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World War Z gets the Honest Trailers treatment (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2012
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World War Z gets the Honest trailer treatment.

This 'World War Z' parody makes more sense than the movie

For those who have had their fill of the undead, this Honest Trailer for the Brad Pitt film widely recognized for having put the "Zzzzz" back in zombies will be right on the mark. Like the ludicrous "World War Z" movie itself, this trailer comes complete with all the cliches you've come to expect from this decade's most hackneyed theme. Finding an RV with a loaded gun inside? Check. Charitable looters? You bet. Close calls with modes of transportation, kids with guns and viruses that double as zombie camouflage? It's all right here, so check it out and you'll never even have to watch the whole movie. And, as anyone who has read the book will tell you, this is a good thing

World War Z gets the Honest Trailers treatment

The treatment.

It's half way decent.
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Yeah, the zombie meme is so completely overdone and played out, I can only hope that Duck Dynasty is seen for the pop culture fraud it is like zombies and dies a quick death.
World War Z gets the Honest trailer treatment.

This 'World War Z' parody makes more sense than the movie

For those who have had their fill of the undead, this Honest Trailer for the Brad Pitt film widely recognized for having put the "Zzzzz" back in zombies will be right on the mark. Like the ludicrous "World War Z" movie itself, this trailer comes complete with all the cliches you've come to expect from this decade's most hackneyed theme. Finding an RV with a loaded gun inside? Check. Charitable looters? You bet. Close calls with modes of transportation, kids with guns and viruses that double as zombie camouflage? It's all right here, so check it out and you'll never even have to watch the whole movie. And, as anyone who has read the book will tell you, this is a good thing

World War Z gets the Honest Trailers treatment

The treatment.

It's half way decent.

Thanks for sharing. I love those honest trailers, they're hilarious.
"That features none of these things from the book..."

god that was hilarious, I just saw it this morning.
The book itself was boring to the point that I couldn't finish the first chapter. Decided to give it a second chance when they came out with the audiobook, because I heard it had some awesome voice acting, and I loved it. Not exactly original, but it was well performed by skilled actors, and I thought it was a cool concept. Then I heard they were coming out with a movie. I was a little excited because I wanted to see where they would go with it. Then I saw the first trailer. I knew instantly that they ****ed it up. I watched it, and I was surprised that it was actually far worse than I expected. This film was bad, like straight to dvd and into the 5 dollar bin after the first week bad. I really wanted it to be good, but it was unredeemably terrible. Max Brooks was rightfully pissed the **** off about it.
*whew* And I thought I was the only one who hated it. Spent a fortune taking the girls to see it at the movie, stoked for months about it. Utterly disappointed.

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