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Will Kamala Harris rank as one of the worst VPs in history? (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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And the verdict is in.

YES! She’s a complete and unmitigated abject failure.


Historians and polling companies love to provide their assessments of past presidents, and to a lesser extent vice presidents. While it is still early in her tenure – so there’s a chance she’ll make a comeback – let’s just say those future assessments of Vice President Kamala Harris’s job performance will likely not be kind.
It’s remarkable, since the U.S. Constitution gives the vice president almost no duties to fail at — and yet failing she is.

I would say: In the short run YES, Every political active women that gains power, American or not, get's hate speeches from a very load minority in the US that will influence the debate. This off course unlessthe women is a total tool and only has limited power. The old fashion view of that women in general are not fit for anything but having babies and tampering any man runs high in this group. The debate is formed around it.

In the long run.....No. Instead there will be a reckoning.
I would say: In the short run YES, Every political active women that gains power, American or not, get's hate speeches from a very load minority in the US that will influence the debate. This off course unlessthe women is a total tool and only has limited power. The old fashion view of that women in general are not fit for anything but having babies and tampering any man runs high in this group. The debate is formed around it.

In the long run.....No. Instead there will be a reckoning.

She's a moron.

Plain and simple.

She has no clue what's going on around her.

She can't project anything but incompetence.
She's a moron.

Plain and simple.

She has no clue what's going on around her.

She can't project anything but incompetence.

Dan Quayle hands down for incompetence.

Dick Cheney for the way he abused the office for his own gain.
Veeps are mostly inconsequential. It's pretty tough to decide who's worst, best, or middle-of-the-road. Just like it's hard to tell which pile of crap smells the worst.
Dan Quayle hands down for incompetence.

Dick Cheney for the way he abused the office for his own gain.
Quayle wasn't bad, look into actual achievements like JTPA, he wasn't bad, just notably bad at communicating, much like Bush jr.
And the verdict is in.

YES! She’s a complete and unmitigated abject failure.


Historians and polling companies love to provide their assessments of past presidents, and to a lesser extent vice presidents. While it is still early in her tenure – so there’s a chance she’ll make a comeback – let’s just say those future assessments of Vice President Kamala Harris’s job performance will likely not be kind.
It’s remarkable, since the U.S. Constitution gives the vice president almost no duties to fail at — and yet failing she is.

I dunno, did you see Mike Pence cowaring under trump? Wasn't Pence the anointed leader of trump's covid response disaster?
Screenshot 2022-03-31 5.55.22 AM.png
I dunno, did you see Mike Pence cowaring under trump? Wasn't Pence the anointed leader of trump's covid response disaster?
View attachment 67383149

Who could forget this?

It’s obviously a conspiracy!
She certainly is quotable.
Someone had to write the words down for her,


Will Kamala Harris rank as one of the worst VPs in history?​

Why would she? Especially with examples like "shoot'em in the face" Cheney, the all but invisible Mike Pence, and "rainman" Gore?
And the verdict is in.

YES! She’s a complete and unmitigated abject failure.


Historians and polling companies love to provide their assessments of past presidents, and to a lesser extent vice presidents. While it is still early in her tenure – so there’s a chance she’ll make a comeback – let’s just say those future assessments of Vice President Kamala Harris’s job performance will likely not be kind.
It’s remarkable, since the U.S. Constitution gives the vice president almost no duties to fail at — and yet failing she is.

I agree. She should resign.

Then Biden should name Rashida Tlaib as her replacement.

Then Biden should resign.

Then America will have a Muslim Progressive Woman President.
Aaron Burr
The nation’s third vice president had his strengths: he has been hailed as “one of the best presiding officers the Senate has ever seen.” Unfortunately, his political gifts were dwarfed by his role in two of the biggest scandals ever to strike the office. In an 1804 duel in Weehawken, N.J., Burr shot and killed former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, a Founding Father and Federalist Papers author held in sufficiently high regard that his image graces the $10 bill. That episode torpedoed Burr’s career — he was indicted for murder and fled to the South — but the former lawyer wasn’t done making mischief. In 1807, he was charged with treason for allegedly masterminding a plot to attack the Spanish colony of Mexico; some claimed he also planned to liberate the Union’s Western states in order to form his own empire. At his trial, Burr subpoenaed President Thomas Jefferson, who — in an early example of executive privilege — refused to testify. Burr was later acquitted.

Dan Quayle
Bush’s choice of 41-year-old Indiana Senator J. Danforth Quayle as his running mate shocked the political establishment, which had expected the longtime diplomat to pick someone more seasoned. Quayle didn’t help his case by refusing to release his academic records. He had plenty to be modest about: he had failed an undergraduate comprehensive exam at DePauw University; one of his former professors referred to him as “vapid”; and he was admitted to law school at the University of Indiana under an “equal opportunity” program for poor and minority students. Quayle earned one of the worst beatdowns in televised political history by comparing himself to John F. Kennedy in the 1988 Vice Presidential debate, prompting a scathingly dismissive “You’re no Jack Kennedy” from opponent Lloyd Bentsen. In office, his constant verbal gaffes made him a political laughingstock. “We don’t want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward.” “I stand by all my misstatements.” “Bobby Knight told me this, ‘There is nothing that a good defense cannot beat a better offense.’ In other words, a good offense wins.” But it was the dreaded “potatoe” incident that did Quayle in. While visiting a school in Trenton, NJ, a student was asked to write the word ‘potato’ on the blackboard and Quayle urged him to add an ‘e’ to the end. The entire nation held its belly in laughter.

Richard B. Cheney
Having served as a Congressman, White House Chief of Staff, Secretary of Defense and the CEO of oil and gas giant Halliburton, Cheney came to the White House with among the most formidable resumes of any vice president. Harnessing his intimate knowledge of the Capitol’s back alleys, Cheney emerged as the bare-knuckled architect — or, in the eyes of some, the shadowy puppetmaster — behind many of the administration’s most controversial policies. Cheney led the charge in calling for the invasion of Iraq, based on the misleading claim that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction; curtailed domestic civil liberties; and pressed to limit restrictions on the treatment of enemy combatants. Critics alleged he played a role in the 2003 leak that outed then CIA operative Valerie Plame; his former chief of staff, I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice for making false statements during the investigation of the incident. The bellicose veep also swore at a colleague during a Senate class photo and, adding injury to insult, delighted his detractors by accidentally shooting a hunting partner in the face.

John C. Calhoun
Though he initially aspired to the nation’s highest office, John Calhoun quickly learned to settle for — and even strive to be — number two. He was so intent on the Vice Presidency that before the election of 1824 he offered his support to both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, who were running against each other. When Adams won, Calhoun filled the office proudly, despite the fact that he was adamantly pro-slavery while Adams was a Northern abolitionist. In fact, he later became known as the “Arch Nullifier” for his ill-conceived proposal to allow any one state to nullify an Act of Congress — effectively an effort to protect slavery in the South. (It was rejected by Northerners and Southerners alike.) When Jackson won the following election, Calhoun continued to serve as Vice President. But he seemed to forget the cardinal rule of the second-most-powerful job in the land — keep your boss happy — and his relationship with Jackson hit the rocks over Calhoun’s decision to ostracize a Washington woman accused of adultery. The social boycott so irked Jackson — a fierce defender of the lady in question — that he fired his entire cabinet and booted Calhoun as well.

Every political active women that gains power.
Golda Meir, Ana Brnabić (LGBTQ Prime Minister of Serbia), Margaret Thatcher, Finnbogadottir in Iceland, Angela Merkel would disagree with this.

Politics is also balancing your idealism with the realities of the people living in your own country. If you move too fast or too slow with the masses -> chances are you will become a bad politician.
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Actually, we will not know unless she is called upon in case President Biden resigns because of health issues.

Who knows?

She may turn out to be another Harry Truman, who is now considered a pretty darn good President.
Dan Quayle hands down for incompetence.

Dick Cheney for the way he abused the office for his own gain.

She's worse than both of them put together.

And I agree that Quayle had issues.
And the verdict is in.

YES! She’s a complete and unmitigated abject failure.


Historians and polling companies love to provide their assessments of past presidents, and to a lesser extent vice presidents. While it is still early in her tenure – so there’s a chance she’ll make a comeback – let’s just say those future assessments of Vice President Kamala Harris’s job performance will likely not be kind.
It’s remarkable, since the U.S. Constitution gives the vice president almost no duties to fail at — and yet failing she is.

Iwould say that belongs to Dick Cheney who talked Bush into going to war in Iraq.
This woman is one of the dumbest human beings I have ever seen. It does not surprise me that she was elected to office in the loony state of California, but as a VP she had to be the worst choice Biden could have made.

Just today Commissar Harris was speaking to the prime minister of Jamaica and this was her exact words:

"We also recognize just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic, s`o to that end, we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to, I believe, what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy."-Vice President Kamala

What an incoherent slather of gobbledygook that pours out of this laughing bobblehead nincompoop. Poor old Biden has cognitive decline, and we cannot make fun of him for that. But Harris is supposed to be a college educated intelligent person. Just proof that 'diversity hires' seldom live up to any minimum standard of performance. This stupid woman was elected by other stupid people merely because of checking two boxes: woman and Black. No other qualifications or experience required.

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