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Why was Gannon allowed into the Press Briefings? (1 Viewer)


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Feb 10, 2005
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:eek: Why was there a major security breech in the White House Press Room? How can a person with a questionable background, using a fake name and a fake news outlet gain access to withing 10 feet of the President of the United States? Who let him in? He was enrolled in a two day correspondence course at the Leadership Institute which is boarded by a who's who of Right wing CONservatives and Talon News was formed only 96 hours before he was awarded access to the Presidential news briefings. It turns out that Mr. Gannon's real name is James Guccart a male prostitute who had numerous web sites selling his wares. Could it be that he is actually Karl Rove's Boyfriend? :censored
Jaymo said:
:eek: Why was there a major security breech in the White House Press Room? How can a person with a questionable background, using a fake name and a fake news outlet gain access to withing 10 feet of the President of the United States? Who let him in? He was enrolled in a two day correspondence course at the Leadership Institute which is boarded by a who's who of Right wing CONservatives and Talon News was formed only 96 hours before he was awarded access to the Presidential news briefings. It turns out that Mr. Gannon's real name is James Guccart a male prostitute who had numerous web sites selling his wares. Could it be that he is actually Karl Rove's Boyfriend? :censored

Karl Roves boyfriend. That's funny.

Yep, this whole thing stinks. "Oops, We had no idea who this guy was, said he was a reporter. We like freedom of the press. Don't you like freedom of the press? So, since he said he was a reporter we let him in." Yeah, I'm sure lots of people get in the White House and that close to a sitting President without any substantial background checks. Probably more like just a quick peek at the old drivers license and off you go to see the President. Probably happens all the time.

Let's just hope Osama doesn't start dressing his guys up as Brit Hume.
Pacridge said:
Let's just hope Osama doesn't start dressing his guys up as Brit Hume.

Reminds me of a scene from Family Guy that aired pre-9/11. Stewie slips through airport security with a suitcase full of arsenal by singing "On the Good Ship, Lollypop". After he gets through, he says "I hope Osama Bin Laden doesn't know showtunes". Switch to Osama singing "I hope I get it, I hope I get it, how many girls? How many boys?...." :eek:
:naughty I contacted James Dobson, focus on the family. Jerry Falwell,moral majority. Pat Robertson,Christian coalition and asked those who yelled the loudest about Bill Clinton getting a BJ in the White House where the stood on the fact that there was a male prostitute allowed in the White House with full knowledge of almost every rightwinged whacktoid in the U.S. Government and guess what?

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