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Woman disrupts Russian TV newscast to protest Ukraine invasion, urges viewers 'Don't believe the propaganda!' (1 Viewer)


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She said she was disgusted with herself for spreading Russian propaganda on the state news network while she worked there. She’s been accused of “hooliganism.”

“What is happening now in Ukraine is a crime, and Russia is the aggressor country. My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Russian. The were never enemies. I spread the Kremlin propaganda and I am very ashamed of this. I am ashamed I allowed Russian people to be fooled.”

Wow, that took some guts. She's probably at a gulag already.
Is she trying to get them to stop playing Tucker Carlson or something?
Putin doesn’t have the complete control of the narrative he thinks he does

Wow, that took some guts. She's probably at a gulag already.

She said she was disgusted with herself for spreading Russian propaganda on the state news network while she worked there. She’s been accused of “hooliganism.”

“What is happening now in Ukraine is a crime, and Russia is the aggressor country. My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Russian. The were never enemies. I spread the Kremlin propaganda and I am very ashamed of this. I am ashamed I allowed Russian people to be fooled.”

A very brave woman. My hats off to her.
Imagine a modern American media personality with the courage to do something similar.

When this story first aired on the air and the person was arrested/dissapeared for several hours all the European media was speculating that she was going to be made an example of the 15-year sentence legislation.

So either this is part of the cyberwarfare that our side is doing or careful on following her if you are in Russia. Eastern European secret services tend to "rise up a hero" of the opposite view so they can get information on dissidents.

Anyhow she only got a 280 $ fine.

When this story first aired on the air and the person was arrested/dissapeared for several hours all the European media was speculating that she was going to be made an example of the 15-year sentence legislation.

So either this is part of the cyberwarfare that our side is doing or careful on following her if you are in Russia. Eastern European secret services tend to "rise up a hero" of the opposite view so they can get information on dissidents.

Anyhow she only got a 280 $ fine.

Talk about getting off cheap. I thought she'd get a firing squad, followed by ten years in a gulag.

Wow, that took some guts. She's probably at a gulag already.

She said she was disgusted with herself for spreading Russian propaganda on the state news network while she worked there. She’s been accused of “hooliganism.”

“What is happening now in Ukraine is a crime, and Russia is the aggressor country. My father is Ukrainian, my mother is Russian. The were never enemies. I spread the Kremlin propaganda and I am very ashamed of this. I am ashamed I allowed Russian people to be fooled.”

She should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Imagine a modern American media personality with the courage to do something similar.
Yeah, we **never** have media personalities that speak out against going to war.

Yeah, we have media personalities that speak out against going to war.

Within the context of this conversation that has to be the most idiotic statement you could have made.


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