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Would you bring home a black person? (1 Viewer)

The legend

New member
May 12, 2005
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The new film "Guess who" with ashton kutchberger and Bernie Mac is a very interesting insight into US beliefs on inter-racial dating.
It seems that america is a little more segregated in that context than we r in England. Lets discuss this subject which has be a taboo for too long.
A) how many black people would bring home a white person
B) how many white people would bring home a Afro-american?
Skin color means nothing and I am appauld at how many people actually would consider discriminating based on skin color. Wether black, white, orange, or blue we are all human beings! I shall treat everyone equal regardless, of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, or anything else.
The legend said:
The new film "Guess who" with ashton kutchberger and Bernie Mac is a very interesting insight into US beliefs on inter-racial dating.
It seems that america is a little more segregated in that context than we r in England. Lets discuss this subject which has be a taboo for too long.
A) how many black people would bring home a white person
B) how many white people would bring home a Afro-american?

Have never met an 'afro-american'.
That sure does sound insulting if you are refering to black americans.

Would you perhaps restate this constructively and without prejudice?

Good topic - would love to discuss.
I have brought home an latino-american, an asian-american and my parents haven't cared at all.
I don't find African-Americans attractive so no. On a racial basis, it wouldn't make a difference.
The new film "Guess who" with ashton kutchberger and Bernie Mac is a very interesting insight into US beliefs on inter-racial dating.
It seems that america is a little more segregated in that context than we r in England.
You are basing your beliefs on a movie you saw?
Squawker said:
You are basing your beliefs on a movie you saw?
That's ok, everything I know about England is based on Monty Python. ;)
Squawker said:
You are basing your beliefs on a movie you saw?
No, you misunderstand. He is saying it begs the question, and is wondering what we think as well. He found some interesting information in that movie, but that doesn't mean he bases his beliefs on it.
ShamMol said:
No, you misunderstand. He is saying it begs the question, and is wondering what we think as well. He found some interesting information in that movie, but that doesn't mean he bases his beliefs on it.

He's a robot and he's plugging a movie. He even gave us the names of the all star ( :doh ) cast.
Ashton K. needs acting lessons. But, I do admit he was great in Butterfly Affect.
Yup, his acting is about like my spelling.
Sometimes it's good, but most of the time it stinks.:mrgreen:
Shamol thanks for defending me. i was not basEing my beliefs solely on taht movie. its just a movie that raises an interesting question. BUT to be honest there are several other factors which i've based my ideas on.
1) generally watching alot of U.S televison from the Fresh prince of bel-air to dismissed to the real world. In the majority of these shows you never see Black-white dating and on the rare occassions that you do a big deal is made out of it.
2) i read a stat on a website about a year ago that said that 1/20 African-americans will marry a white person as opposed to 1 in 3 British black people. I must admit that some stats tend to be dodgy but they must have an element of truth in them.

The legend said:
Shamol thanks for defending me. i was not basEing my beliefs solely on taht movie. its just a movie that raises an interesting question. BUT to be honest there are several other factors which i've based my ideas on.
1) generally watching alot of U.S televison from the Fresh prince of bel-air to dismissed to the real world. In the majority of these shows you never see Black-white dating and on the rare occassions that you do a big deal is made out of it.
2) i read a stat on a website about a year ago that said that 1/20 African-americans will marry a white person as opposed to 1 in 3 British black people. I must admit that some stats tend to be dodgy but they must have an element of truth in them.


Sorry about questioning if you were a robot - your intentions were hard to make out.

I am opposed to dating outside of one's race. But that is only for me and my family.
It's not that another race is bad or discusting or unequal.

I have said this before, and will say it again before I am accused of being "racist".

Cardials do not mix with Bluejays. Both are very pretty birds.
They both may live in the same tree, play with each other, or be best friends; but when it comes to baby birds they look for another cardinal or bluejay for a mate.
Kyle said:

Why do people still call blacks "African-Americans"? I, for one, consider that over-used, you should only refer a black person as "African-American" if they're actually from Africa. An American Black is not an African-American...

I can't understand why people consider that a showing of respect to people who have been persecuted.. if that's so then from now on, I am not "White" I am Irish-Scottish-British-Celtic-Viking-American.

Yes, all people from Europe are all related VIA Vikings!
vauge said:
Cardials do not mix with Bluejays. Both are very pretty birds.
They both may live in the same tree, play with each other, or be best friends; but when it comes to baby birds they look for another cardinal or bluejay for a mate.

Personally, I think we should all just get it on until we're all the same grayish color!

Seriously, I would like to know why you have an issue with interracial relationships.
Arch Enemy said:
Why do people still call blacks "African-Americans"? I, for one, consider that over-used, you should only refer a black person as "African-American" if they're actually from Africa. An American Black is not an African-American...

I can't understand why people consider that a showing of respect to people who have been persecuted.. if that's so then from now on, I am not "White" I am Irish-Scottish-British-Celtic-Viking-American.

Yes, all people from Europe are all related VIA Vikings!

or maybe i find only the african americans unattractive? :2razz: It's just a generalization that people have become accustom to over the years and appears on just about every gov't form.

Does it REALLY matter though? :mrgreen:
Gandhi>Bush said:
Personally, I think we should all just get it on until we're all the same grayish color!

Seriously, I would like to know why you have an issue with interracial relationships.

Short version: I believe all races were created in the beginning, only language barrier was created at the Tower of Babel.

Not one race is any better than the other.
Like the analogy above, Cardinals are just as pretty as Bluejays. To me, it's unfortunate when purple ones are made because the mixer of traditions leads to forgetting the past.
And you don't think that perhaps that mixing traditions unites the two races? Brings them closer together?

How can one forget the past when all have the same past?
Gandhi>Bush said:
How can one forget the past when all have the same past?
That's just it - we all do not have the same past.

There is nothing more elegant than a finely tuned african dance or a native american ritual. Mixing the major races helps us to forget our past and unique traditions. At first, they are shared - eventually they are forgotten.
And you believe this to be the result of interracial relationships? Personally, I think one day Sits-With-Walrus decided he'd rather just be called Phillip. Times change as do cultures. I do not believe this is because of interracial mating and/or dating.
Gandhi>Bush said:
And you believe this to be the result of interracial relationships? Personally, I think one day Sits-With-Walrus decided he'd rather just be called Phillip. Times change as do cultures. I do not believe this is because of interracial mating and/or dating.
Of course cultures change. But, why mix all the cultures?
Why forget our grandfathers customs and ways?

Interracial mating is only one part of the equation.
That person (i think it was "Vague") is a blatant racist.
I see absolutely NO reason why races should not intermix- EVEN THE PRESERVATION OF CULTURE.
Loss of Customs/traditions/culture

I don't believe that that is what happens when two people of different cultural/ethnic backgrounds come together. The grandfathers' customs become one.

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