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World War III is near, long speech by Chinese Defense minister (1 Viewer)

DD7 said:
Interesting article. reminds me about author Jack London in 1905 ´when a Japanese officer told him about future plans to attack america and nobody believed him.

There are just SO many reasons wy China is not a military threat to the US, and why war with the US would be the worst thing they could ever do.
Its just smack talk.

Its like the USSR did to us.
DD7 said:

Interesting article. reminds me about author Jack London in 1905 ´when a Japanese officer told him about future plans to attack america and nobody believed him.

with respect the whole concept off a war between america and china is very silly. Cheap goods from china does alot for the american economy and vise versa. America isnt likely to bite the hand that feeds it and vise versa
All a war with China would do is end up losing a quarter of the earths population. America would just shrug. And WW3 wouldnt be cause because a mantal disorder from China has said some spiteful things about us. Half the world are idiots anyway for they have no idea how owerful this nation is. I pitty the individual who doesnt know about the US and how powerful it is.

I am a war science student and I can tell you with pure confidence as long as the mental disorders dont come to power then this country will remain strong.
All a war with China would do is end up losing a quarter of the earths population. America would just shrug. And WW3 wouldnt be cause because a mantal disorder from China has said some spiteful things about us. Half the world are idiots anyway for they have no idea how owerful this nation is. I pitty the individual who doesnt know about the US and how powerful it is.

I am a war science student and I can tell you with pure confidence as long as the mental disorders dont come to power then this country will remain strong.

you're basing this only on the fact that we have nukes right? In conventional warfare, both sides would loose a shitload.
nkgupta80 said:
you're basing this only on the fact that we have nukes right? In conventional warfare, both sides would loose a shitload.

Are you fvcking kidding me? The only country that would reek havoc on us in conventional warfare would be GB and even that country would have a very hard time because we would obtain air superiority very quickly. Then its only a matter of time before victory is obtained. Now on a land basis the strongest country is china but we wouldnt be stupid to put troops on the ground till we bomb the smitherines out of them(not necassarily with nukes). We do have MOAB's too.

So to answer your question nukes dont even have to be in the picture. We would still decimate any country that feels they need a spanking. And loses would be minimal.
nkgupta80 said:
you're basing this only on the fact that we have nukes right? In conventional warfare, both sides would loose a shitload.

I have several thousand reasons why that's not so, and each is 5280 feet long and very wet-- China has no way to project conventional military force against the United States.

The reverse is not true - we have the ability to pick apart their mainland defenses and literally rain fire down on their economy - not to mention blockade all their ports and eliminate their ability to export/import goods. Thus ends the war.

Would we lose people? Sure. But the issue is never in doubt.
M14 Shooter said:
I have several thousand reasons why that's not so, and each is 5280 feet long and very wet-- China has no way to project conventional military force against the United States.

The reverse is not true - we have the ability to pick apart their mainland defenses and literally rain fire down on their economy - not to mention blockade all their ports and eliminate their ability to export/import goods. Thus ends the war.

Would we lose people? Sure. But the issue is never in doubt.

The operation you speak of is seige. You put an area under seige and that area will insurmountably break down. This is what we do to every opponent we go to war with. While under seige they are getting bombarded by a plethera of ordinance and this will also break their will. All while we are closing in.
So to answer your question nukes dont even have to be in the picture. We would still decimate any country that feels they need a spanking. And loses would be minimal.

Not really so. Russia has the most tanks by far. And the largest submarine fleet, and still considerable air power. And a large overall military. They also have a lot of nukes.

China is gaining military power fast, have the largest infantry. But still considerable in other areas. And has some nukes.

And any other country would no doubt draw attention and make the US even more hated.
Comrade Brian said:
Not really so. Russia has the most tanks by far. And the largest submarine fleet, and still considerable air power. And a large overall military. They also have a lot of nukes.
At this point, the Russian military is just barely a threat to the Chehcyns, much less the US.

China is gaining military power fast, have the largest infantry. But still considerable in other areas. And has some nukes.
Navy. They need a Navy.
Not just any navy, but a blue-water navy capable of taking on USN carrier battle groups.
I don't believe this article is real; since when are the Chinese racists? And even if it is real I doubt that it is a sanctioned government report but is more likely from a fringe group analogous to Neo-Nazis here in the States. It's so stupid it has no basis in scientific fact and actually says that the position of which a nation is located on the globe will be the precurser to that countries success or failure it's ridiculous. Oh, and even if it is real we'll kick the **** out of them like we did the Japs and the Nazis.
I once heard the North Korean submarine fleet touted as the worlds largest, but in retrospect they're probably a bunch of damn diesels. Real scary.
Comrade Brian said:
Not really so. Russia has the most tanks by far. And the largest submarine fleet, and still considerable air power. And a large overall military. They also have a lot of nukes.

China is gaining military power fast, have the largest infantry. But still considerable in other areas. And has some nukes.

And any other country would no doubt draw attention and make the US even more hated.

No you are wrong. Russia had the largest sub fleet division whish is the northern fleet based near the barents sea. They are Russias primary defense. Also did you knwo the northern fleet has insurmountable problems due to not enough funding to go around hence forth thats why their fleet is deteriorating becaseu they cant adequately repair the vessels. Also we have the most advanced fighting equipment in our vessels by far! Also their ship fleet hasnt been upgraded since 1977. Ours constantly gets upgraded. Also their air force is by far very week compared to ours. Due to the fact they dont obtain stealth technology. Also they dont have what it takes to adequately logistically launch an adequate attack against our air force which would literally decimate their whol air force in a matter of a few days becsue we would strike them without even being detected whither they are in the air or ground.

Russia also lacks adequate field supplies and equipment for their army. We would run over them like they were squash under a tank. Againa a war with either nation would mean a slight inconvenience to the US. We would seriously decimate Russia in a month(give or take a few days). I maped this whole war effort out when I was studying war science. Russia suprisingly lacks alot of things. They would be more decisive if they used nukes than a conventional war.
I'm going to tell some of the feel good people here that "communism" IS still a real threat, especially so for a militarized nation as the republic of China.

Those may say to themselves, "Oh China has no wish for war, & that they are a growing economy etc"!

That is all very correct, ..but China also has much patience as most Asians do in their culture.

China & America might at the moment be getting along just fine; ...but communism is an enemy to capitalism. THEY KNOW THIS, ..& THEY ALSO KNOW THAT IF AMERICA WAS TAKEN OUT OF THE PICTURE, THEY COULD LITERALLY RULE THE WORLD.

Right now they are NOT ready for any risk of war as they possess only about 800 nuclear weapons to America's rough estimate of over 10,000.

Forget any land battles with China as they can EASILY field an army of well OVER 200 million IF they had to, ..perhaps more. Scarey...when one figures they could have an army the size of the WHOLE population of America.

For decades China has stolen the technologies of other nations, ..& much of it has come by way of technological espionage, ..as well as simply cloak & dagger spying often masquerading as "diplomats" etc.

China does NOT respect patents, ..& copies them thus saving themselves "billions" in research, & development.

The liberal dreamers can pretend that China is so much more honorable than their own country in believing that China would make no such effort to hold the world hostage through threat of war, ....but when China is finally technologically equal, or surpasses America & America's allies, & its economy becomes virtually stronger than America's; they WILL CLASH with America.

If China was at "where" they would like to be, be assurred the Taiwan issue would have already been settled, ..& they would gladly be "taking" any g-damn thing they like which includes the worlds resources.

They may smile, & be correct among the political dignitaries, BUT make no mistake, ...there WILL be war eventually. Maybe 10-20-...or perhaps 30 years from now, BUT it WILL come!

At the moment America could literally turn China into glass, & they KNOW it! America would NOT need to even put one soldier on their mainland either to accomplish a complete sterilization of them, & THEY KNOW THAT TOO!

China, ..& communist atheistic doctrine is so much different than other nations. THEY would GLADLY sacrifice hundreds of millions of their own IF they thought that they could actually defeat the United States.

Internationally, & in public of course...this may sound like "insanity" to the rest of the world, ..& the world at large probably would not believe this; & China can & does sound so "civilized" & very charming these days but China is simply NOT ready economically, & the fact that in spite of all the nay sayers, the American economy on its worst days is STILL much stronger than China's.

China is STILL very much backwards in many ways, ..it is that their rural areas escape public worldwide scrutiny, & it is the "modern" China that everybody usually sees.

I suspect that China will be ever so "civilized' sounding as she has, & will continue to court the nations that rank high in technology etc, & as always appear to be "sleeping", but in reality China is simply biding her time.

Think not that China will not upgrade, & continue to build more nuclear weapons to add to her arsenal, & advance her military capabilities to the point when China has virtually as many nuclear weapons in her arsenal as America does, ...& WHEN that happens China will not be concerned about risking millions of her population to destroy America, & the whole capitalistic system.

America can NOT afford to lose a hundred million of its population in a nuclear war, ..but China CAN as they have over 1-billion people; & in the decades past China has even made such statements.

In our modern civilized times of today, the Chinese communists put a smile on their faces, & extract "whatever" they want with regards to industrial technology, & trade with the free nations because everybody wants to be China's friend.

China is still loaded with hardline communists who still adopt the communist doctrine of war with capitalism is "inevitable", ..think NOT that because a certain degree of prosperity will ever change that ideology, ..because it will not as long as there continues to be political oppression in China.

China does not, & will not EVER allow the concept of individual freedom, & personal liberty to hijack its population, ..& America & the rest of the free world had damn well better understand that fact especially while in their own lust they continue to give China access to whatever in the hell she wants, or needs.

It is NOT a question of IF there is ever war between the free world, & China....it is just "when" will it happen?;)
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Stu Ghatze said:
I'm going to tell some of the feel good people here that "communism" IS still a real threat, especially so for a militarized nation as the republic of China.

Those may say to themselves, "Oh China has no wish for war, & that they are a growing economy etc"!

That is all very correct, ..but China also has much patience as most Asians do in their culture.

China & America might at the moment be getting along just fine; ...but communism is an enemy to capitalism. THEY KNOW THIS, ..& THEY ALSO KNOW THAT IF AMERICA WAS TAKEN OUT OF THE PICTURE, THEY COULD LITERALLY RULE THE WORLD.

Right now they are NOT ready for any risk of war as they possess only about 800 nuclear weapons to America's rough estimate of over 10,000.

Forget any land battles with China as they can EASILY field an army of well OVER 200 million IF they had to, ..perhaps more. Scarey...when one figures they could have an army the size of the WHOLE population of America.

For decades China has stolen the technologies of other nations, ..& much of it has come by way of technological espionage, ..as well as simply cloak & dagger spying often masquerading as "diplomats" etc.

China does NOT respect patents, ..& copies them thus saving themselves "billions" in research, & development.

The liberal dreamers can pretend that China is so much more honorable than their own country in believing that China would make no such effort to hold the world hostage through threat of war, ....but when China is finally technologically equal, or surpasses America & America's allies, & its economy becomes virtually stronger than America's; they WILL CLASH with America.

If China was at "where" they would like to be, be assurred the Taiwan issue would have already been settled, ..& they would gladly be "taking" any g-damn thing they like which includes the worlds resources.

They may smile, & be correct among the political dignitaries, BUT make no mistake, ...there WILL be war eventually. Maybe 10-20-...or perhaps 30 years from now, BUT it WILL come!

At the moment America could literally turn China into glass, & they KNOW it! America would NOT need to even put one soldier on their mainland either to accomplish a complete sterilization of them, & THEY KNOW THAT TOO!

China, ..& communist atheistic doctrine is so much different than other nations. THEY would GLADLY sacrifice hundreds of millions of their own IF they thought that they could actually defeat the United States.

Internationally, & in public of course...this may sound like "insanity" to the rest of the world, ..& the world at large probably would not believe this; & China can & does sound so "civilized" & very charming these days but China is simply NOT ready economically, & the fact that in spite of all the nay sayers, the American economy on its worst days is STILL much stronger than China's.

China is STILL very much backwards in many ways, ..it is that their rural areas escape public worldwide scrutiny, & it is the "modern" China that everybody usually sees.

I suspect that China will be ever so "civilized' sounding as she has, & will continue to court the nations that rank high in technology etc, & as always appear to be "sleeping", but in reality China is simply biding her time.

Think not that China will not upgrade, & continue to build more nuclear weapons to add to her arsenal, & advance her military capabilities to the point when China has virtually as many nuclear weapons in her arsenal as America does, ...& WHEN that happens China will not be concerned about risking millions of her population to destroy America, & the whole capitalistic system.

America can NOT afford to lose a hundred million of its population in a nuclear war, ..but China CAN as they have over 1-billion people; & in the decades past China has even made such statements.

In our modern civilized times of today, the Chinese communists put a smile on their faces, & extract "whatever" they want with regards to industrial technology, & trade with the free nations because everybody wants to be China's friend.

China is still loaded with hardline communists who still adopt the communist doctrine of war with capitalism is "inevitable", ..think NOT that because a certain degree of prosperity will ever change that ideology, ..because it will not as long as there continues to be political oppression in China.

China does not, & will not EVER allow the concept of individual freedom, & personal liberty to hijack its population, ..& America & the rest of the free world had damn well better understand that fact especially while in their own lust they continue to give China access to whatever in the hell she wants, or needs.

It is NOT a question of IF there is ever war between the free world, & China....it is just "when" will it happen?;)

You're forgetting one incredibly important thing; this is the exact reason why we are building the missle defense shield (you know the one that the Dems said was useless) even if they get on par with the U.S. in nuclear paroty, we'll be ready for it.
Stu Ghatze said:
I'm going to tell some of the feel good people here that "communism" IS still a real threat, especially so for a militarized nation as the republic of China.

Those may say to themselves, "Oh China has no wish for war, & that they are a growing economy etc"!

That is all very correct, ..but China also has much patience as most Asians do in their culture.

China & America might at the moment be getting along just fine; ...but communism is an enemy to capitalism. THEY KNOW THIS, ..& THEY ALSO KNOW THAT IF AMERICA WAS TAKEN OUT OF THE PICTURE, THEY COULD LITERALLY RULE THE WORLD.

Right now they are NOT ready for any risk of war as they possess only about 800 nuclear weapons to America's rough estimate of over 10,000.

Forget any land battles with China as they can EASILY field an army of well OVER 200 million IF they had to, ..perhaps more. Scarey...when one figures they could have an army the size of the WHOLE population of America.

For decades China has stolen the technologies of other nations, ..& much of it has come by way of technological espionage, ..as well as simply cloak & dagger spying often masquerading as "diplomats" etc.

China does NOT respect patents, ..& copies them thus saving themselves "billions" in research, & development.

The liberal dreamers can pretend that China is so much more honorable than their own country in believing that China would make no such effort to hold the world hostage through threat of war, ....but when China is finally technologically equal, or surpasses America & America's allies, & its economy becomes virtually stronger than America's; they WILL CLASH with America.

If China was at "where" they would like to be, be assurred the Taiwan issue would have already been settled, ..& they would gladly be "taking" any g-damn thing they like which includes the worlds resources.

They may smile, & be correct among the political dignitaries, BUT make no mistake, ...there WILL be war eventually. Maybe 10-20-...or perhaps 30 years from now, BUT it WILL come!

At the moment America could literally turn China into glass, & they KNOW it! America would NOT need to even put one soldier on their mainland either to accomplish a complete sterilization of them, & THEY KNOW THAT TOO!

China, ..& communist atheistic doctrine is so much different than other nations. THEY would GLADLY sacrifice hundreds of millions of their own IF they thought that they could actually defeat the United States.

Internationally, & in public of course...this may sound like "insanity" to the rest of the world, ..& the world at large probably would not believe this; & China can & does sound so "civilized" & very charming these days but China is simply NOT ready economically, & the fact that in spite of all the nay sayers, the American economy on its worst days is STILL much stronger than China's.

China is STILL very much backwards in many ways, ..it is that their rural areas escape public worldwide scrutiny, & it is the "modern" China that everybody usually sees.

I suspect that China will be ever so "civilized' sounding as she has, & will continue to court the nations that rank high in technology etc, & as always appear to be "sleeping", but in reality China is simply biding her time.

Think not that China will not upgrade, & continue to build more nuclear weapons to add to her arsenal, & advance her military capabilities to the point when China has virtually as many nuclear weapons in her arsenal as America does, ...& WHEN that happens China will not be concerned about risking millions of her population to destroy America, & the whole capitalistic system.

America can NOT afford to lose a hundred million of its population in a nuclear war, ..but China CAN as they have over 1-billion people; & in the decades past China has even made such statements.

In our modern civilized times of today, the Chinese communists put a smile on their faces, & extract "whatever" they want with regards to industrial technology, & trade with the free nations because everybody wants to be China's friend.

China is still loaded with hardline communists who still adopt the communist doctrine of war with capitalism is "inevitable", ..think NOT that because a certain degree of prosperity will ever change that ideology, ..because it will not as long as there continues to be political oppression in China.

China does not, & will not EVER allow the concept of individual freedom, & personal liberty to hijack its population, ..& America & the rest of the free world had damn well better understand that fact especially while in their own lust they continue to give China access to whatever in the hell she wants, or needs.

It is NOT a question of IF there is ever war between the free world, & China....it is just "when" will it happen?;)

Again you are wrong. China is only a threat as far as the economical reprocussions. As far as militarily wise which is what you were referring to China would be wiped off the face oif the earth in a matter of a couple days if nukes were usable. If no nukes we would ecimate all forces within a month. China lacks very many things when it comes to launching or even defending an attack against the US.

China lacks a air force as they have a third of our air force strength and their air force doesnt have the latest and greatest in technology as far as ordinance is concerned. They dont have stealth technology. They dont even have a navy for christ sakes. The only thing they have is a very very large army. Even their artillery is outdated and their weapons systems are very primitive compared to ours. One of our M1 tanks equalls about 5 of their regular tanks. China also lacks the ability to logistically carry out attacks and supply their lines. China also doesnt have the unity to properly and diligently operate. Many of their people dont like the gov and would end up being their 5th column.

AGAIN, I TELL YOU PEOPLE CHINA AND RUSSIA ARE NO THREATS TO AMERICA. If they were dont you think they wouldve attacked by now? Remember, Russia and China arent are favorite people and vice versa. They arent to fond of us.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
You're forgetting one incredibly important thing; this is the exact reason why we are building the missle defense shield (you know the one that the Dems said was useless) even if they get on par with the U.S. in nuclear paroty, we'll be ready for it.

Again we wouldnt need a missle defense against China we would need it from Russia. The only reason why is becasue they have nuclear subs which are sometimes undetectable. That makes Russia able to launch a nuke from a undetected place. However, China only has missle launch locations on their homeland which are easily detectable(infact we already know where they all are). So we can decisively and preemptively strike these locations without a problem. The only launches we would worry about would be from the sea from Russias subs.
Again we wouldnt need a missle defense against China we would need it from Russia. The only reason why is becasue they have nuclear subs which are sometimes undetectable. That makes Russia able to launch a nuke from a undetected place. However, China only has missle launch locations on their homeland which are easily detectable(infact we already know where they all are). So we can decisively and preemptively strike these locations without a problem. The only launches we would worry about would be from the sea from Russias subs.

Ya but how would we stop the land based ICBMs if they committed a first strike? I think that the missile defense shield is needed especially since N. Korea is arming themselves and thanks to Clinton probably have the missile technology to make ICBMs.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ya but how would we stop the land based ICBMs if they committed a first strike? I think that the missile defense shield is needed especially since N. Korea is arming themselves and thanks to Clinton probably have the missile technology to make ICBMs.

If they do this we have 4 solutions. Our first defense would be a sea intercept which would be a interceptor missle laucnh from a destroyer or battleship. 2) would be a aircraft launched from a aircraft carrier in the pacific to take out the ICBM. 3) would be a SAM site on a coastal island or Hawaii that would take out the ICBM 4) and lastly if all 3 of those wouldnt work then we would launch a last aircraft from the mainland and use them to intercept the missle. Remember, we always have ships all over the world and at anytime they can strike within minutes. Now if Russia could only launch from a sub 300miles off the coast of our mainland becasue any closer they would be detected from off land bouys. They, however, could decisively launch a attack against Hawaii and most likely Alaska. But after the first nuke has been launched we would know exactly where they are and after that they are history. So that would mean our largest/only loss would be anchorage or Juneau. So we would lose a minor city compared to their loses which would be literally tens of millions.
Are you fvcking kidding me? The only country that would reek havoc on us in conventional warfare would be GB and even that country would have a very hard time because we would obtain air superiority very quickly. Then its only a matter of time before victory is obtained. Now on a land basis the strongest country is china but we wouldnt be stupid to put troops on the ground till we bomb the smitherines out of them(not necassarily with nukes). We do have MOAB's too.

So to answer your question nukes dont even have to be in the picture. We would still decimate any country that feels they need a spanking. And loses would be minimal.

Russia too. As a war science student, you should know that they have second strike capability with their nukes.
Kelzie said:
Russia too. As a war science student, you should know that they have second strike capability with their nukes.

That's where the missile defense shield comes into play it would ensure U.S. military hegenomy well into the millenium. But who wants war with China the free market and capitalism defeated the Soviets in Russia without even firing a shot the same policy will be proven true in China as well, just give it time.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
That's where the missile defense shield comes into play it would ensure U.S. military hegomy well into the millenium. But who wants war with China the free market and capitalism defeated the Soviets in Russia without even firing a shot the same policy will be proven in China just give it time.

Except for the fact that it doesn't work. :lol:
Kelzie said:
Except for the fact that it doesn't work. :lol:

how do you know? It's not even finished yet. You're thinking about the patriot missile system which actually did work pretty well against Iraqi SKUDs shot at Israel in the first gulf war, it was a software problem something about not being able to translate .5 seconds into digital code so when they left them on for to long it would screw up the guidance system, this short fall has been over come in the new patriot missiles and I'm sure the designers of the missile defense shield have taken it into consideration.
Well, scuds ain't ICBMs, but what do I know?

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