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Would Obama Pardon Hillary Before Leaving Office? (1 Viewer)

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DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Slightly Conservative
Let's assume that Hillary is actually indicted and found guilty and that she is sentenced to jail before Obama leaves office. Would he pardon her?
Maybe. On one hand, she's a weak candidate who hurts the party more than she helps it. She also holds grudges, and got her ass handed to her last time she ran for President by Barack . It might be better for everyone in the long run if she was forcibly removed from her current position in the party.

On the other hand, she's probably got enough favors stuffed up her sleeves to get away with televised murder. Twice.
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Let's assume that Hillary is actually indicted and found guilty and that she is sentenced to jail before Obama leaves office. Would he pardon her?

And will the sun come up tomorrow morning..........More BS Faux-like news reporting
Let's assume that Hillary is actually indicted and found guilty and that she is sentenced to jail before Obama leaves office. Would he pardon her?

Nope. If she were indicted and had to withdraw, he knows very well that the nomination would go to Bernie Sanders...and all those Hillary voters would vote for him instead, and Trump would still lose.
Let's assume that Hillary is actually indicted and found guilty and that she is sentenced to jail before Obama leaves office. Would he pardon her?

Why not pardon her now? Then they don't have to hurry so much.
And will the sun come up tomorrow morning..........More BS Faux-like news reporting

That response doesn't make any sense. How is a hypothetical question reporting, and how is "and" a proper response to a question, especially when you haven't said anything yet?
Let's assume that Hillary is actually indicted and found guilty and that she is sentenced to jail before Obama leaves office. Would he pardon her?

I have been away for a while, somethings never change

I see the Trumpzanees are stiil clinging to the indictment wet dream, kinda like playing the lottery and dreaming of a what you would do with the winnings, pipe dreams. There are going to be some suicidal Trumpettes on Nov 9,
Why not pardon her now? Then they don't have to hurry so much.

LOL. I think you are right. She has already been pardoned, just like Lois Lerner was.
Because you can't pardon someone for a crime until they've been convicted of a crime.

Can't make some type of executive order something? A delayed action pardon? An option on guaranteed clemency in a sealed envelope?
Can't make some type of executive order something? A delayed action pardon? An option on guaranteed clemency in a sealed envelope?

There isn't any legal framework for that in place, as far a I know. Besides, pardoning someone before they're convicted could be considered a violation of the principles of "innocent until proven guilty"
Because you can't pardon someone for a crime until they've been convicted of a crime.

Ford pardoned Nixon for any crimes he may have committed, before he was actually charged.
I know, sounded weird at the time and still does.
Ford pardoned Nixon for any crimes he may have committed, before he was actually charged.
I know, sounded weird at the time and still does.

That's true, isn't it. And he was no more obviously naughty.
I have been away for a while, somethings never change

I see the Trumpzanees are stiil clinging to the indictment wet dream, kinda like playing the lottery and dreaming of a what you would do with the winnings, pipe dreams. There are going to be some suicidal Trumpettes on Nov 9,

What makes you think I am a Trumpzanee? You just automatically assume that anyone against Hillary is a Trump supporter? There are many in her own party and many independents that are sick of the Clinton scandals, which never seem to end. It's not just a vast right wing conspiracy.
Why not pardon her now? Then they don't have to hurry so much.

Not sure that a preemptive pardon would be legitimate. I can't this of any in previous history.

A preemptive pardon would be a huge formal admission that Hillary is actually criminal in some of her actions before the DOJ filed charges, which I rather doubt that they will, as it's clear that the fix is in. Not that these criminal charges aren't warranted (they are), but are being thwarted by a huge amount of political pressure, both from the criminally corrupt as well as the corrupt political elites. Given the relative silence of the GOP elites on this matter, one can only conclude that they are in support of this corruption.

This being the case, it's a very sad day in US history, when the known corruption of a political elite is over looked, ignored, not reported, and accepted as some sort of 'normal' expected and accepted behavior and accepted 'normal' state of affairs.

It most certainly is not normal, nor should it be the accepted state of affairs. And I really don't give a single farthing as to which political elite party corruption of this nature is coming from. All of it should be strongly and fervently condemned.
That response doesn't make any sense. How is a hypothetical question reporting, and how is "and" a proper response to a question, especially when you haven't said anything yet?

For folks who do not live in the real word it is understandable one cannot fathom..........
Let's assume that Hillary is actually indicted and found guilty and that she is sentenced to jail before Obama leaves office. Would he pardon her?

If I were Obama, I would. Get it over with and done in one swipe of my Constitutionally granted power.
Ford pardoned Nixon for any crimes he may have committed, before he was actually charged.
I know, sounded weird at the time and still does.

Oops, you got to this before me.

My bad...just reading the thread in order.

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