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would you like to see your marines in Iraq ?? (1 Viewer)

AbdulAziz Al-Sharif

New member
Aug 7, 2005
Reaction score
Saudi Arabia
Political Leaning

this is a message from a friend of mine to the American people
with my reservation on some of the …..!!! that you may seen in this film !!

[url removed for the moment]

what I want to say is that even though you are a well-advanced countries but this doesn't mean that Muslims can't fight …

I have an American friends and brothers and I differentiate between killing unarmed people and slaying the big lie of Marines

Mr. Bush want for his imperialistic to fall apart so soon and he started with Muslims thought that Muslims can do nothing

Sorry president you will suffer in Iraq !

Before I go where is the last time you visit this page :
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AbdulAziz Al-Sharif said:

this is a message from a friend of mine to the American people
with my reservation on some of the …..!!! that you may seen in this film !!

[url removed for the moment]

what I want to say is that even though you are a well-advanced countries but this doesn't mean that Muslims can't fight …

I have an American friends and brothers and I differentiate between killing unarmed people and slaying the big lie of Marines

Mr. Bush want for his imperialistic to fall apart so soon and he started with Muslims thought that Muslims can do nothing

Sorry president you will suffer in Iraq !

Before I go where is the last time you visit this page :

As long as you keep listening to your oppressive leadership and immoral Clerics, you will believe that forever.

One day, you(hopefully) will have your eyes opened to freedoms you never before knew existed for your part of the world....until that day, I have more sympathy for your people than anger.
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cnredd said:
As long as you keep listening to your oppressive leadership and immoral Clerics, you will believe that forever.
First of all, welcome
How do you know that I'm listening to an oppressive leadership ??
If my own country is not a democratic country she is not necessarily an oppressive one !!

cnredd said:
One day, you(hopefully) will have your eyes opened to freedoms you never before knew existed for your part of the world....until that day, I have more sympathy for your people than anger.
You are so generous so merciful,
but who told you that we need your American style of living we have our own rules our own law, also

I know I for one am not the least bit impressed, nor do I fear you, just as would not a rat under my kitchen sink. If you want to fight our military, and show your bravery, come out of your holes, and fight and die like a man. Only cowards kill with hidden bombs, our boys stand in your streets, and dare you to fight, still you hide like roaches when they lights are turned on.

Where is it written in your so called "holy book" that you kill innocent women and children, where has Allah directed this, not from the Koran? Your 72 virgins will be dipped in pigs blood, as they should be.
Deegan said:
Where is it written in your so called "holy book" that you kill innocent women and children
It's not written ... The terrorists misinterpret the Quran teachings on purpose to serve their twisted logic
Deegan said:
Your 72 virgins will be dipped in pigs blood, as they should be.
what 72 virgins ? clerify plzz
AbdulAziz Al-Sharif said:

this is a message from a friend of mine to the American people
with my reservation on some of the …..!!! that you may seen in this film !!

[url removed for the moment]

what I want to say is that even though you are a well-advanced countries but this doesn't mean that Muslims can't fight …

I have an American friends and brothers and I differentiate between killing unarmed people and slaying the big lie of Marines

Mr. Bush want for his imperialistic to fall apart so soon and he started with Muslims thought that Muslims can do nothing

Sorry president you will suffer in Iraq !

Before I go where is the last time you visit this page :

I'll bet you get a great kick out of that carnage, dont you,خنزير, لحم الخنزير, شخص شره, شره, أكول, نهم, سبيكة, إمرأة مستهترة فاجرة, قذر, شرطي ?

You have American friends?.........I'm sure they haven't seen your video. Why don't you show it to them so you can see what a good ass-whipping is all about.

You think you are going to scare us with that crap?

We've brought a few empires to their knees....people with a lot more guts than your homo "freedom fighters" who fear the empowerment of women. History will absorb you as it has all the cowards who hide behind women and children to do their dirty work.

900 million of you haven't been able to defeat 6 million jews. Do you think you can take on 300 million Americans?. I think not.

See you later, لوطي, مشته المماثل
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Deegan said:
Where is it written in your so called "holy book" that you kill innocent women and children
It's not written ... The terrorists misinterpret the Quran teachings on purpose to serve their twisted logic
Deegan said:
Your 72 virgins will be dipped in pigs blood, as they should be.
what 72 virgins ? clerify plz
mustafa said:
It's not written ... The terrorists misinterpret the Quran teachings on purpose to serve their twisted logic

what 72 virgins ? clerify plz

Tell me, Mustafa: What do you think about this Abdul Aziz? I haven't seen a condemnation from you yet.

Enlighten us.
MiamiFlorida said:
I'll bet you get a great kick out of that carnage, dont you,خنزير, لحم الخنزير, شخص شره, شره, أكول, نهم, سبيكة, إمرأة مستهترة فاجرة, قذر, شرطي ?

You have American friends?.........I'm sure they haven't seen your video. Why don't you show it to them so you can see what a good ass-whipping is all about.

You think you are going to scare us with that crap?

We've brought a few empires to their knees....people with a lot more guts than your homo "freedom fighters" who fear the empowerment of women. History will absorb you as it has all the cowards who hide behind women and children to do their dirty work.

900 million of you haven't been able to defeat 6 million jews. Do you think you can take on 300 million Americans?. I think not.

See you later, لوطي, مشته المماثل

I have some questions .. I hope you can answer me ....
Why did you call him pig ? , Is it because muslims dont eat pork ????
Why did you label the "Freedom fighters" as homo ???
How do they fear the empowerment of women ???
Why do you picture it as a huge_scaled war between muslims and America , even though it has been clear that they hate U.S foreign policy not the american people , he said that he has american friends right ???
MiamiFlorida said:
I'll bet you get a great kick out of that carnage, dont you,خنزير, لحم الخنزير, شخص شره, شره, أكول, نهم, سبيكة, إمرأة مستهترة فاجرة, قذر, شرطي ?
See you later, لوطي, مشته المماثل


First off, this is the wrong forum for flaming no matter the language.
Second, DP rules clearly stipulate that all posts should be in English
AbdulAziz Al-Sharif,

Feel free to convince me that there is a debate here rather than just an attempt to inform (albeit in an inflammatory manner) and I will return it to the 'War on Terror' forum.

I have removed the link to the propaganda piece pending further discussion with the other mods.


Simon W. Moon
mustafa said:
I have some questions .. I hope you can answer me ....
Why did you call him pig ? , Is it because muslims dont eat pork ????
Why did you label the "Freedom fighters" as homo ???
How do they fear the empowerment of women ???
Why do you picture it as a huge_scaled war between muslims and America , even though it has been clear that they hate U.S foreign policy not the american people , he said that he has american friends right ???

I will answer your questions when you answer mine. Deal?
mustafa said:
It's not written ... The terrorists misinterpret the Quran teachings on purpose to serve their twisted logic

what 72 virgins ? clerify plz

I am well aware of the twisted logic behind the re-invention of the Muslim religion. I was asking the other gentleman to explain it for me, and I am still waiting.

I can't believe you have never heard the 72 virgins fantasy, it's from a document called the Hadith I believe, the second most sacred document next to the Koran. I suggest researching it for yourself, you may even want to become a radical yourself, as 72 virgins is nothing to sneeze at.;)
MiamiFlorida said:
Tell me, Mustafa: What do you think about this Abdul Aziz? I haven't seen a condemnation from you yet.

Enlighten us.

To what exactly ??? I disagree with him on certain issues but I also agree with him on many others .....
I believe posting that video was a wrong idea ...
But If there was anything to condemn from top to bottom , then it is your reply to him .... homo , pig ...etc ( btw , I would like you to answer my quetions concerning this ) ... It wasn't right and it hurts any muslim who see it just like the video hurt you and will hurt any american who see it .. so If you consider him wrong then you were as wrong as he was ... :2wave:
mustafa said:
To what exactly ??? I disagree with him on certain issues but I also agree with him on many others .....
I believe posting that video was a wrong idea ...
But If there was anything to condemn from top to bottom , then it is your reply to him .... homo , pig ...etc ( btw , I would like you to answer my quetions concerning this ) ... It wasn't right and it hurts any muslim who see it just like the video hurt you and will hurt any american who see it .. so If you consider him wrong then you were as wrong as he was ... :2wave:

Have you read everything he wrote? Or maybe you decided to ignore some little items. right?

Look, Mustafa.....I am not oblivious to the sensibilities of muslims.
Less than 2 weeks ago I had dinner with the Minister of Education of Bahrain and her husband in Barcelona. I found them to be charming, very well educated, and open-minded. That's the kind of people that can solve the problems of the world today.....not those who would silence opposition and impose their views by the sword. Those are doomed to fail.

Now, you believe posting that video was the wrong idea....how about telling him that? In big letters. Address him directly.
Deegan said:
I am well aware of the twisted logic behind the re-invention of the Muslim religion.
glad to hear that ...

Deegan said:
I can't believe you have never heard the 72 virgins fantasy, it's from a document called the Hadith I believe, the second most sacred document next to the Koran. I suggest researching it for yourself, you may even want to become a radical yourself, as 72 virgins is nothing to sneeze at.;)

Every religiont has its own view of paradise , right ?
so why we don't consider this part of their religion and respect that ?
now , this is like a prize for martyrs right ?
martyrs doesn't necesserily means suicide bombers or radical , bear in mind the Fatwa issued by muslim scholars against 9\11 and london suicide bombings ?
mustafa said:
glad to hear that ...

Every religiont has its own view of paradise , right ?
so why we don't consider this part of their religion and respect that ?
now , this is like a prize for martyrs right ?
martyrs doesn't necesserily means suicide bombers or radical , bear in mind the Fatwa issued by muslim scholars against 9\11 and london suicide bombings ?

I don't know why you are bothering to defend the Muslim religion, as I am not attacking it, only trying to convey how it has been turned inside out to justify the recent violence it has created. I am also not here to answer your question, or do the heavy lifting, and research your many questions demand. I am against any religion that incites violence, as many many wars have been waged in the name of religion, and will always point this out when I believe it to be the case. I am glad that some Muslim have finally come out and denounced this perversion, and just wonder what has taken them so long?
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AbdulAziz Al-Sharif said:

this is a message from a friend of mine to the American people
with my reservation on some of the …..!!! that you may seen in this film !!

[url removed for the moment]

what I want to say is that even though you are a well-advanced countries but this doesn't mean that Muslims can't fight …

I have an American friends and brothers and I differentiate between killing unarmed people and slaying the big lie of Marines

Mr. Bush want for his imperialistic to fall apart so soon and he started with Muslims thought that Muslims can do nothing

Sorry president you will suffer in Iraq !

Before I go where is the last time you visit this page :


The moderators of this forum, in their infinite wisdom, deleted my response to your educational video. Educational, I say, because it teaches us...the infidels....about the kind of excrement that inhabits that area of gray matter that you call a brain.

Having said that, I sincerely wish for the fleas of 1,000 camels to infest your mama's pubic hair.

I will be eating pork tonight and thinking of you.
MiamiFlorida said:
Have you read everything he wrote? Or maybe you decided to ignore some little items. right?
No I didn't , I've told you I agree with many things he said ...

MiamiFlorida said:
Look, Mustafa.....I am not oblivious to the sensibilities of muslims.
Less than 2 weeks ago I had dinner with the Minister of Education of Bahrain and her husband in Barcelona. I found them to be charming, very well educated, and open-minded. That's the kind of people that can solve the problems of the world today.....not those who would silence opposition and impose their views by the sword. Those are doomed to fail.
100 % agree , this is the first time I see you posting something right ... :applaud
just out of curuiosty , how did you get to have dinner with the minister and her husband :mrgreen: ?
MiamiFlorida said:
Now, you believe posting that video was the wrong idea....how about telling him that? In big letters. Address him directly.
I've told him that already , but I prefered thru privat sms , and his reply was interesting .....

With all my respect to this unique post by you ( no hatred and no racism for the first time ) you still didn't answer my questions ....
MiamiFlorida said:

Having said that, I sincerely wish for the fleas of 1,000 camels to infest your mama's pubic hair.

I will be eating pork tonight and thinking of you.
you are a sick person , do you know that ? to post his kind of stuff , it really shows how your own mama raised ... after ur last post to me , i felt encoureged to debate and discuss more issueswith you but you have proved to be nothing but a low life that doesn't deserve even looking at .....
by the way , you still didn't answer my questions .......
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Deegan said:
I don't know why you are bothering to defend the Muslim religion, as I am not attacking it, only trying to convey how it has been turned inside out to justify the recent violence it has created. I am also not here to answer your question, or do the heavy lifting, and research your many questions demand. I am against any religion that incites violence, as many many wars have been waged in the name of religion, and will always point this out when I believe it to be the case. I am glad that some Muslim have finally come out and denounced this perversion, and just wonder what has taken them so long?
good to hear that .. and sorry for the slight misunderstanding :mrgreen:
I'm really glad to see people seeing it the way you do ....
mustafa said:
No I didn't , I've told you I agree with many things he said ...

100 % agree , this is the first time I see you posting something right ... :applaud
just out of curuiosty , how did you get to have dinner with the minister and her husband :mrgreen: ?

I've told him that already , but I prefered thru privat sms , and his reply was interesting .....

With all my respect to this unique post by you ( no hatred and no racism for the first time ) you still didn't answer my questions ....

Well, since he posted his remarks on a PUBLIC forum, your reply to him should be on the same forum .I for one am waiting to see if muslims just give lip service to their rejection of terrorists and their supporters...and if they are willing to stand up for what is right.

How about showing us?

Then I will tell you about my dinner with the minister.
Deegan said:
I know I for one am not the least bit impressed, nor do I fear you, just as would not a rat under my kitchen sink. If you want to fight our military, and show your bravery, come out of your holes, and fight and die like a man. Only cowards kill with hidden bombs, our boys stand in your streets, and dare you to fight, still you hide like roaches when they lights are turned on.

Where is it written in your so called "holy book" that you kill innocent women and children, where has Allah directed this, not from the Koran? Your 72 virgins will be dipped in pigs blood, as they should be.
Feel better now that you've written a post that is the typical "Ugly American" thinking?

It embarrasses me as an American when I read bullshit like this.
26 X World Champs said:
Feel better now that you've written a post that is the typical "Ugly American" thinking?

It embarrasses me as an American when I read bullshit like this.

It should embarrass you to defend a future terrorist and his propaganda video, but I forgive you, you're obviously a whining, ignorant liberal. Still, it is especially sickening to hear it from someone from N.Y, now go finish your glass of wine, and have a big cry.:roll:
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Deegan said:
It should embarrass you to defend a future terrorist and his propaganda video, but I forgive you, you're obviously a whining, ignorant liberal. Still, it is especially sickening to hear it from someone from N.Y, now go finish your glass of wine, and have a big cry.:roll:
What's wrong with you? Are you unable to express yourself without spewing hate? Did you ever consider articulating your point of view intelligently without the crap you just wrote? Is that something you're incapable of doing?

I wasn't defending anyone! I believe that one can make a solid, strong argument against someone or something without being abusive.

I can see by your post that you make points by being abusive.

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