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Wimbledon (1 Viewer)

Naughty Nurse

DP Veteran
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
The UK
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
One of your guys made it to the final and none of you gives a damn?

What happened to your blind patriotism?
My friend,

Andy Roddick makes it almost every year!
You must forget, Americans don't like Tennis only the strange ones (like myself) like Tennis. The others just like baseball ::GAG::
Tennis? We play tennis? Who knew! ;)
If my uncle hadn't been a fanatic I never would have given it a second glance. But, alas, I'm forever warped.
I love tennis, but I go back to the Nastase, Laver, Smith, Newcombe era.

Federer is quite possibly the greatest player of any decade...Roddick can't touch him.
I hated Sampras...couldn't stand that tongue sticking out of his mouth all match...LOL. Plus, Sampras never played Davis Cup for his country...Boo!
What a boring player he was...I'll take McEnroe, Connors, Nasty any day.
By the way...my key chain says Wimbledon Tennis Club Locker No. 9.
Federer is an amazing player. But NO ONE has a serve like Roddick's, his is just amazing!

But serves aren't everything, sadly!
Arch Enemy said:
Federer is an amazing player. But NO ONE has a serve like Roddick's, his is just amazing!

But serves aren't everything, sadly!

Rodick certainly is amazing - and not just his serve.

Sadly he keeps coming up against Federer, who plays like a machine, he appears to be so devoid of emotion.
Maybe that's what Switzerland has been doing while everyone else slugging it out in 2 World Wars. Building Roger Federer.

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