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Would you have been okay if Trump had overturned the election? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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You might say this question is moot, but look forward to 2024. If Trump runs and loses again by even a smaller number of votes, January 6th could be just a drop in the ocean to what might happen then. So would you have been okay with Trump overturning the 2020, and would you really be happy if he loses in 202 and then overturns that election?
It sounds like crickets in here, listen, not a peep. The cowards won't own up even though trump still controls the party.
Of course I wouldn't have been ok with it. I know some would have been.
He is not in the Oval Office. He is outside looking in. An autogolpe is the easier coup.

He has to win the old fashioned way: a majority of electoral votes.
You might say this question is moot, but look forward to 2024. If Trump runs and loses again by even a smaller number of votes, January 6th could be just a drop in the ocean to what might happen then. (1) So would you have been okay with Trump overturning the 2020, and (2) would you really be happy if he loses in 202 and then overturns that election?

1. No.

I would have preferred he won in 2020 during an open and honest election. Not one I consider corrupted by massive changes in the name of "Covid-19" fears.

Caveat: While I believe the election was corrupted by those changes, I accept that once Biden's election was confirmed by Congress, it was a done deal.

2. Non-issue. That it a wild fantasy speculation unworthy of any answer.
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You might say this question is moot, but look forward to 2024. If Trump runs and loses again by even a smaller number of votes, January 6th could be just a drop in the ocean to what might happen then. So would you have been okay with Trump overturning the 2020, and would you really be happy if he loses in 202 and then overturns that election?

HE can't overturn any election.
I am a law and order kinda girl, so no.
It sounds like crickets in here, listen, not a peep. The cowards won't own up even though trump still controls the party.
C'mon, not everyone has time to continuously monitor the latest activity page.
You might say this question is moot, but look forward to 2024. If Trump runs and loses again by even a smaller number of votes, January 6th could be just a drop in the ocean to what might happen then. So would you have been okay with Trump overturning the 2020, and would you really be happy if he loses in 202 and then overturns that election?
Get Trump out of your head. You're just babbling non-sense. I'd be more worried about if he ran and won, we'd have disruptions that would make the riots in the summer of 2020 look like a visit to Disneyland. The left's "mostly peaceful demostration kill more people and cause more damage than anything the faux-insurrection ever did.
No, as it would have been the effective end of our democracy and our entire system of government. Imagine if we lived in a country where, if the ruling administration simply didn't like the results of an election, they declare it void, or the President's fans storm offices of government to prevent the transfer of power from occurring.
It sounds like crickets in here, listen, not a peep. The cowards won't own up even though trump still controls the party.
LOL. A whole 6 minutes went by between the OP and your post. Dont be so desperate.
1. No.

I would have preferred he won in 2020 during an open and honest election. Not one I consider corrupted by massive changes in the name of "Covid-19" fears.

Caveat: While I believe the election was corrupted by those changes, I accept that once Biden's election was confirmed by Congress, it was a done deal.

2. Non-issue. That it a wild fantasy speculation unworthy of any answer.
I'm reading that as you accepted it but did not agree with it. Am I getting that correctly?
You might say this question is moot, but look forward to 2024. If Trump runs and loses again by even a smaller number of votes, January 6th could be just a drop in the ocean to what might happen then. So would you have been okay with Trump overturning the 2020, and would you really be happy if he loses in 202 and then overturns that election?
If Trump had been successful in negating the results of the election fraud and the REAL winner was now in the WH, I'd be happy.

I'd be even happier if the perpetrators of the election fraud were now facing justice through the judicial system.
You might say this question is moot, but look forward to 2024. If Trump runs and loses again by even a smaller number of votes, January 6th could be just a drop in the ocean to what might happen then. So would you have been okay with Trump overturning the 2020, and would you really be happy if he loses in 202 and then overturns that election?

Illegally, unConstitutionally, and thru the use of force, like the attempts on Jan 6? Of course not. What real American would?

Which Americans want dictators who take control by illegal use of force? Morons would....
You might say this question is moot, but look forward to 2024. If Trump runs and loses again by even a smaller number of votes, January 6th could be just a drop in the ocean to what might happen then. So would you have been okay with Trump overturning the 2020, and would you really be happy if he loses in 202 and then overturns that election?
Despite still holding sway within his party, his power has been steadily waning since the day of Biden's inauguration. Support at his rallies is dwindling, his fund raising is down, and he's still stupid enough to keep opening his mouth in front of a camera or mike at every chance he gets. Even his endorsements have ceased to be effective in getting other Republicans elected.

The bloom is off the rose. Trump has been on a very slow, but very steady downhill slide for over a year now, with no sign of it stopping anytime soon. Trump isn't even going to get his party's nomination.
If Trump had been successful in negating the results of the election fraud and the REAL winner was now in the WH, I'd be happy.

I'd be even happier if the perpetrators of the election fraud were now facing justice through the judicial system.

Here, again:

Why, in the 2.5 months before the inauguration, the GOP, in power, with all their majority votes and resources, didnt form a commission or major official investigation to investigate the heck out of every state's elections and voting? To investigate all the challenges and claims in a coordinated official manner, using the DOJ or other judicial authority, much of which they controlled or appointed? (They could have done it after Jan 20, even now....)​
Why wouldnt the GOP have moved heaven and earth, done everything legally possible, to retain power and to maintain their hold on the Whitehouse? As if they'd prefer the Democrats for 4 yrs and have to start all over again in 2024 and lose a lot of their own personal power and conservative initiatives? Risk all that?​

And we all know it's not 'some of the GOP were against The Donald.' That's facile toddler CT bullshit. Why would they let it go and then be doing everything in their power to get it back now? When, according to you, they could have just maintained control by finding the fraud?
If you look at the texts that went back and forth you see that the next thing Trump had planned was to declare martial law.
Okay with that, anyone?
Overturned election, NO proof that it was corrupted, sixty court cases to the contrary, declaration of martial law...what's next?

You might say this question is moot, but look forward to 2024. If Trump runs and loses again by even a smaller number of votes, January 6th could be just a drop in the ocean to what might happen then. So would you have been okay with Trump overturning the 2020, and would you really be happy if he loses in 202 and then overturns that election?

Trump isn't even going to get his party's nomination.

What worries me, Mambo, is that his losing the nomination, itself, might cause another Jan. 6 thing--in whatever city the convention takes place.
Here, again:

Why, in the 2.5 months before the inauguration, the GOP, in power, with all their majority votes and resources, didnt form a commission or major official investigation to investigate the heck out of every state's elections and voting? To investigate all the challenges and claims in a coordinated official manner, using the DOJ or other judicial authority, much of which they controlled or appointed? (They could have done it after Jan 20, even now....)​
Why wouldnt the GOP have moved heaven and earth, done everything legally possible, to retain power and to maintain their hold on the Whitehouse? As if they'd prefer the Democrats for 4 yrs and have to start all over again in 2024 and lose a lot of their own personal power and conservative initiatives? Risk all that?​

And we all know it's not 'some of the GOP were against The Donald.' That's facile toddler CT bullshit. Why would they let it go and then be doing everything in their power to get it back now? When, according to you, they could have just maintained control by finding the fraud?
Sorry, but you can call it what you want...but the fact is, NONE of the GOP Congressional leaders wanted Trump to win. Hell, we have recorded words from McCarthy. We have public statements from McConnell.

And you expect THOSE GUYS to "form a commission or major official investigation"??? Don't be naive.
What worries me, Mambo, is that his losing the nomination, itself, might cause another Jan. 6 thing--in whatever city the convention takes place.
Almost for certain.

Delegates will be getting death threats for years.
Sorry, but you can call it what you want...but the fact is, NONE of the GOP Congressional leaders wanted Trump to win. Hell, we have recorded words from McCarthy. We have public statements from McConnell.

Prove it. And show how they explain why. Let's see the quotes. (And I dont mean after the results showed Biden obviously won...the smart people even in the GOP understood reality.)

And you expect THOSE GUYS to "form a commission or major official investigation"??? Don't be naive.

Yup. I do. Explain why it's naive to think so. Articulate an argument, as I did, instead of still writing 'na huh' every time with no foundation.
You might say this question is moot, but look forward to 2024. If Trump runs and loses again by even a smaller number of votes, January 6th could be just a drop in the ocean to what might happen then. So would you have been okay with Trump overturning the 2020, and would you really be happy if he loses in 202 and then overturns that election?
No, that would have ended the country as we know it, and completely after a short time.

The problem is we could still be in deep shit if we aren't supre careful.
1. No.

I would have preferred he won in 2020 during an open and honest election. Not one I consider corrupted by massive changes in the name of "Covid-19" fears.

There was no corruption in the name of "Covid-19" fears. It WAS an open and honest election. I think you have forgotten that Trump was getting ready to call even the 2016 election "rigged" if he didn't win, and was also threatening violence. Remember his quip about not knowing what those "Second Amendment types" were going to do if he lost?

Caveat: While I believe the election was corrupted by those changes, I accept that once Biden's election was confirmed by Congress, it was a done deal.

So not sure why are you not outraged at the leader of the GOP field still going around undermining legitimate US elections. That should outrage every American.

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