Here, again:
Why, in the 2.5 months before the inauguration, the GOP, in power, with all their majority votes and resources, didnt form a commission or major official investigation to investigate the heck out of every state's elections and voting? To investigate all the challenges and claims in a coordinated official manner, using the DOJ or other judicial authority, much of which they controlled or appointed? (They could have done it after Jan 20, even now....)
Why wouldnt the GOP have moved heaven and earth, done everything legally possible, to retain power and to maintain their hold on the Whitehouse? As if they'd prefer the Democrats for 4 yrs and have to start all over again in 2024 and lose a lot of their own personal power and conservative initiatives? Risk all that?
And we all know it's not 'some of the GOP were against The Donald.' That's facile toddler CT bullshit. Why would they let it go and then be doing everything in their power to get it back now? When, according to you, they could have just maintained control by finding the fraud?