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Would the young would be socialist really like living under socialism. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Very Conservative
It seems that so many of the young these days think socialism would be good. Do they really know what living under the socialist form of gov would be like.

First after HS Gov B'crats would decide who and who would not go to college. Only those with the highest grade and IQs would go-------------because it would only be what is good for all of society that would go. Color would not mean anything.

Then EVERYBODY WOULD WORK. No one could lay around the house and do nothing. The B'crats would decide what job you would have. When you graduated if a sewer worker was needed, put on your overshoes. If someone was needed to pick cabbage, bend over. EVERYONE would have to be productive.

You wouldnt get your smart phone until everyone had one and it was your turn.

The young had better do some research on their own before they commit to socialism. The fact is their teachers and professors lied about socialism.

The should start out by checking out Cuba and Venezuela..
In the first place it is damned hard to live under socialism. In the last century 100,000,000 didnt.

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