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World's worst dictatorship (1 Viewer)

What is the worst dictatorship operating in the world today?

  • Kim Jong Il (North Korea)

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (Iran)

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Chinese Communist Party (China)

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Omar al-Bashar (Sudan)

    Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Saudi Royal Family (Saudi Arabia)

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • General Than Shwe (Burma/Myanmar)

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Bashar al-Assad (Syria)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fidel Castro (Cuba)

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 8 19.5%

  • Total voters


Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
I think that the Saudi Royal family is the worst by far. I agree that there are guys out there who treat their people worse and are a lot crazier. However the difference between them and someone like Kim Jong Il is that while he has a lot of weapons and could do a lot of harm, he runs a country that is essentially bankrupt and unable to exert a global threat. The Saudis on the other hand, have so much money, so much foreign influence, and so many western leaders willing to stick up for them that they pose a far greater threat.

I think this pic sums up the situation pretty well.


  • Crown_prince_abdullah_with_bush.jpg
    47.6 KB · Views: 4
I voted for Kim Jung Mentally-Ill. He refuses to accept outside help, harbors nuclear missles, seems mentally unstable, thinks the whole world watches North Korea, and is overally just insane and despotic. I've heard so many stories of purges, starvation, and overall death inflicted on his own people. Whoever voted for Castro, honestly, how could you ignore Kim?

"I think that the Saudi Royal family is the worst by far. "

China, North Korea, Syria, and Iran are far worse -- whatever that means to you -- than Saudi Arabia. Your desire to bash our president is clouding your ability to make sense. How many Saudi's are starving to death at the hands of their King? How many lack for the basic necessities of life? What do you really know about Saudi Arabia or any of the other countries in your list? Do you even know what a dictatorship is?

BTW, Saudi Arabia is a monarchy. Do you even know the difference between a dictatorship and a monarchy?

Your ideological position is keeping you in the dark. Best of luck to you.
the Saudi's are very dangerous.

They funnel milliions if not billions of dollars to global terrorists, which could potentially put a nuclear weapon in their hands (and at the rate we're going, regardless of anything, its inevitable)
The Saudis are as fond of terrrorists as we are. Question is, how do you effectively combat terrorism?
BTW, this discussion is about dictatorships, which the Saudi government -- despite its shortcomings -- is not.
all the ones listed a pretty bad, I'ma have to think on this one for a while longer.
mwi said:
BTW, Saudi Arabia is a monarchy. Do you even know the difference between a dictatorship and a monarchy?

Your ideological position is keeping you in the dark. Best of luck to you.

If you don't know what you are talking about, don'r correct people. A monarchy is a form of autotocracy, another word for dictatorship.

"If you don't know what you are talking about, don'r correct people. A monarchy is a form of autotocracy, another word for dictatorship."

A monarch usually takes care of his subjects -- all of them. A dictator does not. End of today's lesson.

Did anyone else notice that 5 out of the 9 are Islamic?
Take a look at our government. Bayonet weilding, Power Mad, AntiAmerican Economics, Corporate and Rich Elitism, Nepotism, Death Givers, Incompetence,
Our Government is based on the Old ideal that if one Repeats a lie over and over, soon people will start to believe is true, just based on repitition alone. that is how Bush managed to win the last election. Example: the smear campaign concerning Kerry's Medal of Honor. PURE LIES Bush believes in Right to life before birth, and right to anything the corportions want to do to exploit people after they are born. It is ok for people to die for the financial profits of the Elite and the Rich.
Last edited:
dragonslayer said:
Take a look at our government. Bayonet weilding, Power Mad, AntiAmerican Economics, Corporate and Rich Elitism, Nepotism, Death Givers, Incompetence,
Our Government is based on the Old ideal that if one Repeats a lie over and over, soon people will start to believe is true, just based on repitition alone. that is how Bush managed to win the last election. Example: the smear campaign concerning Kerry's Medal of Honor. PURE LIES Bush believes in Right to life before birth, and right to anything the corportions want to do to exploit people after they are born. It is ok for people to die for the financial profits of the Elite and the Rich.

Amazing. Despite, the ethnic cleansings, genocides, legalized rapes, widespread and open torture, mass dissapearences, and pure terror of the worlds wost dictators, some people choose to completely overshadow them by declaring America as the worst, because of their tunnel visioned hate towards the President of the United Sates. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.
Monarch (n)
One who reigns over a state or territory, usually for life and by hereditary right, especially:
A sole and absolute ruler.
A sovereign, such as a king or empress, often with constitutionally limited authority: a constitutional monarch.

dic·ta·tor (n)
An absolute ruler.

I rest my case.

mwi said:
China, North Korea, Syria, and Iran are far worse -- whatever that means to you -- than Saudi Arabia. Your desire to bash our president is clouding your ability to make sense. How many Saudi's are starving to death at the hands of their King? How many lack for the basic necessities of life? What do you really know about Saudi Arabia or any of the other countries in your list? Do you even know what a dictatorship is?

BTW, Saudi Arabia is a monarchy. Do you even know the difference between a dictatorship and a monarchy?

Your ideological position is keeping you in the dark. Best of luck to you.

I respect your position and for the record I would put North Korea and Iran right up there as well. However I have to disagree with your analysis of the Saudi Royal family. a monarchy can be a type of dictatorship if they suppress political opposition parties and deny their people democracy (which the Saudis do). On the other hand a monarchy can be democratic as in the case of the UK, Japan, Spain, Sweden, etc where they act as a figure head. The Saudi Royal family is an absolute monarchy not a constitutional monarchy like the other examples I've listed, meaning they can rule without reason or regard for their subjects.

Saudi Arabia's human rights record may not be the worst in the world but it's horrid just the same.

I won't lie I dislike Bush and his administration but my intention in posting the pic was to make a statement about how western leaders in general bend over backwards to protect oil interests in Saudi Arabia and other oil rich Arab states, ignoring the deplorable actions of the ruling regimes. Prior US administrations, France, Britain, Russia, Germany, you name it are all just as guilty of turing a blind eye.
Pol-Pot by far outstripped any other in percent of the population murdered or displaced.
V.I. Lenin said:
I voted for Kim Jung Mentally-Ill. He refuses to accept outside help, harbors nuclear missles, seems mentally unstable, thinks the whole world watches North Korea, and is overally just insane and despotic. I've heard so many stories of purges, starvation, and overall death inflicted on his own people. Whoever voted for Castro, honestly, how could you ignore Kim?

He is also starving his people to death.
scottyz said:
He is also starving his people to death.

So is Mugabe.
The worlds worst disctatorship was stalin.

Good one. He certainly fits the bill.
Wel if i knew who polpot was mabe I would coincide with that.

Hahahaha. Didn't you take "Evil Dictator 101" in High School?
Hahahaha. Didn't you take "Evil Dictator 101" in High School?

Well I didnt take evil dictator pursay but who in the hell is this guy? Is it a nickname or something?
Wel if i knew who polpot was mabe I would coincide with that.
It is disturbing that you have never heard of him. He is the one responsible for the "killing fields," the mass extermination and forced deurbanization of Cambodia. The leader of the Khmer Rouge. You MUST have heard of the "killing fields"? Brutal and ignorant extremination, forced rural labor, completely emptying Pnom-Pen, a city of several million people, the execution of anybody that were "different," even to the point of you being immediately executed if you wore glasses, as that was an "elitist" thing? The etermination of at least 2 mill of the 8 mill population.

You NEVER heard of Pol-Pot?

I am shocked.
It is disturbing that you have never heard of him. He is the one responsible for the "killing fields," the mass extermination and forced deurbanization of Cambodia. The leader of the Khmer Rouge. You MUST have heard of the "killing fields"? Brutal and ignorant extremination, forced rural labor, completely emptying Pnom-Pen, a city of several million people, the execution of anybody that were "different," even to the point of you being immediately executed if you wore glasses, as that was an "elitist" thing? The etermination of at least 2 mill of the 8 mill population.

You NEVER heard of Pol-Pot?

O I have heard of this but I forgot who the leaders name was. I remember now yes. I am more inclined to remember instances not actual leaders sometimes. But yes I remember now.

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