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Wimpiest President (1 Viewer)


Loves third parties and steak
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DP Veteran
Mar 25, 2010
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Libertarian - Right
No poll. Just post who you think was the wimpiest.
I say James Buchanon. He looked like a weenie.
Ronald Reagan

He ran from Lebanon with his tail between his legs

Had to invade Grenada with thousands of troops to defeat around 50 Cuban advisors

The only reason he is looked fondly on is that the USSR collasped economically during his admin
I say James Buchanon. He looked like a weenie.

Based on looks go with the obese one from Ohio (cant remember his name, but he would have needed a "bro" to keeps his man tits from slapping around
Based on looks go with the obese one from Ohio (cant remember his name, but he would have needed a "bro" to keeps his man tits from slapping around

Ronald Reagan

He ran from Lebanon with his tail between his legs

Had to invade Grenada with thousands of troops to defeat around 50 Cuban advisors

The only reason he is looked fondly on is that the USSR collasped economically during his admin

Bill Clinton, he ran with his tail between his legs from Somalia and sent in hundreds of federal soldiers to kill U.S. citizens and oust a small Cuban boy from his home for Castro.

Taft I think it is

he would have been wimpy as he could probably barely move

With Taft I am reminded of the Tick animated series ( Whose Taft parody of Whose Shaft)
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Bill Clinton, he ran with his tail between his legs from Somalia and sent in hundreds of federal soldiers to kill U.S. citizens and oust a small Cuban boy from his home for Castro.

Bill Clinton had balls just ask Lewinsky, Reagan got divorced and abandoned his previous family that is wimpy
Jimmy Carter. If he'd had another term in office he would have given Florida to Cuba, Alaska to Russia, and the rest of the USA to the Indians.

Obama may yet out-wimp him though.
Jimmy Carter. If he'd had another term in office he would have given Florida to Cuba, Alaska to Russia, and the rest of the USA to the Indians.

Obama may yet out-wimp him though.

And we'd have had a bunch of dead embassy staffers. I go with Carter as well.
Ah yes! How could I forget? Also the stupidest....he had the longest inauguration speech in really cold weather. No wonder he died 31 days later.

Don't forget the reason why he had the longest inauguration speech in really cold weather - to prove that he wasn't a wimp.
Taft in the bygone days, Carter in modern times.
Millard Filmore.

Millard. :lol:
Millard Filmore.

Millard. :lol:

great story about this rather insignificant president

Oxford sent him an honoray degree-in Latin

Fillmore returned it with a note stating that "not having the advantages of a classical education, I cannot read latin and nothing is more presumptious than having a degree one cannot read"
great story about this rather insignificant president

Oxford sent him an honoray degree-in Latin

Fillmore returned it with a note stating that "not having the advantages of a classical education, I cannot read latin and nothing is more presumptious than having a degree one cannot read"
That is a quite epic response.
That is a quite epic response.

I am actually a descendant of his and that is the best i can come up with to make my ancestor look good. He wasn't exactly Washingtonian or Reaganesque
I am actually a descendant of his and that is the best i can come up with to make my ancestor look good. He wasn't exactly Washingtonian or Reaganesque

You're related to Fillmore. And you admitted it? J/k. That's actually pretty cool that you have "Presidential blood".
Jimmy Carter. If he'd had another term in office he would have given Florida to Cuba, Alaska to Russia, and the rest of the USA to the Indians.

Obama may yet out-wimp him though.

Obama has already beat Carter for worst president ever, but you're right about Carter still being the wimpiest.
Jimmy Carter... although it wasn't his fault... he was a stong man... but a weak politician.

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