read the writings of Mussolini, and you will find Muhammad has graphic, gruesome, psychopathic tortures, amputations of hands and feet, crucifixion of infidels, many calls to violence, even a quote that says "slay the Idolater wherever you find him".

The writings of Mussolini are quite healthy compared to that, and the Doctrine of Fascism rather harmless compared to the Qur'an.

Nothing oppresses more people in our current world and ruins more lives than Islam.

Yet would you treat a Muslim at your forum the way you treat me? Would you constantly be insulting his/her terrorist paedophile prophet and Religion.

Yes , I'm well aware of violence in Scripture. The tortures in the Koran are worse.

And Jesus told us turn the other cheek, love our enemies.

But who are you to be critical of Fascism, while being silent about Islam , which oppressed more people and is intrinsically violent? And what's up with Antifa waving hammer and sickle flags? That is worse a regime than Nazism.

Just as you would respect a Muslim at your forum, try to treat me the same. Mussolini is my prophet
Muhammad. (Peace be upon him)
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Fascists even in america have killed more than antifascists by a country mile. I dont give Islam any more favorable treatment, though you calling fascism a faith does fit right into certain passages of mein kampfh.
So I was immediately harrassed and antagonize and ridiculed for my Fascist faith by countless people when I arrived and ever since. I don't recall returning insult for insult or being hostile.....Just curious, is that how you treat the Muslims that show up here?

Islam is far more violent than Fascism. Muhammad personally decapitated people. Mussolini never personally killed anyone.

Read the writings of Muhammad and read the writings of Mussolini, and you will find Muhammad has graphic, gruesome, psychopathic tortures, amputations of hands and feet, crucifixion of infidels, many calls to violence, even a quote that says "slay the Idolater wherever you find him".

The writings of Mussolini are quite healthy compared to that, and the Doctrine of Fascism rather harmless compared to the Qur'an.

Nothing oppresses more people in our current world and ruins more lives than Islam.

Yet would you treat a Muslim at your forum the way you treat me? Would you constantly be insulting his/her terrorist paedophile prophet and Religion.

Yes , I'm well aware of violence in Scripture. The tortures in the Koran are worse.

And Jesus told us turn the other cheek, love our enemies.

But who are you to be critical of Fascism, while being silent about Islam , which oppressed more people and is intrinsically violent? And what's up with Antifa waving hammer and sickle flags? That is worse a regime than Nazism.

Just as you would respect a Muslim at your forum, try to treat me the same. Mussolini is my prophet
Muhammad. (Peace be upon him)
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Fascists are known terrorists. Pinochet’s goons forced their victims to be raped by dogs. You arent going to get well treated here. I can promise you that.
You see, this is why I like to make YouTube's. You would see I was smiling and really don't give a shit.

Poland is Catholic. Hitler was a total douchebag for attacking Poland.
You will. That smile will fade and your real intentions will become evident in time. They always do.
Shintoism has no Dogma or Scripture or founder, so how can you call Shinto a violent Religion?
I did say that im familiar with. There have been rather bad shinto movements but shintoism isnt something im that familiar with.
Agreed. Any religion that passes judgment on non-adherents is by definition at some level of friction with everyone else. Although, the same could be said for political parties and philosophies of governance.

And race and sex and orientation... People act adversarial in regard to all those things.
Just as you would respect a Muslim at your forum, try to treat me the same. Mussolini is my prophet Muhammad. (Peace be upon him)

Of course, Fascists are only Communists that only want to see their extreme Socialism in their own country and not all bow down to a Global Soviet.

But otherwise, I see Der Lamp Ornament as I do Stalin, or any other Marxist. Somebody to be treated with contempt because they insist that the entire world must bow down to them.

The majority of Muslims are far from that.

And really? Your Prophet is a Marxist lunatic? Sorry, not much other than contempt from me. Of course, he is also a prophet that took his beliefs from Marx, as translated through Lenin.
I bet if I would have showed up at your forum as a Communist, I would have been accepted.

Actually, among most of us you would be treated almost exactly the same. Especially if you can only talk about your beliefs, and not deal with subjects based on facts.

But there is almost no difference between Fascism and Communism. They are largely the exact same thing.
So I was immediately harrassed and antagonize and ridiculed for my Fascist faith by countless people when I arrived and ever since. I don't recall returning insult for insult or being hostile.....Just curious, is that how you treat the Muslims that show up here?

Islam is far more violent than Fascism. Muhammad personally decapitated people. Mussolini never personally killed anyone.

Read the writings of Muhammad and read the writings of Mussolini, and you will find Muhammad has graphic, gruesome, psychopathic tortures, amputations of hands and feet, crucifixion of infidels, many calls to violence, even a quote that says "slay the Idolater wherever you find him".

The writings of Mussolini are quite healthy compared to that, and the Doctrine of Fascism rather harmless compared to the Qur'an.

Nothing oppresses more people in our current world and ruins more lives than Islam.

Yet would you treat a Muslim at your forum the way you treat me? Would you constantly be insulting his/her terrorist paedophile prophet and Religion.

Yes , I'm well aware of violence in Scripture. The tortures in the Koran are worse.

And Jesus told us turn the other cheek, love our enemies.

But who are you to be critical of Fascism, while being silent about Islam , which oppressed more people and is intrinsically violent? And what's up with Antifa waving hammer and sickle flags? That is worse a regime than Nazism.

Just as you would respect a Muslim at your forum, try to treat me the same. Mussolini is my prophet
Muhammad. (Peace be upon him)
View attachment 67314762View attachment 67314763View attachment 67314764
Despicable post. Sure hope someone is monitoring this kind of filth.

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