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Woman with concealed carry license shoots, kills armed robber: police (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Second Amendment Solution works again.

Shame more of this isn't being practiced by the law-abiding citizens in the besieged West and South Side Chicago neighborhoods, to stand up to the thugs who have turned their neighborhoods into war zones. ( Of course, in Rahm Emanuel's Chicago, the law-abiding citizen could wind up in legal jeopardy over exercising their right to self-defense. )

Woman with concealed carry license shoots, kills armed robber: police

— A surveillance camera on Chicago's Far South Side captured the moment police say a woman with a concealed carry license fought off an armed robber Tuesday morning, killing him, according to WGN.

The 25-year-old woman was standing at a corner around 6 a.m., possibly waiting for a bus, when a man, armed with a weapon, tried to rob her.

Police said she showed her weapon and then shot the man once in the neck. He ran off but collapsed a block away. The 19-year-old suspect was transported to Advocate Christ Medical Center in serious condition where he later died.

More of this needs to happen. Maybe thugs would think twice before the attack someone.

In this case the gene pool was improved by one.
Good for her.

This (BELOW) is what is known as "CONTRADICTING yourself in the same post".

( Of course, in Rahm Emanuel's Chicago, the law-abiding citizen could wind up in legal jeopardy over exercising their right to self-defense. )

A surveillance camera on Chicago's Far South Side captured the moment police say a woman with a concealed carry license fought off an armed robber Tuesday morning, killing him, according to WGN.

I think you need a break from the computer.

PS: California's Castle Doctrine is as strong as Texas. If someone comes into my house uninvited, and I shoot them, I'll be eating dinner with the family. It's self defense.

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