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Why the silence people (1 Viewer)


New member
May 20, 2005
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Brandon, Florida
www.globalpublicmedia.com/interviews/332 to listen to the John Perkins interview on American Foriegn policy during the post WWII period.

This is an incredible story that no one seems to want to discuss. A first person account of American empire building. Is this guy being stonewalled by the media on both sides of the political spectrum?

Are none of you debaters interested in real media bias?
No, it isn't real media bias, no one cares. And with quotes like "Their deaths were not accidental. They were assassinated because they opposed that fraternity of corporate, government, and banking heads whose goal is global empire." it is not surprising.
I just listened to the interview. It was very interesting. I believe that there are two reasons the media hasn't covered this story much. First, because they are controlled by big businesses. These businesses pay to advertise on the networks and therefore have a certain amount of control over them. Television networks probably do similar things to make money. If they expose this issue and it becomes popular, then someone may write a book about the media's crooked ways. Making it a popular issue would bring about more exposure. The media has the power to make something a big issue or not. Do not bite the hand that feeds and do not sink your own ship.

Second, it is not acceptable to talk against the government right now. People want to hear about supporting our troops, ending terrorism as a nation, and since 9/11 people want to hear about unity. Reporting this would seriously make the government look bad and the public is not interested in that.
alex said:
I just listened to the interview. It was very interesting. I believe that there are two reasons the media hasn't covered this story much. First, because they are controlled by big businesses. These businesses pay to advertise on the networks and therefore have a certain amount of control over them. Television networks probably do similar things to make money. If they expose this issue and it becomes popular, then someone may write a book about the media's crooked ways. Making it a popular issue would bring about more exposure. The media has the power to make something a big issue or not. Do not bite the hand that feeds and do not sink your own ship.

Second, it is not acceptable to talk against the government right now. People want to hear about supporting our troops, ending terrorism as a nation, and since 9/11 people want to hear about unity. Reporting this would seriously make the government look bad and the public is not interested in that.
You are a very smart fellow. I read your response like it was my own words, only you have stated it better than I could have. The real bias in the media is to protect their income and avoid exposing the "real world". American society is living in the 'Matrix".
ShamMol said:
No, it isn't real media bias, no one cares. And with quotes like "Their deaths were not accidental. They were assassinated because they opposed that fraternity of corporate, government, and banking heads whose goal is global empire." it is not surprising.
I honestly can't understand your logic. "No one cares" because no one knows. Or no one wants to know because people are too self interested in wealth and the good life at the expense of these poor countries. And apparently you are one of them judging by your casual brush off of this expose'.
milkrun said:
I honestly can't understand your logic. "No one cares" because no one knows. Or no one wants to know because people are too self interested in wealth and the good life at the expense of these poor countries. And apparently you are one of them judging by your casual brush off of this expose'.
You might be surprised at what I beleive in, but as I said people would have a very hard time accepting this. It is way too conspiracy theory, and that is never picked up on by the mainstream media. I would listen to what he had to say if I had my speakers, but unfortunately, I can't do that since the cords were chewed through thanks to my puppy.

The sad truth is that "people are too self interested in wealth and the good life" which is what the American dream tells us to be. It tells us that those who are sucessful have possessions. And to get those posessions, you have to earn them through either legit or not legit tatics, and tatics that are legit are that much harder.

The other problem is that news media tends to shy away from not only conspiracy theories, but also exposes. They take up way too much time and sometimes (to usually) cost a network ratings when they could do something within the pop culture and get better ratings because that is something that everyone (gag) wants to hear.
WOW all Democrats saying "NO MEDIA BIASED" (very typical, but some results may vary-Infomerical) of the Democrat Party), but don't worry "I see a balance of the forces in your future!" :mrgreen:
stsburns said:
WOW all Democrats saying "NO MEDIA BIASED" (very typical, but some results may vary-Infomerical) of the Democrat Party), but don't worry "I see a balance of the forces in your future!" :mrgreen:
Thank you, thank you for putting a post that didn't belong in this thread and didn't respond to anything SAID IN THIS THREAD! You are now less of a person.

Anyway, there is a tide shift coming, oh wait, it already happened with Repubs controlling the editing rooms of news rooms (something like 70% according to my gov book which was updated in 2004), 90% of talk radio (cause we liberals suck when it comes to radio, I admit it), and soon to be the TV. Yeah, the tide has already shifted.

And with the public broadcasting director we put in place, who by the way has no experience in broadcasting, it will go even more, so thank you conservatives for making my news conservative. I will still continue to rely on the balanced reports that I get from NPR news and analysis (not always unbaised analysis, but usually) I receive from Washington Week In Review.

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