Onix said:
Do people in America hate Arabs?
Some do. Some hate black people. Some hate pizza. America is a very big place. I think most Americans recognize the difference between hating a race (or ethnicity) and hating a movement within that race that wants them dead.
Onix said:
Do they want them dead? for what reason?
I am not opposed to killing anyone who is actively involved in planning to kill me or my fellow citizens. If this applies to a person (regardless of origin) then I want them dead.
Onix said:
Not at all. I hate what some of it's leaders have done to it, but Islam itself teaches nothing dramatically different than what I as a Chrisitian believe (at least morally speaking).
Onix said:
Do you think Islam is a violent religion?
I think Islam is neither violent nor non-violent. It is simply a system of beliefs. I believe that certain of it's leaders have used and perverted Islam to inspire people to violence, but this is certainly not unique to Islam.
Onix said:
Would you commit hate crimes against a muslim?
I try, as a general rule, not to commit crimes against anyone. I do commit the daily crime against society of speeding, and I occasionally commit the mental crime of self-abuse - but that is as far as my criminal enterprises go.
Onix said:
would you blow yourself up to kill other people?
Only if I really, really, really, disliked them. Otherwise I would set the bomb, hide, and then kill other people
without blowing myself up. That way I am free to kill even more people later on.
Onix said:
would you listen to an insane preacher lying about Islam?
I try, again as a general rule, not to listen to insane people of any profession. If I know through experience or research of my own that a person is lying to me, then I am even less likely to listen to what they say.
Onix said:
Only if he tried to kill me first.
Onix said:
On a percentage scale rate Bush.
Onix said:
Do you agree that the American soldiers in Iraq were young and didn't have to die?
Whether they are young is entirely subjective and does not require my agreement. To me, they are young. To a 16 year old, they are not. Did they have to die? Now that is a philosophical question. Did soldiers in WWII have to die? To accomplish what they intended, yes. Would the deaths be less tragic if they were ten years older?
Onix said:
Do you think that innocent people die in Iraq?
I think innocent people die every day in every land for all sorts of stupid reasons.
Onix said:
What is your opinion on Israel and its possession of Nuclear weapons?
I think that I would think twice before I tangled with Israel. Every nation has the innate right to defend themselves. If Israels neighbors don't like Israel having nukes, they should develop their own or destroy Israel's. It's the way of the world.
Onix said:
Do you think that it was the Israeli's Govts fault that the ppl settled in Gaza lost their homes and shouldn't have been there?
I think your question assumes that Israel should not have occupied Gaza, which I disagree with. I think that Israel is making a gesture, that if nothing else will show the world once and for all that simply meeting the demands of the Palestinians with regards to land will not satisfy them.
Onix said:
Do You Respect the Bible, Quran and Torah? (I do).
What exactly does respect mean? Do I consider the Q'uran to be a holy book? - no, because I am not Muslim. I do not begrudge those who
do believe it is a holy book, and I respect their beliefs. I have a respect for all great literature, and for this I respect the Q'uran.
Onix said:
Do you agree that the Palestinean citizens (not Hamas) deserve a break?.
Yes! and I continue to hope that their Arab neighbors who show such great interest in their welfare will step up and help make a Palestinian state which includes some of their
own land (that means you, Jordan).
Onix said:
What is your opinion on Israels formation?
My opinion is that land belongs to he who can hold it, and Israel has shown great ability to hold it.
Onix said:
Do you think Iran is hiding something?
Probably. I think Natalle Holloway is there myself.
Onix said:
Do you agree that the world sucks and you cant have Jessica Alba as your girlfriend?
I certainly agree that I can't have Jessica Alba as my girlfriend. The judge was very clear on that. As to the world sucking, with every day there is fresh hope. (quickly squashed)