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Why wont Trump apologize? (1 Viewer)


All Warm and Fuzzy
DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2006
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A serious question for Trump supporters, or obviously for anyone else who wishes to weigh in. I promise to try my best to not become too inflammatory with my words here, but I sincerely want to know why you feel Trump will never apologize for anything that he says? The common defense by Trump supporters when he retaliates against his critics with something nasty, unfounded, or completely inappropriate or un-presidential is........"Well, he just misspoke," or "that's not what he really meant."

If this is the case, then for the life of me, I cant understand why he simply won't take the high road and just admit it when he is wrong on an issue or when he "misspeaks." Can he help himself? Does anyone see this as a potential problem at this point in the campaign? Is it a potential problem for him should he somehow win the election? Serious questions people.
He is a narcissist, it is impossible for him.
When has a Birther ever admitted they were wrong?
A serious question for Trump supporters, or obviously for anyone else who wishes to weigh in. I promise to try my best to not become too inflammatory with my words here, but I sincerely want to know why you feel Trump will never apologize for anything that he says? The common defense by Trump supporters when he retaliates against his critics with something nasty, unfounded, or completely inappropriate or un-presidential is........"Well, he just misspoke," or "that's not what he really meant."

If this is the case, then for the life of me, I cant understand why he simply won't take the high road and just admit it when he is wrong on an issue or when he "misspeaks." Can he help himself? Does anyone see this as a potential problem at this point in the campaign? Is it a potential problem for him should he somehow win the election? Serious questions people.
Specifics. Apologize for what?
Once you establish what it is you think needs an apology, we can then discuss whether not such an apology needs be given.
A serious question for Trump supporters, or obviously for anyone else who wishes to weigh in. I promise to try my best to not become too inflammatory with my words here, but I sincerely want to know why you feel Trump will never apologize for anything that he says? The common defense by Trump supporters when he retaliates against his critics with something nasty, unfounded, or completely inappropriate or un-presidential is........"Well, he just misspoke," or "that's not what he really meant."

If this is the case, then for the life of me, I cant understand why he simply won't take the high road and just admit it when he is wrong on an issue or when he "misspeaks." Can he help himself? Does anyone see this as a potential problem at this point in the campaign? Is it a potential problem for him should he somehow win the election? Serious questions people.

Because he has a giant ego. That's why he'll never apologize for anything.
When has a Birther ever admitted they were wrong?

regardless of what the OP is about this is an excellent point lol
When has a Birther ever admitted they were wrong?
There are multiple issues regarding this.
You first have to establish what they argued was wrong.
No one has done that yet.
There are multiple issues regarding this.
You first have to establish what they argued was wrong.
No one has done that yet.

:lamo :lamo
Specifics. Apologize for what?
Once you establish what it is you think needs an apology, we can then discuss whether not such an apology needs be given.

I am referring to the things that he says that the majority of Americans, regardless of race, creed, color, or party affiliation agree are inappropriate. The things that the left hones in on and the things that his own supporters, and fellow party members distance themselves from him on.

Like making a joke today about the veteran who presented him with his purple heart, by saying, "I've always wanted one of those......" So inappropriate, disrespectful, and dishonorable to all of those who've been given the medal.
A serious question for Trump supporters, or obviously for anyone else who wishes to weigh in. I promise to try my best to not become too inflammatory with my words here, but I sincerely want to know why you feel Trump will never apologize for anything that he says? The common defense by Trump supporters when he retaliates against his critics with something nasty, unfounded, or completely inappropriate or un-presidential is........"Well, he just misspoke," or "that's not what he really meant."

If this is the case, then for the life of me, I cant understand why he simply won't take the high road and just admit it when he is wrong on an issue or when he "misspeaks." Can he help himself? Does anyone see this as a potential problem at this point in the campaign? Is it a potential problem for him should he somehow win the election? Serious questions people.

Someone on CNN who supposedly has known Trump well for many years summed it up. "Trump never apologizes. Ever."
A serious question for Trump supporters, or obviously for anyone else who wishes to weigh in. I promise to try my best to not become too inflammatory with my words here, but I sincerely want to know why you feel Trump will never apologize for anything that he says? The common defense by Trump supporters when he retaliates against his critics with something nasty, unfounded, or completely inappropriate or un-presidential is........"Well, he just misspoke," or "that's not what he really meant."

If this is the case, then for the life of me, I cant understand why he simply won't take the high road and just admit it when he is wrong on an issue or when he "misspeaks." Can he help himself? Does anyone see this as a potential problem at this point in the campaign? Is it a potential problem for him should he somehow win the election? Serious questions people.

It's because of his ego. Trump refuses to admit he could ever possibly be in the wrong, and always tries to rationalize why it's actually the other guy's fault.
Because he has a giant ego. That's why he'll never apologize for anything.

I think it actually goes further than just a giant ego, I think he actually suffers from narcissism. He is living the narcissist's dream.
There are multiple issues regarding this.
You first have to establish what they argued was wrong.
No one has done that yet.

The court of public opinion and common decency had judged Trump to be wrong.
Someone on CNN who supposedly has known Trump well for many years summed it up. "Trump never apologizes. Ever."

Apparently true. If I were a Trump supporter, I'd be so frustrated right now. How can they not be? Common sense would dictate that at some point he'd realize the harm that his knee-jerk attacks, baseless rants, and childlike retaliatory tweets are doing to his cause? He's making it so easy for his opponents.

This is like the twilight zone or something. Every single day, sometimes multiple times, I find myself saying to myself, "That was insane........Did he just really say that?"
I mean, I'm no conspiracy theorist.....but is he trying to help his opponent win? I don't get it.
A serious question for Trump supporters, or obviously for anyone else who wishes to weigh in. I promise to try my best to not become too inflammatory with my words here, but I sincerely want to know why you feel Trump will never apologize for anything that he says? The common defense by Trump supporters when he retaliates against his critics with something nasty, unfounded, or completely inappropriate or un-presidential is........"Well, he just misspoke," or "that's not what he really meant."

If this is the case, then for the life of me, I cant understand why he simply won't take the high road and just admit it when he is wrong on an issue or when he "misspeaks." Can he help himself? Does anyone see this as a potential problem at this point in the campaign? Is it a potential problem for him should he somehow win the election? Serious questions people.

I'm not a supporter, but I know exactly why he won't: He's a business man.

Business 101: Do NOT apologize. Give condolences, well wishes for a better turn out, reshape the concern to focus on something that doesn't need an apology - etc.

They actually teach these things in seminars and college courses. Presentations on "You're the CEO of a medicine company and found that one of your medications killed 1,000 innocent children. Write a letter to the grieving parents without apologizing" are a common thing.

No joke.

He won't - because never before did he HAVE to. In business, give your condolences or 'I recognize the situation is___' type anything - it's the expected norm.

Apologizing means 'I am wrong' - and in business you cannot EVER doubt yourself.

To be honest - this element of business management practices rubs me the wrong way. I don't like it.
I am referring to the things that he says that the majority of Americans, regardless of race, creed, color, or party affiliation agree are inappropriate. The things that the left hones in on and the things that his own supporters, and fellow party members distance themselves from him on.

Like making a joke today about the veteran who presented him with his purple heart, by saying, "I've always wanted one of those......" So inappropriate, disrespectful, and dishonorable to all of those who've been given the medal.

Seriously? That comment is offensive? Sorry, but it seems like an innocent remark to me.
I'm not a supporter, but I know exactly why he won't: He's a business man.

Business 101: Do NOT apologize. Give condolences, well wishes for a better turn out, reshape the concern to focus on something that doesn't need an apology - etc.

They actually teach these things in seminars and college courses. Presentations on "You're the CEO of a medicine company and found that one of your medications killed 1,000 innocent children. Write a letter to the grieving parents without apologizing" are a common thing.

No joke.

He won't - because never before did he HAVE to. In business, give your condolences or 'I recognize the situation is___' type anything - it's the expected norm.

Apologizing means 'I am wrong' - and in business you cannot EVER doubt yourself.

To be honest - this element of business management practices rubs me the wrong way. I don't like it.

That actually makes a great deal of sense. I never really considered it from that perspective.
Are you a veteran? Have you earned a purple heart?

Why would that matter? Did you ever think that he didn't mean to offend by the comment?
Trump will say "Maybe I should have not done(what ever the thing is)" or "It's OK, I like him, he's a good guy" but no there will almost never be sorry I am in the word order " I am sorry" with Trump.

WWE rules do not allow it.

Why would that matter? Did you ever think that he didn't mean to offend by the comment?

It would matter....if you were. Many good people have given up quite a bit to receive one of those. Its insulting to make jokes about it. My best friend, whom I proudly served with during Desert Storm lost an arm and his eyesight to receive a purple heart. He doesn't see it as a joke.
Trump will say "Maybe I should have not done(what ever the thing is)" or "It's OK, I like him, he's a good guy" but no there will almost never be sorry I am in the word order " I am sorry" with Trump.

WWE rules do not allow it.


So, do you feel that strategy is working well for him at this point in the race?
It would matter....if you were. Many good people have given up quite a bit to receive one of those. Its insulting to make jokes about it. My best friend, whom I proudly served with during Desert Storm lost an arm and his eyesight to receive a purple heart. He doesn't see it as a joke.

You know, a good rule of thumb for these situations is to consider the intent of the words before you decide on how you feel about them. Did he mean to offend by the comment? No, he was just making a passing remark about the medal. There is really nothing else to it.
A serious question for Trump supporters, or obviously for anyone else who wishes to weigh in. I promise to try my best to not become too inflammatory with my words here, but I sincerely want to know why you feel Trump will never apologize for anything that he says? The common defense by Trump supporters when he retaliates against his critics with something nasty, unfounded, or completely inappropriate or un-presidential is........"Well, he just misspoke," or "that's not what he really meant."

If this is the case, then for the life of me, I cant understand why he simply won't take the high road and just admit it when he is wrong on an issue or when he "misspeaks." Can he help himself? Does anyone see this as a potential problem at this point in the campaign? Is it a potential problem for him should he somehow win the election? Serious questions people.

Hey! Don't you know that he's never wrong? Ask any Trump supporter, like the Trump spokesperson who just said that Capt. Khan's death was because because of Obama's and Hillary's policies:

“But surely you can understand the confusion, considering how Donald Trump never voted for the Iraq War, Hillary Clinton did,” Pierson said. “Then she didn’t support the troops to have what they need. It was under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton that changed the rules of engagements that probably cost his life! So I don’t understand why it’s so hard to understand why Donald Trump was confused.”

Capt. Khan was killed in 2004.

Yep! It's Obama's fault! Just like the government's response to Hurricane Katrina (in 2005) was Obama's fault, too!

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