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World War III is near, long speech by Chinese Defence Minster (1 Viewer)



Recently i came across a link to a article which alleges to be a speech given by Mr. Chi Haotian, Minster of Defense and vice-chairman of China’s Central Military Commission.


Add to that, the Axis of 3 (China, Russia, and India) as lablled by Mr. Putin that will change the balance of power in the world. Now that Axis of 3 is just 2 with India keeping out at the moment.

This is one for conspiracy theories :spin:
people have been predicting world war 3 and the rapture since as long as i can remember. First it was 2000, then right after 9/11, now its 06/06/06. i can only wonder whats next.
now its 06/06/06. i can only wonder whats next.
Your right, it just continues on and on for the next event. When you think of it, it's almost like a convenient excuse for many to do this or that convenient t o them that fits into what they want to think. I knew many people of the conservative extreme and other extreme that thought Y2K was just the bomb, cars were going to stop running, computers shutting down, riots, and the like. As soon as it passed they didn't say they were wrong or nothing, they have hope in some future date again. That would be a good article on how the mind resorts to such thinking--relying on some event to fix the "problem" instead of them fixing it.
Without having a WW3 how can we possibly move on to WW4?

It has been said that WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.
Iran Pres. Promises to Start Armegedon


The Iranian President has announced that the Muslim equivalent to the Christian Messiah is to return in 2 years and will be ushered in by the start of Armagedon!

He has declared that Iran will have nuclear weapons weapons in less than 2 years and that he plans of Nuking Israel.

He has said that if Israel strikes them 1st, delaying their nuclear program, it will galvanize the Middle East's Muslim nations against Israel, at which point he will launch a Muslim Co-alition Force to (STILL) wipe Israel from the palnet's surface.

In a separate speech, he declared that the Muslim world will soon launch a war in which the Anglo Saxons will be defeated, slaughtered!


What does this sound like to you guys?
What does this sound like to you guys?
It sounds like who belives this and takes it seriously is a GOP disciple. Bagdad Bob was talking also on some awesome weapons and tactics that were going to defeat the US invasion of Iraq, nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Ignore it.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
It sounds like who belives this and takes it seriously is a GOP disciple. Bagdad Bob was talking also on some awesome weapons and tactics that were going to defeat the US invasion of Iraq, nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Ignore it.

So, the Russians, the only ones the Iranians have allowed to visit/inspect their nuclear sites, comes out of those inspections and says the iranians will have a nuke in less than 2 years and you say this is all GOP Propoganda? The Russians and chinese are so worried about this nutcake that THEY wanted to be the one to present the case againstIran before the U.N., and this is all GOP spin?

The Iranian President, in a televised speech to his people announce that muslims will 'soon' defeat Anglo Saxons and that he has every intention of Nuking Israel within 2 years,and we should pay him no attention?

In 1990, Bin Laden declared war on the united States and called for Mulims/Al Qaeda to attack and kill Americans worldwide. He also threatened that he would bring death to America on American soil.

After his declaring war and promising to strike this country on our own soil, that, he and Al Qaeda killed Americans in the Kobar Towers, in the U.S.S. Cole, and 2 African Embassy Bombings. He finally kept his promise of bringing his death to America on 9/11. Bill Clinton ignored him, like you urge us all to do with Iran, who helped the perpetrators of 9/11. :shock:

Yeah, that should work out about as well!
GOP disciple, Love will conquer, your so worried about Iran? What about Israel? Nobody ever has inspected them? What about any nation will wmd's? who has used them? USA. Brits and Germany used Gas in WW1, what are you worried about, you don't care of starvation or the present African genocides going on, or the poverty here in the USA. Shut up and Love.

will 'soon' defeat Anglo Saxons
Anglo-Saxons as a tribe went out centuries ago, don't use anothers ignorant and stupid wording as proof for your own.
clone said:
06/06/06. i can only wonder whats next.

My personal favorite is reference to Biblical dates. Which calendar
are these people using. The Gregorian calendar didn't come along
until the mid-16th century (?). So what day is 06/06/06 really?
By whose or what calendar?

Isn't 666 supposed to be the mark of the beast? How does that
correlate to a calendar date anyway?
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
GOP disciple, Love will conquer, your so worried about Iran? What about Israel? Nobody ever has inspected them? What about any nation will wmd's? who has used them? USA. Brits and Germany used Gas in WW1, what are you worried about, you don't care of starvation or the present African genocides going on, or the poverty here in the USA. Shut up and Love.

Anglo-Saxons as a tribe went out centuries ago, don't use anothers ignorant and stupid wording as proof for your own.

:shock: And where did this come from, or did you just FEEL like attacking someone personally without any justification?
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
It sounds like who belives this and takes it seriously is a GOP disciple.
I always find it interesting when people start throwing out terms like GOP disciple of liberal pig just because they don't believe a view point.

Most likely there will not be a ww3... there may be a huge war between the US and China or the US-Israel against the Middle East. But I don't think the majority of the world will become involved like they would have if a war had started between Russia and the US during the cold war.
LogicalReason said:
I always find it interesting when people start throwing out terms like GOP disciple of liberal pig just because they don't believe a view point.

Most likely there will not be a ww3... there may be a huge war between the US and China or the US-Israel against the Middle East. But I don't think the majority of the world will become involved like they would have if a war had started between Russia and the US during the cold war.

I would say a large US conflict with China could cost over 100,000 dead. Fighting North Korea could produce about 30,000 dead. Fighting against an invasion of Isreal could cost anywhere between 10,000 and 60,000 dead. If any of these wars occur in real life there WILL be a draft
That will be great when WW3 starts; both of you can go on the front lines and fight for the great Democratic and Republican parties, heck, maybe Chelsea and the Bush daughters can dance with you before your shipped out. Good luck.
WoW. I think beyondtherim is mad about something. Hey as long you go to the front line first beyondtherim.

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