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Will Donald Trump Fund Wendy Davis (D-TX) or Joaquin Castro (D-TX) for US Senate? (1 Viewer)

LOL Wendy Davis. K.
There's another facet to my post: Is Trump petty enough to fund putting an additional Democrat in the US Senate?
There's another facet to my post: Is Trump petty enough to fund putting an additional Democrat in the US Senate?

Davis is a woman and Castro is Latino. Trump will be funding neither.
Davis is a woman and Castro is Latino. Trump will be funding neither.

Trump's vindictiveness trumps his prejudice.

How do you explain this?:

Donald Trump confirmed his plans during an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" broadcast on Sunday, saying "I'll probably do a super-PAC, you know, when they run - against Kasich for $10 million, to $20 million against Ted Cruz."

Trump Has Third Person in Mind to Hit With Super-PAC Beyond Cruz, Kasich - Bloomberg Politics

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