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Would Putin have attacked Ukraine if Trump was reelected? (1 Viewer)

If Trump remained president, would Putin have attacked Ukraine?

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It is noticeable that US foreign policy doesn't really change regardless of whether Tweedledee or Tweedledum are at the helm. It's the same here, if that's any consolation.

My guess is that Putin decided a while back that the situation in Ukraine ( and Georgia) was untenable wrt NATO, loss of earnings, loss of influence etc etc
Putin is a war criminal. The KGB thug has invaded another sovereign state.

I have zero interest in attempting to deflect from the fact that Putin is the aggressor and is responsible for the invasion. The blood is on his hands.
What do you think?

Are you asking, influenced by the factual record, or in spite if it?

It is noticeable that US foreign policy doesn't really change regardless of whether Tweedledee or Tweedledum are at the helm. It's the same here, if that's any consolation.

My guess is that Putin decided a while back that the situation in Ukraine ( and Georgia) was untenable wrt NATO, loss of earnings, loss of influence etc etc
Huh? Come again ? Also consider Trump's enthusiastic support for war crimes and war criminals....

Blackwater: Trump pardons US war criminals and undermines ...​

https://www.usatoday.com › opinion › 2020/12/23 › tr...

Dec 23, 2020 — ...

Biden Freezes Trump's Withdrawal of 12,000 Troops From ...

https://www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics
Apr 13, 2021 — The move halts a Trump administration decision to shift some units to Belgium and Italy and bring others home, a plan that had rankled European ...

U.S. to withdraw about 12,000 troops from Germany but nearly ...

https://www.reuters.com › article › u-s-to-withdraw-abo...
Jul 29, 2020 — Trump announced his intention last month to cut by about a third the 36,000-strong U.S. troop contingent in Germany, faulting the close U.S. ...

Trump's Sudden and Dangerous Troop Withdrawal From ...

https://www.cfr.org › in-brief › trumps-sudden-and-dan...
Jun 8, 2020 — President Donald J. Trump's order to withdraw nearly ten thousand U.S. troops from Germany betrays a close ally, undermines confidence in ...

Off the Rails: Trump’s failed 11th-hour military withdrawal campaign

A behind-the-scenes look at former President Trump’s unprecedented clash with the Pentagon.
Jonathan Swan, Zachary Basu
May 16, 2021 - Politics & Policy

Episode 9: Trump's war with his generals​

"..John McEntee, one of Donald Trump's most-favored aides, handed retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor a piece of paper with a few notes scribbled on it. He explained: "This is what the president wants you to do."

1. Get us out of Afghanistan.

2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria.

3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany.

4. Get us out of Africa.

It was Nov. 9, 2020 — days after Trump lost his re-election bid, 10 weeks before the end of his presidency and just moments after Macgregor was offered a post as senior adviser to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller.

As head of the powerful Presidential Personnel Office, McEntee had Trump's ear. Even so, Macgregor was astonished. He told McEntee he doubted they could do all of these things before Jan. 20.

"Then do as much as you can," McEntee replied.

In Macgregor's opinion, Miller probably couldn't act on his own authority to execute a total withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan because he was serving in an acting capacity. If this was for real, Macgregor told McEntee, then it was going to need an order from the president.

The one-page memo was delivered by courier to Christopher Miller's office two days later, on the afternoon of Nov. 11. .."
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Obviously not. He stayed out of Ukraine because of Trump the Terrorist.
Putin seemed to wait until Trump's attempted shake down of Ukraine was complete, perhaps they both were going to benefit from that particular plan.
Putin seemed to wait until Trump's attempted shake down of Ukraine was complete, perhaps they both were going to benefit from that particular plan.

Of course. Trump the Terrorist treated Ukraine like crap not only for personal political gain, but also to make his buddy Vladimir Putin happy.
It is noticeable that US foreign policy doesn't really change regardless of whether Tweedledee or Tweedledum are at the helm. It's the same here, if that's any consolation.

My guess is that Putin decided a while back that the situation in Ukraine ( and Georgia) was untenable wrt NATO, loss of earnings, loss of influence etc etc

Probably not. Libruls like to think of populist republican presidents of cowboys. One advantage of having such in the White House is that our enemies are not sure how they will respond. Putin has no fear of Dementia Joe whatsoever.
Are you asking, influenced by the factual record, or in spite if it?

Huh? Come again ? Also consider Trump's enthusiastic support for war crimes and war criminals....

Blackwater: Trump pardons US war criminals and undermines ...

https://www.usatoday.com › opinion › 2020/12/23 › tr...
Dec 23, 2020 — ...

Biden Freezes Trump's Withdrawal of 12,000 Troops From ...

https://www.nytimes.com › U.S. › Politics
Apr 13, 2021 — The move halts a Trump administration decision to shift some units to Belgium and Italy and bring others home, a plan that had rankled European ...

U.S. to withdraw about 12,000 troops from Germany but nearly ...

https://www.reuters.com › article › u-s-to-withdraw-abo...
Jul 29, 2020 — Trump announced his intention last month to cut by about a third the 36,000-strong U.S. troop contingent in Germany, faulting the close U.S. ...

Trump's Sudden and Dangerous Troop Withdrawal From ...

https://www.cfr.org › in-brief › trumps-sudden-and-dan...
Jun 8, 2020 — President Donald J. Trump's order to withdraw nearly ten thousand U.S. troops from Germany betrays a close ally, undermines confidence in ...

Off the Rails: Trump’s failed 11th-hour military withdrawal campaign

A behind-the-scenes look at former President Trump’s unprecedented clash with the Pentagon.
Jonathan Swan, Zachary Basu
May 16, 2021 - Politics & Policy

Episode 9: Trump's war with his generals​

"..John McEntee, one of Donald Trump's most-favored aides, handed retired Army Col. Douglas Macgregor a piece of paper with a few notes scribbled on it. He explained: "This is what the president wants you to do."

1. Get us out of Afghanistan.

2. Get us out of Iraq and Syria.

3. Complete the withdrawal from Germany.

4. Get us out of Africa.

It was Nov. 9, 2020 — days after Trump lost his re-election bid, 10 weeks before the end of his presidency and just moments after Macgregor was offered a post as senior adviser to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller.

As head of the powerful Presidential Personnel Office, McEntee had Trump's ear. Even so, Macgregor was astonished. He told McEntee he doubted they could do all of these things before Jan. 20.

"Then do as much as you can," McEntee replied.

In Macgregor's opinion, Miller probably couldn't act on his own authority to execute a total withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan because he was serving in an acting capacity. If this was for real, Macgregor told McEntee, then it was going to need an order from the president.

The one-page memo was delivered by courier to Christopher Miller's office two days later, on the afternoon of Nov. 11. .."
Biden couldn't even withdraw from Afghanistan without ****ing it up. And we all know his failed withdrawal that resulted in Hunter.
Considering Trump has praised Putin and his acts of genius, and at no point during his presidency did anything to counter or anger Putin, yes, he clearly would have.
Got to talk about Trump because your president can't get it up. :p
Putin played Trump and Fox news (and still does) like a Baptist preacher at an old time revival......he doesn't care about Trump.....he knows Trump is his useful idiot
Putin played Trump and Fox news (and still does) like a Baptist preacher at an old time revival......he doesn't care about Trump.....he knows Trump is his useful idiot
This is the same group of people who spent decades being fleeced by televangelists. They are a very controllable group if you tell them what they want to hear.
Look at these hardcore trump supporters using the Fox News strategy against Biden a day or 2 after Ukrainians are being murdered by trump's genius.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised. They will go much, much lower.
My cat's name is Ernie but that's how I voted.

Putin made a concerted effort to assist Trump's election in 2016 - why? Americans have never been more politically divided than they've been since then. The pandemic exacerbated things tenfold.

Does Putin have a vested interest in a politically fractured West? Is four years a blip on the historical radar, and possibly part of a long game?

Does anyone truly believe a second Trump term would have stopped Russian aggression in Ukraine?
What do you think?
There’s no way to know or prove if Trump had been reelected if Putin would have attacked the Ukraine. Our foreign policy doesn’t change much from president to president. Only around the edges. Perhaps we need to ask ourselves what Putin was looking for. He wanted assurances from the U.S. and NATO that the Ukraine wouldn’t be allowed to join, that NATO wouldn’t expand into the Ukraine. He also wanted the western movement of the Ukraine from Russia to the West to stop.

Had NATO and the U.S. provided the assurances that NATO would never expand to include the Ukraine, maybe Putin wouldn’t have attacked. Maybe, still no way to know or prove it since it didn’t happen. I do think we need to realize that the Ukraine is right on Russia’s border. That we can’t ignore, although most of us do.
My cat's name is Ernie but that's how I voted.

Putin made a concerted effort to assist Trump's election in 2016 - why? Americans have never been more politically divided than they've been since then. The pandemic exacerbated things tenfold.

Does Putin have a vested interest in a politically fractured West? Is four years a blip on the historical radar, and possibly part of a long game?

Does anyone truly believe a second Trump term would have stopped Russian aggression in Ukraine?
I believe the Drumpf clan would have cashed in.
There’s no way to know or prove if Trump had been reelected if Putin would have attacked the Ukraine. Our foreign policy doesn’t change much from president to president. Only around the edges. Perhaps we need to ask ourselves what Putin was looking for. He wanted assurances from the U.S. and NATO that the Ukraine wouldn’t be allowed to join, that NATO wouldn’t expand into the Ukraine. He also wanted the western movement of the Ukraine from Russia to the West to stop.

Had NATO and the U.S. provided the assurances that NATO would never expand to include the Ukraine, maybe Putin wouldn’t have attacked. Maybe, still no way to know or prove it since it didn’t happen. I do think we need to realize that the Ukraine is right on Russia’s border. That we can’t ignore, although most of us do.
'If she just made his dinner with a smile he wouldn't have had to slap her.'

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