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Will Rand Paul be shilling for a bailout for KY teachers? (1 Viewer)


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Dec 4, 2018
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Rand Paul, who always votes against bailing other states out when something happens, doesn't seem to recall his reticence when it comes to his own state. So will he be back soon, asking for a bailout for the KY Teachers retirement fund? Seems they put wayyyy too much money into Russian investments.

I guess this is why Thomas Massie is against the sanctions for Russia. Seems like Kentuckians like sinking money into Russian investments.

Moscow Mitch strikes again!
The level of baldfaced lying, hypocrisy, shamelessness, and temerity is mind boggling.

“Deplorables”- what an apt word for these politicians, as well their electoral base.

They lost the money in the market.

Not anyone’s problem but whomever managed their portfolio.

They lost the money in the market.

Not anyone’s problem but whomever managed their portfolio.
They lost money because of US sanctions.
They lost the $$$ because whomever was managing the portfolio was asleep at the wheel.
But the firm will still get their fees. The blue collar pensions have become the cornerstone of Wall Street traders.
It is, but it might explain why Thomas Massie (from KY) is a strong opponent of Russian sanctions.

I am sure companies in the Russian financial sector were sound investments. At one time.

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