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Wisconsin GOP want Supreme Court to block map that adds a black majority district... (1 Viewer)


Todays GOP: wrong on EVERYTHING!!!
DP Veteran
Mar 15, 2021
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Washington State
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The GOP calls it a "21st century racial gerrymander".............
Thats a bit rich coming from a party who excels in gerrymandering!!!

what is their problem with black voters?????

This argument is “a little odd” coming from Republicans, said Mark Gaber, senior director of redistricting at the Campaign Legal Center, a nonprofit that represented clients in the state litigation who favored the creation of a seventh Black district. That’s because the map the Republican-controlled state legislature initially drew, and wants the Supreme Court to adopt, reduced the number of Black-majority districts from six to five.
“It’s a very aggressive move, and it’s weaved in with a bunch of cynicism,” Gaber said.

Though the Republicans’ argument that the court should reduce Black voting power on the legal basis that the alternative harmed Black voters appears to be particularly cynical, it fits with the Republican Party’s efforts to reduce Black voting power across the country.

1 person 1 vote, how does what district they vote in reduce a person's voting power
That makes good sense. We could even start to set-up districts by age and gender, what color is the voter's hair, how tall the voters are...
My goodness, the possibilities are endless!
The GOP calls it a "21st century racial gerrymander".............
Thats a bit rich coming from a party who excels in gerrymandering!!!

what is their problem with black voters?????

This argument is “a little odd” coming from Republicans, said Mark Gaber, senior director of redistricting at the Campaign Legal Center, a nonprofit that represented clients in the state litigation who favored the creation of a seventh Black district. That’s because the map the Republican-controlled state legislature initially drew, and wants the Supreme Court to adopt, reduced the number of Black-majority districts from six to five.
“It’s a very aggressive move, and it’s weaved in with a bunch of cynicism,” Gaber said.

Though the Republicans’ argument that the court should reduce Black voting power on the legal basis that the alternative harmed Black voters appears to be particularly cynical, it fits with the Republican Party’s efforts to reduce Black voting power across the country.

Here we go with more racial innuendo. Is it because it's a black district or because it's a democrat district? Did the district get gerrymandered because it's black or because it's democrat? These kinds of race baiting tactics are simply fueling the hate and distrust among Americans for the sake of keeping the voting base loyal. BTW, I'm not saying both sides don't do it, but the tactic of the democrats is so obviously promoting race division.
That can only happen when you know how someone will vote before they vote. Are you under the impression that black people will all vote a certain way?

Biden appeared to be.

1 person 1 vote, how does what district they vote in reduce a person's voting power
Take race right out of the question.The "odds" are that if you draw boundaries based upon historical voting patterns you can tilt the scale, not guaranteed but it does shift the probability. If you take several areas that traditionally vote for one party and deliberately fracture them and disperse them amongst areas that vote heavily the other way you dilute their ability to win any one of the districts.....and it works both ways. Parties redefine districts for a reason.

A none political third party is the only way to ensure boundaries not based on political motivations.
Using racial makeup to define districts is racist no matter what "data" you use
never mind the GOP is doing this all over the states they control. LOL.
It would seem that racial gerrymandering would be necessary in order to create 7 (of 99?) state legislative districts which have a black majority since the black population in the state is under 7%.

So equity not equality is what you want. Not one man one vote, but to ensure that the minority wins control of an area. So we are not talking about sectioning the city by district evenly by number of voters, but by color of the voter. So race is always going to be a factor because we have to ensure that they get representation by someone from their party and therefore we will never have elections without the over hanging issue of race. So neither part can ever actually be seen as really representing the other party voter and neither can a President.
What's wrong with an independent no political entity controlling the logistical part of elections? District boundaries, polling locations and hours, voting rules and requirements etc. Elections will ever be fair, or perceived to be fair, if the politicians are the deciders.
What's wrong with an independent no political entity controlling the logistical part of elections? District boundaries, polling locations and hours, voting rules and requirements etc. Elections will ever be fair, or perceived to be fair, if the politicians are the deciders.
State legislatures control the voting rules. It's usually easy to see that influence on the rules by the party in power. Gerrymandering is as common as the common cold. both love to blame the other but both are really guilty. Race and party affiliation are always the driving factor in districting. Race only because black voters tend to vote 95% or better for democrat candidates. The democrats are well aware and they make sure the districts get into a position to affect the outcome just as republicans try to do the reverse.
A nonpartisan committee would be difficult because the issue of racial representation is almost always going to be an issue whether politically or as a social justice issue.
nonpartisan committee would be difficult because the issue of racial representation is almost always going to be an issue whether politically or as a social justice issue.
Maybe but the argument would be difficult to make and even more difficult to defend if boundaries were drawn based on census numbers and logical geographical boundaries.
You have to love that the Washington Post uses 100% segregation as the standard of perfection.

This is why most Democratic challenges to new maps have been racist in nature.

The Cult....
What have Trump-haters got to do with it?

What's wrong with an independent no political entity controlling the logistical part of elections? District boundaries, polling locations and hours, voting rules and requirements etc.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

How do you determine that the entity truly is non-political?

Elections will ever be fair, or perceived to be fair, if the politicians are the deciders.
Elections have always been viewed as skewed. That is nothing new. Besides, there is something to be said for advocates reaching a compromise.
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You have to love that the Washington Post uses 100% segregation as the standard of perfection.

This is why most Democratic challenges to new maps have been racist in nature.

What have Trump-haters got to do with it?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

How do you determine that the entity truly is non-political?

Elections have always been viewed as skewed. That is nothing new. Besides, there is something to be said for advocates reaching a compromise.
They have??? Only if your GOP or the Cult and lose. Even Barr said there was no evidence of fraud in the last election.
They have??? Only if your GOP or the Cult and lose. Even Barr said there was no evidence of fraud in the last election.
Look at the picture. When everything was completely segregated, WaPo said Perfect.

Of course, the challenges have been racist. take Texas for example. The Democrats challenged the new map because there were no Hispanic-majority districts. The only way you can reach that conclusion is if you use race as the primary criterion for selecting districts. The new map extensively mixes urban, suburban, and rural areas in districts, producing compact districts with a mix of many demographics. The new map is significantly more integrated and Democrats object because they want segregation.

It's not my GOP. I'm not a member and have frequently voted Democrat, eg Obama.

I don't know what you mean with the cult reference. They are generally anti-Republican and always anti-Trump but not relevant.

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