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World History (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Is there anyone else that suspects we are living through a pivotal part of world history? This hasn’t played out yet, but there are periods of world history that started with situations like we are now seeing.
Is there anyone else that suspects we are living through a pivotal part of world history? This hasn’t played out yet, but there are periods of world history that started with situations like we are now seeing.
Just as some prescient people foresaw the inevitable end of Herr Hitler's madness, maybe the madman in the Kremlin is going to be the recipient of the mother of all comeuppance.

He is a cold-blooded killer without an ounce of decency. He is like the street thugs in this nation that hurt or kill people without an ounce of remorse. He and they simply do not have a conscience.

Maybe (just maybe), he will end up like Hitler or Mussolini or Tojo.
Is there anyone else that suspects we are living through a pivotal part of world history? This hasn’t played out yet, but there are periods of world history that started with situations like we are now seeing.

It is a pivotal moment in history. It is the monopolar world that has prevailed for three decades since the fall of the Soviet Union which is at stake. Putin is bottom line making a bid for a pole in the world. If he succeeds- meaning if he doesnt go under- he becomes the leader of a pole of the world. The rogue pole, if you will
Is there anyone else that suspects we are living through a pivotal part of world history? This hasn’t played out yet, but there are periods of world history that started with situations like we are now seeing.
Hopefully that's exactly what we are seeing, the downfall of putin.
At a minimum, we are witnessing a sea change in the security architecture of Europe, and perhaps the world.

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