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Winning Tips for Improving Dem Strategy (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
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:shock: 1. Replace Howard Dean
The man lost the Dem Nomination because he had a meltdown on the podium, screaming like a madman. Since then, he has said such outlandish things that many Democratic Senators have come out to distance themselves from him by saying, "Howard Dean does not speak for me or my party!' several of his acts/words have bordered on treason, such as attacking this nation's resolve and our troops' morale by declaring the U.S. can not win the war in Iraq and should surrender (ala Kerry in Viet Nam). Dean also endorsed an active Socialist Party member for Senate back in the summer of 2005. :roll:

2. STOP Nominating traitors, Felons, and war criminals to represent your party in Presidential elections!
John Kerry met with North Viet Nam leaders in Paris while still in the military during a time of war to discuss terms of this country's surrender while NOT working as a representative of this country! He lied under oath about witnessing attrocities/war crimes in Viet Nam - a felony of perjury (the same thing Clinton was Impeached over) then admitted later during an interview that he had done so to 'jump start his anti-war political career). He also testified that he himself had helped burn down villages, thus admitting HE was a war criminal. THEN he is nominated by his party and runs for President on the grounds that he was a 'WAR HERO'? And honestly believed no one would or had the right to challenge him on it?

3. STOP embracing HOLLYWOOD Morality and saying it epitomizes what the Democratic party is all about!
Clinton sexually harrasses women for years before being caught committing adulteryin the White House. he then commits a felony of perjury for lying under oath about a woman he sexually harrassed years earlier, attempting to strip her of her Constitutional right of a fair trial (which he took an oath swearing to defend as president) in the process. Kerry and the Dems hold a fund raiser and have Hollywood comedians like Whoopi Goldberg demeaning the President by comparing him to male genetalia - afterwards Kerry walks up on stage, all smiles, and declares that whole evening - and Hollywood - was what the Democratic party is all about! and he ACTUALLY believed THAT is/was a GOOD thing?!:shock: The news came on the radio yesterdaymorning about how tom Cruise and his newest significant other, who is pregnant, are splitting before being married, but how he will 'hook her up with a house and security'. Someone next to me sighed and said, "And THAT is what the Democratic party is all about, huh?" America rejected the democratic party in 2004 because THAT is NOT what AMERICA IS ALL ABOUT!

So far in the Bush Administration's last 5years, the Democrats have engage in obstructionist politics, filibustered, fought, feuded, criticised, complained, and cried for Federal investigation after investigation all in an effort to get their power back. This past year we saw a terrorist organization win a goverment/country because while the other party was embezzling all their money and talking, Hamas was building schools, hospitals, and helping the people. All America is seeing is the Democrats continue to legally try to take down the President in a time of war and not much else. Howard Dean (yeah, HIM again) said the Democrats DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE A PLAN OR IDEAS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT IN POWER! <Newsflash>, genius - unless you show that you have better ideas and plans than whoever IS in power, why would ANYONE want to vote for you? Drop the 'Party-1st, America-2nd' attitude, stop focusing all your energy onBush - he ain't the one you are running against in 2008 - and start laying a foundation for convincing America you are a better party!

5. Chain Al Gore to his Desk and Put a Muzzle on him!
Taking money from a Muslim country whose loyalties in the war on terror are definitely questionable to come to tat country to give a speech filled with lies designed to incite TERRORISM, muslim hatred and violence, against this country, our citizens abroad, and our soldiers in harm's way during a time of war is TREASON! It is like taking money from Mussolini in World War II to go to Italy to give a speech on the 'EVIL U.S.'! It is no more 'freedom of speech' than Bill Clinton selling missile technology to the Chinese military, giving threm the capability to finally reach us with their nukes! Both has put the U.S. at risk! While Gore is out fueling Muslim rage against the U.S., the best thing the Dems have back at home (to try to divert attention from his actions) is to complain how Cheney insulted the national media by giving the story of his hunting accident to a small-town newspaper instead of them!

6. Make a conscious effort to stop the hypocrisy!
Nancy Pelosi accused DeLay of going on a trip paid for by lobbyists THEN was sent scrambling, along with numerous of her fellow Democratic Senators, to ammend (falsify) their own records which showed they had gone on more lobbyist-funded trips than DeLay! Her little attack backfired. Then you have Ex-Presidents Clinton and Carter both attacking Bush about a wiretap program they BOTH used themselves as President! the one who should be talking the least is Clinton. No one has forgotten yet about all those illegal FBI files on his enemies he had collected or his wife's trip into Vince Foster's police-taped office to swip a bunch of files. She later said she didn't even know they existed, but they were found in her living quarters with her fingerprints all over them! Also, thre Dems sent out a waive of lawyers to tie up the Green Party from getting on the ballot last election, even though they had gotten the necessary number of signatures required by law, stripping them of their Constitutional right to representation! The Lead Dem lawyer said the Democratic party believed that there was only room enough for 2 parties in this country and were going to see that it satyed that way. Man, that is 1 step away from Hussein saying there was only room enough for 1 party in iraq before the war! WHY do the Democrats keep shining light on things they are up to their eyeballs in as well?! Geesh!:doh

I know you guys were upset you lost the last 2 elections, but you had a meltdown after the last one was over, calling all the voters who voted for Bush 'Redneck, In-bred, Bible-thumpers'! Yeah, THAT will win them back!

Oy-Vey! If anyone was EVER in need of a new PR team and new strategy, it is definitely the Democratic party
easyt65 said:
:shock: 1. Replace Howard Dean
The man lost the Dem Nomination because he had a meltdown on the podium, screaming like a madman.

I voted Republican so my opinion probably means little but I have to say I actually LIKED Howard Dean. I didn't agree with him on most things but I liked the guy and I find "screaming like a madman" kind of interesting. I believe Howard Dean believed what he was saying. I believed he was honest, passionate, and idealistic. Plus he offered up a real "choice" in that his politics were very different from Bush's.

Kerry on the otherhand was unlikeable. I didn't believe a word that came out of his mouth and I honestly believe he'd say anything to win the election. He was a bore. His politics were never clear, he contradicted himself often, and when it came down to it I couldn't clearly tell how he was different from Bush so why get rid of Bush for him? I also didn't like his wife.

3. STOP embracing HOLLYWOOD Morality and saying it epitomizes what the Democratic party is all about!

I agree having Barbra Streisand be a big loud annoying supporter can't help. She's unlikeable too. Janine Garofalo is a lunatic poster girl for the "scary liberal" middle america is afraid of.

Drop the 'Party-1st, America-2nd' attitude,

Yes, Yes, and Yes. I'd never vote for someone who seems anti-American.

5. Chain Al Gore to his Desk and Put a Muzzle on him!

He's soooooo funny though! Gore should be put in the "entertainment" catagory with coulter and moore.

I know you guys were upset you lost the last 2 elections, but you had a meltdown after the last one was over, calling all the voters who voted for Bush 'Redneck, In-bred, Bible-thumpers'! Yeah, THAT will win them back!

True. I'm not even religious but I still get pissed everytime some lib pundit describes my political viewpoints as conservative fundamentalist views. I'm not even Christian and I take offense to the Christian bashing. Plus by declaring a certain view point a "christian viewpoint" you **** off a lot of non religious people who share the christian viewpoint. Plus telling us we're stupid while offering up a wishy washy candidate like Kerry is just insulting.

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