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Winery owned by Trump’s son trying to hire 23 foreign guest workers: petition (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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A winery owned by President Trump’s son, Eric Trump, is reportedly trying to gain permission to hire 23 foreign guest workers under the federal H-2 visa program.

BuzzFeed News, citing a petition published by Department of Labor on Monday, reported that Trump Winery is seeking the employees through the program, one that gives U.S. employers the opportunity to temporarily employ foreign workers as long as qualified American workers do not want the jobs.
For people used to earning a few $ a day or less, $12.25/hour for working in the fields picking grapes seems very attractive. Trump Sr. uses the same visa program to hire wait staff in his clubs because he has said that they add an exotic touch.

A winery owned by President Trump’s son, Eric Trump, is reportedly trying to gain permission to hire 23 foreign guest workers under the federal H-2 visa program.

BuzzFeed News, citing a petition published by Department of Labor on Monday, reported that Trump Winery is seeking the employees through the program, one that gives U.S. employers the opportunity to temporarily employ foreign workers as long as qualified American workers do not want the jobs.
For people used to earning a few $ a day or less, $12.25/hour for working in the fields picking grapes seems very attractive. Trump Sr. uses the same visa program to hire wait staff in his clubs because he has said that they add an exotic touch.

Looks like the winery is following the law. Better than just outright hiring illegals. The guest farm worker program has been around for decades. So your "bolded" part of your post is meaningless. I can agree that many Americans don't want to do physical labor like picking grapes. I also believe many Americans are physically able to do farm work. :mrgreen:

This thread reminds me of claims that Trump is scum for taking tax deductions that he is legally entitled to except that it is worse because DJT has nothing to do with this, he is not an owner or a manager of this business.

THE TRUMP FEVER runs strong.

A winery owned by President Trump’s son, Eric Trump, is reportedly trying to gain permission to hire 23 foreign guest workers under the federal H-2 visa program.

BuzzFeed News, citing a petition published by Department of Labor on Monday, reported that Trump Winery is seeking the employees through the program, one that gives U.S. employers the opportunity to temporarily employ foreign workers as long as qualified American workers do not want the jobs.
For people used to earning a few $ a day or less, $12.25/hour for working in the fields picking grapes seems very attractive. Trump Sr. uses the same visa program to hire wait staff in his clubs because he has said that they add an exotic touch.

What, exactly, are we supposed to discuss? Are you asserting that qualified US workers, who have applied for these jobs, are not being hired?

A winery owned by President Trump’s son, Eric Trump, is reportedly trying to gain permission to hire 23 foreign guest workers under the federal H-2 visa program.

BuzzFeed News, citing a petition published by Department of Labor on Monday, reported that Trump Winery is seeking the employees through the program, one that gives U.S. employers the opportunity to temporarily employ foreign workers as long as qualified American workers do not want the jobs.
For people used to earning a few $ a day or less, $12.25/hour for working in the fields picking grapes seems very attractive. Trump Sr. uses the same visa program to hire wait staff in his clubs because he has said that they add an exotic touch.

Oh my... they are going to follow the law for using the H-2 visa program? Damn the Trump family!
More from the resist crowd!

A winery owned by President Trump’s son, Eric Trump, is reportedly trying to gain permission to hire 23 foreign guest workers under the federal H-2 visa program.

BuzzFeed News, citing a petition published by Department of Labor on Monday, reported that Trump Winery is seeking the employees through the program, one that gives U.S. employers the opportunity to temporarily employ foreign workers as long as qualified American workers do not want the jobs.
For people used to earning a few $ a day or less, $12.25/hour for working in the fields picking grapes seems very attractive. Trump Sr. uses the same visa program to hire wait staff in his clubs because he has said that they add an exotic touch.


Make America Great Again, like me, hire foreign workers. For a guy who ran on american jobs, this seems a bit absurd.
Make America Great Again, like me, hire foreign workers. For a guy who ran on american jobs, this seems a bit absurd.

Lie about what's actually happening, again.


There are MORE JOB OPENINGS than PEOPLE SEEKING THEM, thanks to Pres.Trump and the American business community.

Guest worker programs are good. We need more guest worker programs. There is nothing wrong with honest labor.

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