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Woman who accused Va. Lt. Gov of sexual assault speaks (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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The woman whose sexual assault allegations against Virginia’s lieutenant governor surfaced this week is speaking publicly about the encounter.

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax has repeatedly denied her allegations, saying the encounter was consensual.
'Vanessa Tyson issued a statement Wednesday saying Fairfax forced her to perform oral sex in 2004 during the Democratic National Convention in Boston. '

How does a man force a woman to fellate him? At gun point? And 15 years go by before she even brings this incident up? I smell a rat here, a Rep political rat it seems.
How does a man force a woman to fellate him? At gun point?

It says right in your article: Tyson said she went to Fairfax’s hotel room so he could get documents. She said they began consensually kissing but he then forced her into oral sex. She said she couldn’t move her head because he was holding down her neck.

The woman whose sexual assault allegations against Virginia’s lieutenant governor surfaced this week is speaking publicly about the encounter.

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax has repeatedly denied her allegations, saying the encounter was consensual.
'Vanessa Tyson issued a statement Wednesday saying Fairfax forced her to perform oral sex in 2004 during the Democratic National Convention in Boston. '

How does a man force a woman to fellate him? At gun point? And 15 years go by before she even brings this incident up? I smell a rat here, a Rep political rat it seems.

I'm pretty sure you can people to do many things at gunpoint because they make the conscious decision that it's better than dying. I think the gun story though sounds a bit far-fetched compared to the usual gropey, rapey stuff we hear in such cases regarding public figures. Nevertheless we should hear her out and let experts make an assessment.
I'm pretty sure you can people to do many things at gunpoint because they make the conscious decision that it's better than dying. I think the gun story though sounds a bit far-fetched compared to the usual gropey, rapey stuff we hear in such cases regarding public figures. Nevertheless we should hear her out and let experts make an assessment.

Read the story. No gun. I brought up a gun in my critique of the story.
Read the story. No gun. I brought up a gun in my critique of the story.

Got it. However with the threat of violence it happens all the time. Read a list of charges brought in rape cases, forced oral sex is among them. So it is possible. I was a big proponent of hearing out the Kavanaugh accuser, so we should hear this one too.
Where's the screeching to remove Fairfax? Where was the wailing to remove Ellison? Nowhere, of course, because the left is selective in their outrage. They don't even want these things investigated except when it's a conservative and then it must be investigated ad nauseum until the "correct' answer is arrived at.

The woman whose sexual assault allegations against Virginia’s lieutenant governor surfaced this week is speaking publicly about the encounter.

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax has repeatedly denied her allegations, saying the encounter was consensual.
'Vanessa Tyson issued a statement Wednesday saying Fairfax forced her to perform oral sex in 2004 during the Democratic National Convention in Boston. '

How does a man force a woman to fellate him? At gun point? And 15 years go by before she even brings this incident up? I smell a rat here, a Rep political rat it seems.

What happened to all those Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearing that said the victim Blasey Ford needed to be believed even though there was not one bit of substantiated evidence to back up her claims.

Now because the claim of sexual abuse are against a Democrat you smell a rat? Really?

Let's see both women Blasey-Ford and Vaness Tyson are professors at colleges in California.

Blasey-Fords' claims went back 30 years in college against a man who served a Republican president and was appointed to the Circuit Court. His time on the bench and in his personal life have been exemplary but because of his religious ties and his pro-life stance the left set out to destroy him. Worst character assassination I have ever witnessed.

Now Vanessa Tyson is accusing Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax (D) of sexual assault, a Democrat accusing a Democrat and all of a sudden you smell a rat? What happened to female victims should be heard and believed? Is this only when it is someone with ties to the Republican party that are accused by a Democrat that the victim is to believed but when the victim is a Democrat accusing another Democrat that is when you smell a rat?

I think you should have your sense of smell tested.

The woman whose sexual assault allegations against Virginia’s lieutenant governor surfaced this week is speaking publicly about the encounter.

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax has repeatedly denied her allegations, saying the encounter was consensual.
'Vanessa Tyson issued a statement Wednesday saying Fairfax forced her to perform oral sex in 2004 during the Democratic National Convention in Boston. '

How does a man force a woman to fellate him? At gun point? And 15 years go by before she even brings this incident up? I smell a rat here, a Rep political rat it seems.

I know what I'm about to say will by some, perhaps many, be seen as impolitic, but it's what I think, so I'm telling y'all.

I have hard time buying women's (or anyone's) claims about having been forced to perform oral sex on a man. I have a hard time accepting such claims because of all the things I can imagine a man forcing another person to do, forcing them to fellate him just isn't among them.

Now, I bet some of you are asking why. Because the person likely has teeth! The notion of putting my penis anywhere that presents a very real risk of it becoming damaged or detached is non-starter notion. Maybe not all or most men think that way, but my gut tells me that the vast, vast majority of men rather like their penises, and those who don't aren't desirous to have their penis orally "reconfigured," not even by a doctor.

Do you really think a person who's being forced to fellate a dude isn't keen to find any way s/he can to extricate him-/herself from that situation? Yes, the dude may hit the person who bites down hard, but, trust me, between (1) hauling ass to the ER, hoping and praying they can repair his member as nothing but a bit of skin is keeping it attached to his body, and (2) continuing to exact revenge on the biter, few and far between are the dudes who'll choose "door number two."

And let's be honest, when asked by the cops, "Did you bite off his penis," do you think, "You're damn right I did; the SOB tried to force me to blow him and I wasn't having it," isn't a believable response? You're goddamned right it's believable! Nobody's mouth "just happens" to end up with a man's penis in it! Nobody trips on the rug and lands with a guy's penis in their mouth. And there's this: people who want to blow you don't try to bite it off!

The woman whose sexual assault allegations against Virginia’s lieutenant governor surfaced this week is speaking publicly about the encounter.

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax has repeatedly denied her allegations, saying the encounter was consensual.
'Vanessa Tyson issued a statement Wednesday saying Fairfax forced her to perform oral sex in 2004 during the Democratic National Convention in Boston. '

How does a man force a woman to fellate him? At gun point? And 15 years go by before she even brings this incident up? I smell a rat here, a Rep political rat it seems.

Ask a sexual crimes LEO. Are you really that NAIVE?

The woman whose sexual assault allegations against Virginia’s lieutenant governor surfaced this week is speaking publicly about the encounter.

Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax has repeatedly denied her allegations, saying the encounter was consensual.
'Vanessa Tyson issued a statement Wednesday saying Fairfax forced her to perform oral sex in 2004 during the Democratic National Convention in Boston. '

How does a man force a woman to fellate him? At gun point? And 15 years go by before she even brings this incident up? I smell a rat here, a Rep political rat it seems.

"She not only needs to be heard, she needs to be believed."
I'm pretty sure you can people to do many things at gunpoint because they make the conscious decision that it's better than dying. I think the gun story though sounds a bit far-fetched compared to the usual gropey, rapey stuff we hear in such cases regarding public figures. Nevertheless we should hear her out and let experts make an assessment.

A weapon is not needed to intimidate the much weaker. It's called "STRONG AMR"....
What happened to all those Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearing that said the victim Blasey Ford needed to be believed even though there was not one bit of substantiated evidence to back up her claims.

Now because the claim of sexual abuse are against a Democrat you smell a rat? Really?

Let's see both women Blasey-Ford and Vaness Tyson are professors at colleges in California.

Blasey-Fords' claims went back 30 years in college against a man who served a Republican president and was appointed to the Circuit Court. His time on the bench and in his personal life have been exemplary but because of his religious ties and his pro-life stance the left set out to destroy him. Worst character assassination I have ever witnessed.

Now Vanessa Tyson is accusing Lt. Gov Justin Fairfax (D) of sexual assault, a Democrat accusing a Democrat and all of a sudden you smell a rat? What happened to female victims should be heard and believed? Is this only when it is someone with ties to the Republican party that are accused by a Democrat that the victim is to believed but when the victim is a Democrat accusing another Democrat that is when you smell a rat?

I think you should have your sense of smell tested.

I know what I'm about to say will by some, perhaps many, be seen as impolitic, but it's what I think, so I'm telling y'all.

I have hard time buying women's (or anyone's) claims about having been forced to perform oral sex on a man. I have a hard time accepting such claims because of all the things I can imagine a man forcing another person to do, forcing them to fellate him just isn't among them.

Now, I bet some of you are asking why. Because the person likely has teeth! The notion of putting my penis anywhere that presents a very real risk of it becoming damaged or detached is non-starter notion. Maybe not all or most men think that way, but my gut tells me that the vast, vast majority of men rather like their penises, and those who don't aren't desirous to have their penis orally "reconfigured," not even by a doctor.

Do you really think a person who's being forced to fellate a dude isn't keen to find any way s/he can to extricate him-/herself from that situation? Yes, the dude may hit the person who bites down hard, but, trust me, between (1) hauling ass to the ER, hoping and praying they can repair his member as nothing but a bit of skin is keeping it attached to his body, and (2) continuing to exact revenge on the biter, few and far between are the dudes who'll choose "door number two."

And let's be honest, when asked by the cops, "Did you bite off his penis," do you think, "You're damn right I did; the SOB tried to force me to blow him and I wasn't having it," isn't a believable response? You're goddamned right it's believable! Nobody's mouth "just happens" to end up with a man's penis in it! Nobody trips on the rug and lands with a guy's penis in their mouth. And there's this: people who want to blow you don't try to bite it off!

You have a point

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