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Women Will Be Left To Lead Soon (1 Viewer)


Active member
Oct 15, 2005
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Political Leaning
Just noticing the statistics from the war in Iraq and the latest figures on the Nations problem with learning disabilities affecting our youth. Bearing this rate of growth this trend at its present pace reveals that the next generations of American leaders left with the ablity to lead our nation; will be the women.

The majority of the soldiers dying in the war today are men only volunteering for a tour of duty with the incentive to receive funds for education, now most are not coming home to use those funds. Women are not put in such dangerous missions and more are coming home than the male soldiers. Leaving a new wave of females waiting to be educated.

The current statistics on education bear out that 3 out of 5 learning disabilities diagnosed today affect more males over females, thus leaving the next generation more to the females in the means and ability to learn and be more educated.

The short term effect may be a great equalizer for women, the long term however is bleak for us all as more and more of our nations future is killed or left unable to learn.

Both of these current events are more focused on our young men than women, hopefully soon we can see an end to them both.

Women have too many inherent flaws to lead :confused:
If confused is what you like to call the difference, ok.

But these reports agree.



And with more empathy based thinking wouldn't that beifit everyone?

The real problem is that the next generation of young men are losing education, and their lives. This trend leaves a majority of less educated males in our society in the coming years.

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SHodges said:
Women have too many inherent flaws to lead :confused:


If it were to happen, I think the quote "hell is the impossibility of reason" is somewhat appropriate.
CaliNORML said:
If confused is what you like to call the difference, ok.

But these reports agree.



And with more empathy based thinking wouldn't that beifit everyone?

The real problem is that the next generation of young men are losing education, and their lives. This trend leaves a majority of less educated males in our society in the coming years.


so how do these negate leadership skills?

Gray matter, made up of the bodies of nerve cells and their connecting dendrites, is where the brain's heavy lifting is done. The female brain is more densely packed with neurons and dendrites, providing concentrated processing power -- and more thought-linking capability

Maybe makes us better at multitasking? Something very important in leadership potential? (I'm senior partner in my business and must say this is true. :mrgreen: )
CaliNORML said:
The majority of the soldiers dying in the war today are men only volunteering for a tour of duty with the incentive to receive funds for education, now most are not coming home to use those funds. Women are not put in such dangerous missions and more are coming home than the male soldiers. Leaving a new wave of females waiting to be educated.

Most are not coming home? Are you saying most of them are dying? Out of over 200,000 soldiers that have gone to Iraq, a little over 2000 have died. That's about a 99% survival rate.
Israel HAS had a woman Prime Minister (Golda Meir). I'm ready.

Now... do three inch T-strap high heels go well with Armani designer suits? ;)

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Tashah said:
Israel HAS had a woman Prime Minister (Golda Meir). I'm ready.

Now... do three inch T-strap high heels go well with Armani designer suits? ;)

Tashah, do you mean to imply that you wear Armani? I'm just wondering because I'm kind of into fashion myself. Probably my all around favorite brand is Hugo Boss, just because they tend to be a little more youthful and trendy than some Armani stuff. But Armani's nice too, especially for dress clothes.
It only takes a few good men, or women, to lead, and we are in no danger of having ALL of our males die or suffer from learning disabilities. Besides, those with learning disabilities are probably easier to lead. Ever hear that the man with one eye is king of the blind?:lol:
Joking aside, my experience is that women tend to be better at getting things done than men, especially where the men are more interested in competing with each other for credit and glory instead of just getting things done. Let the men store up their testosterone for when we are actually in a war, then send them into battle, but let's have some more level headed people, as in women, involved in the decision making processes.
:shock: This is terrible news! By the time I finally fulfill my dream of becoming a rich old lecher, all the young hotties will be all edumicated and raking in the cash at decent jobs!
:sigh: Looks like I'll have to get that much richer to attract an intelligent young hottie for a trophy wife. :mrgreen:
I hear the y-chromosome is going to go extinct in 10 million years anyway. We should start practicing now. ;)
Kelzie said:
I hear the y-chromosome is going to go extinct in 10 million years anyway. We should start practicing now. ;)

God damn separatist feminists, you know there's an entire school of thought and philosophy in the feminist movement that says that the female gender should separate from the males and use invetro fertilization for procreation? I'm not making this up I learned it in political ideologies class.

Here from my book:

Separtist feminism - the most extreme form of feminism, it advocates that women should exist totally apart from men, relying on artificial insemination to propagate the species.

Now come on ladies you know you would miss captain Winky. ;)
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
God damn separatist feminists, you know there's an entire school of thought and philosophy in the feminist movement that says that the female gender should separate from the males and use invetro fertilization for procreation? I'm not making this up I learned it in political ideologies class.

Here from my book:

Separtist feminism - the most extreme form of feminism, it advocates that women should exist totally apart from men, relying on artificial insemination to propagate the species.

Now come on ladies you know you would miss captain Winky. ;)

Umm...thanks for that. I'll file that one under "useless information". How does that apply to what I said?
Kelzie said:
Umm...thanks for that. I'll file that one under "useless information". How does that apply to what I said?

The y chromosone is the male chromosone right? So by inference I deduced that you want us to become extince, anyways I was being factious.

And how exactly would y'all push the button without breaking a nail?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
The y chromosone is the male chromosone right? So by inference I deduced that you want us to become extince, anyways I was being factious.

And how exactly would y'all push the button without breaking a nail?

Ah I forgot. Your "logic".

And gee, I suppose we girls just couldn't press that little ole button then. How would we ever do things without you big, burly men to push buttons for us?
Kelzie said:
Ah I forgot. Your "logic".

And gee, I suppose we girls just couldn't press that little ole button then. How would we ever do things without you big, burly men to push buttons for us?

Exactly, mayonnaise jars would remain forever un-opened, cars would fall into disrepair, spiders would run amok through overpopulation, sports would suck, the WNBA would just be called the NBA, the porno and action movie industries would go bankrupt, etc etc
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Exactly, mayonnaise jars would remain forever un-opened, cars would fall into disrepair, spiders would run amok through overpopulation, sports would suck, the WNBA would just be called the NBA, the porno and action movie industries would go bankrupt, etc etc

I open my own jars, squish my own spiders and sports already suck. And I love action movies. As long as there's not too much shooting. That's just boring. Any idiot can shoot another idiot. It takes skill to kick someones head off. There'd be plenty of porn. It's just the guys would be hot along with the girls. Ron Jeremy? Ugh.
CaliNORML said:
Just noticing the statistics from the war in Iraq and the latest figures on the Nations problem with learning disabilities affecting our youth. Bearing this rate of growth this trend at its present pace reveals that the next generations of American leaders left with the ablity to lead our nation; will be the women.

The majority of the soldiers dying in the war today are men only volunteering for a tour of duty with the incentive to receive funds for education, now most are not coming home to use those funds. Women are not put in such dangerous missions and more are coming home than the male soldiers. Leaving a new wave of females waiting to be educated.

The current statistics on education bear out that 3 out of 5 learning disabilities diagnosed today affect more males over females, thus leaving the next generation more to the females in the means and ability to learn and be more educated.

The short term effect may be a great equalizer for women, the long term however is bleak for us all as more and more of our nations future is killed or left unable to learn.

Both of these current events are more focused on our young men than women, hopefully soon we can see an end to them both.


Actually, the way the Bushneviks are running the world into the ground, I will put my money on the cockroaches as the next leaders of the world.
Kelzie said:
I open my own jars, squish my own spiders and sports already suck. And I love action movies. As long as there's not too much shooting. That's just boring. Any idiot can shoot another idiot. It takes skill to kick someones head off. There'd be plenty of porn. It's just the guys would be hot along with the girls. Ron Jeremy? Ugh.

Ya but what happens when it's the presidents time of the month, she might just nuke China for leaving the toilet seat up.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ya but what happens when it's the presidents time of the month, she might just nuke China for leaving the toilet seat up.

I thought we've already established that she can't push the button cause she'll break a fingernail. Which stereotype are you using here?
Men will always be around, just the roles will be reversed. We will be house husbands, getting the kids off to school, packing the wife's briefcase or lunchbox, then having morning coffee/beer with the boys until around 10 AM when the sports will come on. Half time shows will be replaced by short segments of porn (wardrobe malfunction!!) but only during school hours, not on weekends or summer time. Watching other men use their testosterone on TV will take us up to around 3 PM, then we will spend a few minutes cleaning up chips and dip that the neighbor husbands spilled, prepare a snack for when the kids get home, and gussy up a bit in case the wife comes home horny. (hey, it could happen). And think about what to defrost for supper, of course.
Since sports will be daytime TV, the Soaps will be shifted to the evening hours. Prime time will be full of it. Men will have to find something to do while the wife controls the remote, shifting from channel to channel, keeping tabs on who is doing what to whom (that part of the female psyche will never change) so they can chat about it around the water cooler the next day.
I suspect that scratching, burping, farting, and getting fat will become acceptable practices for blue collar females. Professional women will likely be thinner, trying to maintain the corporate image expected of them. And some of the younger, handsome, sexy men will become trophy husbands to the older corporate types, especially during the midlife crisis phase of their lives.
Now, what would a woman in midlife crisis buy instead of a red convertible or some kind of sports car?

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