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Wisconsin Republicans do not like democracy. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2011
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In response to these Democratic victories, Republican lawmakers hurriedly passed a set of laws after the election that will limit the powers of the governor and attorney general once they take office. Although Democrats received hundreds of thousands of more votes than Republicans in the last election, the state GOP has effectively gerrymandered the state to ensure that they still control a majority in the state legislature: According to NBC News, Democrats won the popular vote in state assembly races 54 to 46 percent, but Republicans will control 64 percent of seats in the new session of Congress.


This behavior by a major party begs the question.... Do Americans want democracy or is minority rule acceptable? Should the Supreme Court get involved in Wisconsin and other States where Republicans are trying to erase their losses and subvert the will of voters. We have already have a minority President. How is that working out?
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This behavior by a major party begs the question.... Do Americans want democracy or is minority rule acceptable? Should the Supreme Court get involved in Wisconsin and other States where Republicans are trying to erase their losses and subvert the will of voters. We have already have a minority President. How is that working out?
Absolutely terrible, and it's over-riding democratic principles. And it's not just WI, but MI too.

BTW, that's a great Voltaire quote in your sig. So very appropriate, and contemporaneous.

This behavior by a major party begs the question.... Do Americans want democracy or is minority rule acceptable? Should the Supreme Court get involved in Wisconsin and other States where Republicans are trying to erase their losses and subvert the will of voters. We have already have a minority President. How is that working out?

How many seats were up for elections this year in Wisconsin? How many did Republicans lose? Win? How many did Democrats lose? Win?
Republicans...period...are aware that the GOP depends on a restricted electorate for continued political success, and implicitly approve of whatever measures achieve that end.

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