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Will Military Draft be Resurrected! (1 Viewer)

What do you think the President's position will be on the Draft Bill?

  • Will Bush decide in favor of the Bill?

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Will Bush decide against the Bill and threaten to Veto?

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • Will Bush not decide, and leave for the next Adminstration?

    Votes: 1 3.8%
  • Do not know how Bush will decide, but think it IS necessary?

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Do not know how Bush will decide, but think it is NOT necessary?

    Votes: 5 19.2%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
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Political Leaning
Very Liberal
As the link below will indicate,


Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), who is opposed to the war, has sponsored a bill that has reached the Armed Services Committee, and is waiting for the President to decide his position on the issue. Do you think the President will:

  • Be in favor of the Bill to bring back the Draft?
  • Be against the Bill to bring back the Draft?
  • Not decide at all, leaving this issue for the next Administration to deal with?

I turned 18 the year after Congress eliminated Registration for the Draft. But I can remember the anxiety I had approaching my 18th birthday. For many of us back then, this was the biggest thing on our minds at the end of our high school years. I was not looking forward to turning 18. Nor can some imagine the relief I had when Registration was abolished.

Have the times changed? Do we need this again?
Billo_Really said:
As the link below will indicate,


Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), who is opposed to the war, has sponsored a bill that has reached the Armed Services Committee, and is waiting for the President to decide his position on the issue. Do you think the President will:

  • Be in favor of the Bill to bring back the Draft?
  • Be against the Bill to bring back the Draft?
  • Not decide at all, leaving this issue for the next Administration to deal with?

I turned 18 the year after Congress eliminated Registration for the Draft. But I can remember the anxiety I had approaching my 18th birthday. For many of us back then, this was the biggest thing on our minds at the end of our high school years. I was not looking forward to turning 18. Nor can some imagine the relief I had when Registration was abolished.

Have the times changed? Do we need this again?

Here's the headline of the article...

U.S. Needs ‘More Boots on Ground,’ Says Democrat

One Democrat says something, and yet the WHOLE CONGRESS is ready?
Throughout the whole article, these are the only people whom had their opinions involved...Rangel's spokesman...2 security advisors(from a newspaper article)...and a leader of an anti-war group. Not ONE other member of Congress.

Can anyone say "scare tactic"?

BTW -Last year the House overwhelmingly rejected Rangel's proposal by a vote of 404-2.
Originally posted by cnredd:
Here's the headline of the article...

U.S. Needs ‘More Boots on Ground,’ Says Democrat

One Democrat says something, and yet the WHOLE CONGRESS is ready?
Throughout the whole article, these are the only people whom had their opinions involved...Rangel's spokesman...2 security advisors(from a newspaper article)...and a leader of an anti-war group. Not ONE other member of Congress.

Can anyone say "scare tactic"?

BTW -Last year the House overwhelmingly rejected Rangel's proposal by a vote of 404-2.
Have you heard of the "M-Day" legislative package?


This issue is not going away.
Billo_Really said:
As the link below will indicate,


Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY), who is opposed to the war, has sponsored a bill that has reached the Armed Services Committee, and is waiting for the President to decide his position on the issue. Do you think the President will:

  • Be in favor of the Bill to bring back the Draft?
  • Be against the Bill to bring back the Draft?
  • Not decide at all, leaving this issue for the next Administration to deal with?

I turned 18 the year after Congress eliminated Registration for the Draft. But I can remember the anxiety I had approaching my 18th birthday. For many of us back then, this was the biggest thing on our minds at the end of our high school years. I was not looking forward to turning 18. Nor can some imagine the relief I had when Registration was abolished.

Have the times changed? Do we need this again?
After reading this, please get some sleep. It seems that you are overtaxing yourself.

Kindly note the dates. This nudnick introduced his bill prior to the commencement of hostilities. When it finally came up for a vote a year and a half later, even he voted against it.

Just one more way to get the dopes among the voters worked up.

Congressman Rangel's Draft Bill Defeated 402-2
By Shira Lee Segal
Columbia Daily Spectator

October 06, 2004​

Some are concerned that with 135,000 soldiers in Iraq and no end to the war in sight, implementing a draft is a potential outcome. For now, the U.S. House of Representatives disagrees, and by a large margin.

The House voted 402-2 yesterday against a bill that proposed reinstating the draft. Introduced in January 2003 by Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY), who represents some parts of Harlem and some parts of Columbia, the bill "would reinstitute a draft to compulsory military or alternative national service for men and women, aged 18 to 26, who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States."

The bill would have required those within the proscribed age limits to serve to promote national or homeland security as defined by the President, providing education deferments only for high school students.

Despite Internet rumors--and there have been many, especially with an intensifying election season--Brian Hillary, a representative in Congressman Rangel's office, emphasized that the implementation of a mandatory draft is not likely to happen anytime in the near future.

For college students who are worried that the draft would be reinstituted in June 2005, Hillary has a message: "it's a load of crap."

Republicans said the bill was introduced to undermine the president's foreign policy. In the House, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) said, "This campaign is a baseless and malevolent concoction of the Democratic party. It has one purpose--to spread fear."

Both President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry have said that they have no intention of reinstating the draft if they are elected.
Originally posted by Fantasea:
After reading this, please get some sleep. It seems that you are overtaxing yourself.

Kindly note the dates. This nudnick introduced his bill prior to the commencement of hostilities. When it finally came up for a vote a year and a half later, even he voted against it.

Just one more way to get the dopes among the voters worked up.

Congressman Rangel's Draft Bill Defeated 402-2
By Shira Lee Segal
Columbia Daily Spectator

October 06, 2004

Some are concerned that with 135,000 soldiers in Iraq and no end to the war in sight, implementing a draft is a potential outcome. For now, the U.S. House of Representatives disagrees, and by a large margin.

The House voted 402-2 yesterday against a bill that proposed reinstating the draft. Introduced in January 2003 by Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY), who represents some parts of Harlem and some parts of Columbia, the bill "would reinstitute a draft to compulsory military or alternative national service for men and women, aged 18 to 26, who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States."

The bill would have required those within the proscribed age limits to serve to promote national or homeland security as defined by the President, providing education deferments only for high school students.

Despite Internet rumors--and there have been many, especially with an intensifying election season--Brian Hillary, a representative in Congressman Rangel's office, emphasized that the implementation of a mandatory draft is not likely to happen anytime in the near future.

For college students who are worried that the draft would be reinstituted in June 2005, Hillary has a message: "it's a load of crap."

Republicans said the bill was introduced to undermine the president's foreign policy. In the House, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) said, "This campaign is a baseless and malevolent concoction of the Democratic party. It has one purpose--to spread fear."

Both President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry have said that they have no intention of reinstating the draft if they are elected.
Did you happen to see my follow-up comment and link provided on Post #3 of this thread. Apparantly not.
This is ancient history........The only people that want a draft are democrats....As long as republicans are in power there will be no draft.

You can take that to the bank...........
Originally posted by Navy Pride:
This is ancient history........The only people that want a draft or democrats....As long as republicans are in power there will be no draft.

You can take that to the bank...........
Bank of da nile I suppose.
Billo_Really said:
Did you happen to see my follow-up comment and link provided on Post #3 of this thread. Apparantly not.
Did you happen to note the date and the pedigree of the author?

September 16, 2003

David Wiggins [send him mail] is a West Point (United States Military Academy) distinguished graduate and an honors graduate of New York Medical College. He left the Army as a Conscientious Objector, resigning his commission as an Army Captain on the Iraqi front lines during Operation Desert Storm. He is currently an Emergency Physician.

Trouble makers abound. This one apparently got cold feet the first time he was exposed to danger.

If there is a sufficiently serious national emergency, which is beyond the scope of the then constituted military, what is wrong with expanding the armed forces with draftees as was done by the Democratic Administrations in World War II, The Korean Conflict, and Viet Nam?

It seems that the Republican Administrations are able to attract enough volunteers for current demands, aren't they?
Fantasea said:
After reading this, please get some sleep. It seems that you are overtaxing yourself.

Kindly note the dates. This nudnick introduced his bill prior to the commencement of hostilities. When it finally came up for a vote a year and a half later, even he voted against it.

Just one more way to get the dopes among the voters worked up.

You're wrong on facts; right on "dopes" being worked up...Kinda like Dan Rather...

May 28, 2005
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) Calls For Military Draft
Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY) has reintroduced legislation to reinstate the military draft.

"I oppose the war in Iraq, but I support the military and the men and women who serve in it," Rangel said. "What is happening now indicates to me that the entire volunteer system is in danger of collapse under the weight of the burden being placed on those who are serving."


My current argument to Billo's artilce from the left-wing website "americanfreepress" still stands...

U.S. Needs ‘More Boots on Ground,’ Says Democrat

One Democrat says something, and yet the WHOLE CONGRESS is ready?
Throughout the whole article, these are the only people whom had their opinions involved...Rangel's spokesman...2 security advisors(from a newspaper article)...and a leader of an anti-war group. Not ONE other member of Congress.

Can anyone say "scare tactic"?

As you can tell it's only one Democrat raising the issue...to keep it in the back of the mind of the public...
cnredd said:
You're wrong on facts; right on "dopes" being worked up...Kinda like Dan Rather...

May 28, 2005
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) Calls For Military Draft
Congressman Charles Rangel (D-NY) has reintroduced legislation to reinstate the military draft.

"I oppose the war in Iraq, but I support the military and the men and women who serve in it," Rangel said. "What is happening now indicates to me that the entire volunteer system is in danger of collapse under the weight of the burden being placed on those who are serving."


My current argument to Billo's artilce from the left-wing website "americanfreepress" still stands...

U.S. Needs ‘More Boots on Ground,’ Says Democrat

One Democrat says something, and yet the WHOLE CONGRESS is ready?
Throughout the whole article, these are the only people whom had their opinions involved...Rangel's spokesman...2 security advisors(from a newspaper article)...and a leader of an anti-war group. Not ONE other member of Congress.

Can anyone say "scare tactic"?

As you can tell it's only one Democrat raising the issue...to keep it in the back of the mind of the public...
Tell me, if you will, the significance of Congress REJECTING the idea by a vote of 402 to 2.

With respect to Congressman Rangel, can anyone say instigator?

Is it right for any Representative to waste the time of Congress by introducing legislation which can't raise even minimal support even among his own party?
Fantasea said:
Tell me, if you will, the significance of Congress REJECTING the idea by a vote of 402 to 2.

With respect to Congressman Rangel, can anyone say instigator?

Is it right for any Representative to waste the time of Congress by introducing legislation which can't raise even minimal support even among his own party?

And the only people that voted for it is 2 democrats but like I said this is ancient history.........

Billy boy must have lost a couple of brain cells when he started theis thread.....
Originally posted by Navy Pride:
And the only people that voted for it is 2 democrats but like I said this is ancient history.........

Billy boy must have lost a couple of brain cells when he started theis thread.....
I'll have you know my brain cell is doing just fine on its own, thank you.
I happen to think that conscription has very good qualities for a society, but I suppose you guy's had a hard knock against it after Vietnam.
superskippy said:
I happen to think that conscription has very good qualities for a society, but I suppose you guy's had a hard knock against it after Vietnam.

No offense at all, but the difference between people living in the Middle East and Americans is that we live in an Area where someone getting shot is a tragedy, it seems to happen alot where your from. So either way (drafted or not) you're still going to be in harms way, but being drafted you've got brothers to fight side-by-side with.

I oppose the Draft! Throwing people into a fire isn't very American, in-fact it's against the idea of American Freedoms. Though I would join the military in certain conflicts (Revolution, World War II, and Civil War) I believe that modern-day wars are over anything but the well-being of other people.

I don't think the draft will be resurrected, it's what I like to call "Political Suicide". You think the hippies of Vietnam was bad, just imagine what the new aged "hardcore" protesters will be like if another draft happens....

Don't worry, I'll be apart of the protesters.
Arch Enemy said:
No offense at all, but the difference between people living in the Middle East and Americans is that we live in an Area where someone getting shot is a tragedy, it seems to happen alot where your from. So either way (drafted or not) you're still going to be in harms way, but being drafted you've got brothers to fight side-by-side with.

I see you've never been to Detroit...

Arch Enemy said:
I oppose the Draft! Throwing people into a fire isn't very American, in-fact it's against the idea of American Freedoms. Though I would join the military in certain conflicts (Revolution, World War II, and Civil War) I believe that modern-day wars are over anything but the well-being of other people.
The very basic reason why it is VOLUNTEER....

Arch Enemy said:
I don't think the draft will be resurrected, it's what I like to call "Political Suicide". You think the hippies of Vietnam was bad, just imagine what the new aged "hardcore" protesters will be like if another draft happens....
The draft is being brought up by a Democrat in hopes that Bush would sign it, and the Democrats will have open season on him...Rangel, after a vote of 402-2, has to be an idiot to think it would work, which is why I say it is a scare tactic.

Arch Enemy said:
Don't worry, I'll be apart of the protesters.
Have fun...I'll be inside watching "Law & Order" on TNT...
CNREDD said:
No but I do live near a Ghetto, I'd pick living in a Ghetto/Project then living in the middle-east.

The draft is being brought up by a Democrat in hopes that Bush would sign it, and the Democrats will have open season on him...Rangel, after a vote of 402-2, has to be an idiot to think it would work, which is why I say it is a scare tactic.

A very good reason why I don't want the Democrats to have majority in the house, til further notice.

Have fun...I'll be inside watching "Law & Order" on TNT...
No you won't, that'll be the first target to go down! The Propaganda Machine!!! Nicknamed.... Television! :rofl
Arch Enemy said:
The Propaganda Machine!!! Nicknamed.... Television! :rofl

They BETTER NOT touch TV...They got a kick-ass "Night Court" marathon
on TVLand right now!
cnredd said:
They BETTER NOT touch TV...They got a kick-ass "Night Court" marathon
on TVLand right now!

Cnredd! You don't understand, the evil shadow government is corrupting your mind into thinking you're watching "Night Court"! Instead you're viewing a propaganda TV Show which undoubtly will make you the henchman of the American government. Next thing you know, you'll be repeating phrases from "Night Court", that's when you'll know there is no turning back from the Propaganda machine! Damn the evil machine and its agenda of destruction!

/end sarcasm.

Sweet. TV is cool, sometimes.
Military service should continue to be on a volunteer basis unless a national emergency incident of sufficient proportions occurs which would require a much larger military force. Then conscription would be necessary.

However .........

A two year stint of Universal Government Service training for all young folks without exception, deferments, or any other means of skipping out would have many advantages.

They would step in during times of natural disasters, augment and assist the Border Patrol, staff clinics, tutor students, and, in general, contribute to the betterment of the country in many other ways.

After the two years of service, they would be free to resume their lives. Many would be far better equipped to do so.
A two year stint of Universal Government Service training for all young folks without exception, deferments, or any other means of skipping out would have many advantages.

Not a bad idea, a lot of my family went through that in India, and it certainly does something for your character.
I think that whatever party reinstated the draft would be in trouble for years to come. It is not politically feasible anymore. I read an editorial in Newsweek I believe about a year ago about the draft written by an ordinary mother. Not a staff writer, just a mother who they brought in. She basically said that it would be for her, instead of the 60's chant of "Hell no we won't go," "Hell no, they won't go" referring to her sons.

She also referred to her father who had been drafted who would buy a plane ticket to Canada for her son in a second or something.

Just saying that there is far too much political opposition to it for it to be possible and Bush's advisor's would realize that it would hurt the party in the long run and make him veto the bill should it come before him.
If you decide a military invasion of Iran (which I don't think will happen, its just the US trying to talk tough), a draft will be necessary.
ShamMol said:
Just saying that there is far too much political opposition to it for it to be possible and Bush's advisor's would realize that it would hurt the party in the long run and make him veto the bill should it come before him.

The plan is NOT to have a draft...The plan is to keep shouting it to the public to keep them in a state of fear that it MAY happen.

A Democrat(in this case Rangel), introduces the draft bill(again), knowing he has no political clout to lose...If it ever got signed into law, no one will blame the person who brought it up...they will only blame the one who signs it. So he keeps this dead issue in the political arena, hoping the Republicans will hiccup. Then they will get the blame; not him.

PS - When Rangel's bill was destroyed last year 402-2, guess who one of the 402 that voted against it was?...You guessed it....Rangel!
Regardless of all the noise made by the folks who always make the noise, the vast majority of the American public will rise to the occasion, if, and when, there is a perceived need.

Conscription in the US is nothing new. It commenced during the Civil War.
And it won't commence now Fant, get real. There is so much opposistion to this war alone that you really think that the "vast majority of the American public will rise to the occasion?" You need to get out of this bubble you have created for yourself and realize that this public that you have created in your mind doesn't exist. It isn't rising to the occasion now when military recruiting is severely down, and it probably will not for a while longer.

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